5 min a day
( no e'mail / no phone'number )
shakespiker here at your rescue & reckoning.
nothing else on this planet'Earth comes anywhere near.
let alone catch up with, for the eons to come. YES.
shakespiker English Vocabulary Builder/de'Coder.
built beyond ! impossibly beyond !
1 week | 1500 |
1 year | 75000 |
world's most powerful
VOCABULARY ' builder
analytics first
anderstanding next
so does the revolution
has begun in right earnest
&learn large
lest you lose the lead/leads in life
English Vocabulary decoded, [ Yes, decoded ] at long last, by the shakeSpiker ( V.Venkatesh ) single'handedly .
sure, you may take this as good as James'Watson & Francis'Crick - decoding the DNA .
pun intended, in jest, with all the due respect to the greatest ( persever'est ) of the human brains.
5 min a day
( no e'mail / no phone'number )
the guts' & the gumption' & the grounds' - to address this entire market'size &
in full possession of my faculties when taking this spine'chilling number
shakeSpiker - built'billion'bold
to all the 1.5 billion english'speaking people the world over
you have got the hope at last
the shakeSpiker has arrived
significantly shows you the first & thus the fundamental foot'forward
with your English Vocabulary
welcome aboard
1 / 9
am sorry
Oxford, Cambridge, Websters, MacMillan, Longman, Collins, Chambers, Random etc etc
with whom I grew up with & at a gruelling grind
you couldn't have made my life easier
hence have come this far, all alone & all on my own
shakeSpiker - am here' with a vengeance, at last.
2 / 9
what am I inside
your imagination even wouldn't reach.
( am referring to the competition, obviously )
unimaginably ultra.
3 / 9
English This isn't an easy Language to wrestle with.
- - - - - - - - -
at long last, ripped open, to its utter nakedness,
after a dogged, relentless chase/pursuit,
since sometime in the latter half of the year 1980,
by someone living at,
17.3471* N 78.5732 * E, on this planet,
while, with all others, it's a sizable team, working.
4 / 9
when it is English - forget about the grammar
mastering it is simply hopeless & nearly impossible.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the trick then is 'how intensely one can get familiar' with the words & its forms ,
both by the Sight & by the Sound & more crucially by the Sense & by the Subtlety
& the rest force'follows on its own
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and that's a very crucial, critical step forward.
in getting to grip the language by its collar, so to speak.
familiarity first
fluency next
5 / 9
English is an impossible language.
risk of being dis'oriented - is Certain
have your own method to stay clear
6 / 9
Shakespeare aside,
shakeSpiker beside.
this is a very massive, perhaps outrageous statement being made by me
& am in my full senses when/while doing this.
get into the shakeSpiker & you couldn't have agreed more.
shakeSpiker - built'bold & not by brouhaha.
7 / 9
want ( need ? ) the evidence
what else to begin with' than with the word Trump
besides being the most current by virtue of the incumbent US President's name.
learn about this word from all the Dictionaries first & then with the shakeSpiker .
click the larger DEMO icon
a pleasant panoramic eye'opener' is what you will be greeted with.
a revolutionary turn'around in your life itself, no less.
necessitating/motivating you to re'look & re'learn
everything, almost everything, I affirm
again, afresh, anew,
8 / 9
mathematics - is just one word
very very simple
for this to show on ssdd - you may need to wait an another year or so
mark my words : ' this shall be the beginning & the end - IN - quintessential introduction & initiation
9 / 9
shakespiker here at your rescue & reckoning.
nothing else on this planet'Earth comes anywhere near.
let alone catch up with, for the eons to come. YES.
shakespiker English Vocabulary Builder/de'Coder.
built beyond ! impossibly beyond !
1 week | 18.12 |
1 year | 906.15 |
weekly plan
monthly plan
yearly plan
Trial Access
Trial Access
Rs : 1500
Rs : 75000
5 min. a Day .
every nook & the corner
of the Application .
mind'blowing loaded.
help your'self please
help your'self please
help your'self please
(1) smart'PHONE's
(2) COMPUTER's - pinned &
Venkatesh . V.
Lawyer &
the shakeSpiker,
the shakeSpiker Dad & Daughter's Private Limited .
- - - - -
Rights Reserved - World-Wide .
do not fall foul .
the Full & FierceSome Force of the
Law of the Land
shall be brought to bear on the violater .
- - - - -
the shakeSpiker Dad & Daughter's Private Limited .
Managing Director : Venkatesh. Vaylay ( my'self - the shakeSpiker ) - 50 %
Director : Nirupama Vaylay ( my elder daughter ) - 25 %
Director : Madhurima Vaylay ( my younger daughter ) - 25 %
- - - - -
Venkatesh . V.
s / o Late : Dr. Rangaiah MS ( Gen / Ortho / Neuro )
late : Brunda Rangaiah
retired : Chief General Surgeon , Surgical Specialist
Govt. HeadQuarter's Hospital ,
distrix or District Of - K H A M M A M
Nation of - INDIA
plan - Planet Of - Earth ( did you hearth that . Good . Thank You )
gal - gall - galaxy - Milky Way - by the way .
Galaxy Group of - Gawd ! am LOCAL here fortunately
let's ask : how many of us know/understand sensibly, what it means by - a.m./p.m.
is it ante-meridiem/ante-meridian ? OR anti-meridiem/anti-meridien ?
yet an another, popularly used phrase 'intervening night of' mean exactly & when can this be used & in what context ?
first of all, is this all ' easing or enervating ' on the mind, . . . . can't there be a sensible, straight way to refer to the TIME.
yes, the ssdd' read : this pinpoints the present, perforce, i.e., IN which current Hour & AT what Minute. you are exactly living .
( you've the dual'SKY design - for a more visual DAY/NIGHT + QUARTERS fixation )
eg : am : ( IN ) the 23rd Hour ( AT ) the 35th min. of the Day/Date : 01-Jan-2020 / OR for short, say : 23rd . 35 .
for eg : : my flight departs at : 11.35 a.m. / 22.35 ( CONFUSING Reading - abandon )
my flight departs at : 23rd hr : 35th min. ( 35th min of 23rd hr. ) . ( CLEAR Reading - adopt )
- - - - -
the confusing/dis'orienting areas : 00.00 am ( when in speech, how do you say this - is the proverbial question ? )
12.00 am
12.00 mid'night
- - - - -
00.00 pm ( if we go by am/pm, why can't we say this for mid'day, is the question )
12.00 pm
12.00 noon or is this mid'noon ?
- - - - -
what's the duration of mid'day / mid'night, let's ask .
practically non'existent, for our civil use .
it's just a nano second - (1 billionth of a second )
this should settle the stupidity of having ZERO on the Clock .
- - - - -
the full notes on : ZERO - and the irrelevance & the spoil'sport .
mark my words. you'd soon hear the real & a realistic revelation .
- - - - -
what's the word 'noon' mean ? if it is Moon in the Night, it should be Sun in the Day, that's simple, why complicate with noon.
have shown both the : DAY / NIGHT screens ( where exactly you are in the Day/Night, and it's a pleasurable picture )
& ideally TIME should be in 24 hrs ONLY and never 12+12 hours, bringing in the a.m./p.m & unnecessarily dis'orienting.
- - - - -
the culprit could be the zero. here. ( when you take & show mid'night as the starting point of the Date/Day & show this as zero )
for mathematical/scientific usage/application, zero would be meaningful.
for the common/civil use; just an impossibility to orient, dangerous at times, many victimised ( most famous eg is missing their flights ) due to a.m./p.m.
on money'matters, okay ; you say 5 & half thousand, you have 5 thousands, + this half is of 6th thousand, have got no quarrel here.
- - - - -
TIME should be about : where am I living exactly on the - 24 hr. scale of the - Day/Date + Day/Night . Period .
the ssdd CLOCK visually'pinpoints & pleasurably so.
re-DEEM-er |
re-DEMPT-er re-DEMPT-ion-er |
re-DEEM-ist | re-DEMPT-or-ist |
- everything is entirely owned by Venkatesh Vaylay.
- all the, Intellectual Property Rights / Copyrights / Trade'Marks / Design'Rights / Patents etc
- both registered & unregistered.
- rests solely with the owner, i.e., Venkatesh Vaylay
- both my darling daughters, elder : Nirupama Vaylay ( in her '21st Year ) &
younger : Madhurima Vaylay ( in her '20th Year )
are the only shareholders in my company, viz. shakeSpiker' Dad & Daughters pvt. ltd. registered in India, Jan-2019.
1. shakespiker.com,
3. the shakeSpiker' Dad & Daughters pvt.ltd,
4. the shakeSpiker' here !!!
are all one & the same.& belong to Venkatesh. V.
all content & the compilation of content included on the website, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips etc - is the exclusive property of 'shakeSpiker Dad & Daughters private limited' & is prtoected by India & International copyright, author's rights & database rights laws. a few things towards the same are ably initiated & are pending with patent offices.
you may not utilize any data mining, robots, or the like tools which enable gathering or extraction of data.
you may not and you will not encourage, assist or authorize anyone to copy, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble or otherwise tamper with the shakespiker software.
these terms of usage - aren't complete, these will also be altered, amended, updated at regular intervals & I reserve the right on this. But no Term or Condition would be detrimental to either party, I would vouchsafe.
I, Venkatesh Vaylay, in order to fund this massive project, am going global with reasonably good completion of this application, (I would say this is the latter half, the first half by the name of shake'E'spiker is yet to come, in a year or so).
There is so much, much more to come in about a year or two or three. Just keep your fingers crossed, it would be unimaginably powerful. Impossible for the competition to come anywhere nearby, let alone go beyond shakeSpiker.
The present status of the application enables the subscribers to actively participate at two areas, (1) Master Usages + (2) User definition / description, at all the yellow-colored & blue-colored words. The data the subscriber inputs in these two areas - would be secured reasonably by shakespiker.com but there isn't any legal guarantee as of now, It will be provided in a very quick short span of time, at a small price. Kindly allow me some time. In the meantime, kindly keep a copy saved at your end.
These yellow-colored & blue-colored words would keep you occupied for a good 4-5 months.
Do start with the words : bur, cur, fur, spur - First, the Familiarity. Then the meanings, I have allowed you to do this on your own at User:Def/Des. Unless you practise, it doesn't sit safe & sure on your memory. Would take you more logically & exhaustively later at many areas.
The grey-colored words aren't finished in totality. They were entered randomly to test the application & thus aren't logically done & intentionally so - kindly do not read them much.
I would be inputting the data into the application on a daily basis, from the 300,000 + pages of data I have worked into MS-Word in my computer, since April - 1998, when I purchased my personal computer. Before that, it was on paper, right from latter part of the year 1980 when I was in IX standard at school,
& the challenging coding by my terrific-threesome management/programmers & so many programmers under them working furiously. I would introduce the terrific-threesome shortly. They are marvellous people, endowed with exhaustive expertise, that is a sheer exhilaration. I am deliberately not saying or using the word 'world-class' here, because even that word comes/falls short for my experience with them.
Be prepared for the long haul - it's English & you just haven't got the easy way through.
you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account & password & thus restricting unauthorized access of your account & meddling with your data that you may input at two areas of the application now & at many more areas in near future.
once registered & paid '1 pound sterling' or its equivalent in other currencies the world over ( all taxes inclusive ) - you are entitled for a week's unlimited access & use of this application,
the 'right to access & use' becomes & is personal to You only i.e., the registered User & the ownership is not transferable to any person or entity.
shakespiker' of course, reserves the right to alter the pricing of the subscription. Most likely the pricing would be remaining the same any day, unless warranted otherwise by extraneous factors.
your personal details - as we are only collecting your Name, Phone Number, e-mail ID, are safe anyday. As there is a Law everywhere on this globe which ensures that & by which we are all governed. I think, me, giving a 'privacy policy' is redundant. It could only be a policy, & what a policy is & what a Law is - is common knowledge. Be Assured. Law isn't an ass anyday. Being read in Law, the bottomline is 'never mess with Law.' & I / we too operate with that in mind.
should you violate or breach any condition & there isn't prompt & punctual action from our quarter, we still be entitled to employ our rights & remedies - in any other situation where you similarly violate or breach any term or condition.
There is no return, refund, cancellation policy. If you desire a continuous subscription, you may enable auto e-debit at your end, with your Bank, towards shakeSpiker, which is always on a weekly basis. Thank You.
arising out of or in any manner connected with the use of information or services or the failure to provide, including, but not limited to loss of use or lost profits, for any damages, including without Limitation, special, direct, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, under no circumstances shall the site owner be liable under any theory of recovery, at Law or in Equity,
shakeSpiker.com makes no representations or warranties with respect to any information, materials or graphics on the website, all of which is provided on a strictly 'as is' basis, without warranty of any kind & hereby expressly disclaims the same.
Changes are made on a day-to-day basis to the information contained herein.
The information & materials on this WebSite/WebApplication may / could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors etc.
shakespiker assumes no responsibility and has no liability for the correctness or accuracy or for any errors or omissions of the content or information provided. On timeliness factor also, there isn't any promise & thus none liability.
We will do the utmost to ensure that the website runs uninterrupted & error-free. However, due to the nature of the internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Plus, your access to the website may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow us for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new features at any time without any prior notice. We, of course, would ensure that happens at very rare times.website : shakeSpiker.com - will not be liable for any delay, interruption, failure - in the provisioning of services - if caused by acts of Nature (God), declared or undeclared war, fire, flood, storm, slide, earthquake, power failures etc.
you agree to indemnify & hold shakeSpiker.cm, its owner(s), shareholders, affiliates, officers, employees etc - harmless - from & against & to reimburse shakeSpiker.com - with respect to, any & all claims, costs, damages, expenses, fines, judgements, losses, liabilities,, settlements etc arising out of or relating to your breach of this Fair'Usage Agreement.
These conditions are governed by & construed in accordance with the Laws of India. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Hyderabad. State of Telangana, INDIA.
Being a Lawyer by Training, it doesn't make sense or law, when everybody can have/keep their own whimsical Terms/Conditions or Privacy Policy or Statement or Promise etc. There's actually no legal requirement towards the same. There are already Elaborate/Extensive FrameWork of Laws in place all over the Globe which govern each & every facet of Human Conduct/Commerce/Charge. Me, giving this - is like - I pledge not to commit theft, robbery, molestation, rape etc. You know what happens there'after. the music & the mayhem on myself. NoBody Dares, more'so a Lawyer, would dare cross the line of Law. for example, Law of Contracts, Consumer Protection Act etc etc to name a Few - are there which Prevails/Protects every'one.
Still, until established, am provisioning the T & C and PP though . due to few Vendors Requirement.shakeSpiker reserves the right to Improve & Incorporate the clauses of this Agreement at any point of time & would promptly post the same on the Website. But not to the detriment of either party - and not to mention, strictly in according with the Rule of Law & Jurisprudence.
If you have any questions, you can surely email Us i.e., Dad & Daughters at support@shakespiker.com
PLEASE READ THIS - the Terms & Conditions Of - Subscription/Service AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. BY 30 min. per Day free'access USAGE of THIS WEB'application & MOBILE'application or your purchase/SubScription of the PRODUCTS FROM THIS WEBSITE - Your good'self AGREE similarly TO BE BOUND BY.
This Agreement governs your free'access Usage or Purchase/subScription of the products ( read : software application ) on this website, https://shakespiker.com/, the shakeSpiker’ Dad & Daughters Pvt. Ltd. The absolute owner of this ( 1 ) Website / ( 2 ) decoder English Vocabulary Application–Web & ( 3 ) decoder English Vocabulary Application-Mobile / ( 4 ) ssdd’CLOCK / ( 5 ) ssdd’Organiser / ( 6 ) ssdd’mail.com / is Venkatesh Vaylay & elder Daughter Nirupama.V & younger Daughter Madhurima.V..
the Company's Registered Address : H.No’s.6/1 & 6/3 & 6/5, Road No. 06, Bahar, Sahara States Township, Mansoorabad, Hyderabad, Telanagana 500068 India]. This is the Own House of Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker & also the Registered address of my Private Limited Company : The shakeSpiker Dad & Daughters Private Limited. ( my both darling Daughters are the only other share’holders each having a share of 25% each & Me of 50% )
This Agreement includes & incorporates by this reference, the policies and guidelines referenced below.
once the user registered and paid for ‘weekly’ subscription or ‘yearly’ fee or its equivalent in other currencies the world over (all taxes inclusive) – you are entitled for a week’s or yearly unlimited access & use of this application, the ‘right to access & use’ becomes & is personal to you only i.e. the registered User & the ownership is not transferable to any person or entity. shakeSpiker of course, reserves the right to alter the pricing of the subscription. Most likely the pricing would be remaining the same any day, unless warranted otherwise by extraneous factors.
License: upon weekly/yearly subscription, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the content and materials on the Web'Site or Web'Application or Mobile'Application in connection with your normal, noncommercial, use of the Website.
Posting: By posting, storing, or transmitting any content on the Web'Site or Web'Application or Mobile'Application, you hereby grant shakeSpiker a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable, right and license to use, copy, display, perform, create derivative works from, distribute, have distributed, transmit and assign such content in any form, in all media now known or hereinafter created, anywhere in the world.
All content & the compilation of content included on the website or mobile app, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips etc – is the exclusive property of ‘shakeSpiker Dad & Daughters private limited’ & is protected by India & International copyright, author’s rights & database rights laws, and all of the things towards the same are ably initiated & incurred .
You may not utilize any data mining, robots, or the like tools which enable gathering or extraction of data. You may not and you will not encourage, assist or authorize anyone to copy, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble or otherwise tamper with the shakeSpiker software.
Unauthorized use of the material may violate copyright, trademark, and/or other laws. You acknowledge that your use of the content on this WebsSite or Web'Application or Mobile'Application is for personal, noncommercial use.
Neither party shall be liable for any failure or fore'stall'ment in fulfilling the Terms & Conditions of Use of this Agreement & shakeSpiker will not be deemed in default hereunder or held responsible for any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder due to act/acts of Nature - earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, OR act/acts of Humans - war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, or boycott or civil unrest or government regulations , usually beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming force majeure.
shakeSpiker will do its utmost to ensure that the website/web'application/mobile'application runs uninterrupted & error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Plus, your access to the website may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow us for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new features at any time without any prior notice. We, of course, would ensure that happens at very rare times.
You will release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless shakeSpiker, and any of its contractors, agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates and assigns from all liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, of third parties relating to or arising out of (1) this Agreement or the breach of your warranties, representations and obligations under this Agreement; (2) the Website content or your use of the Website content; (3) the Products or your use of the Products (including Trial Products); (4) any intellectual property or other proprietary right of any person or entity; (5) your violation of any provision of this Agreement; or (6) any information or data you supplied to shakeSpiker.
The Company is registered at Hyderabad, Telangana INDIA. Quite naturally, this Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Hyderabad without regard to its conflict of law principles to the contrary. Neither you nor shakeSpiker will commence or prosecute any suit, proceeding or claim to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, to recover damages for breach of or default of this Agreement, or otherwise arising under or by reason of this Agreement, other than in courts located in Hyderabad, State of Telangana.
All these conditions are governed by & construed in accordance with the Laws of India. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Hyderabad, State of Telangana, INDIA.
You can opt out of receiving our marketing emails. To stop receiving our promotional emails, you just can click on the provision : unsubscriber@shakespiker.com. in the e'mail you recieve Even if you opt out of getting marketing messages, we will still be sending you transactional messages through email and SMS about your purchases you may make of our products.
Nagendra. C.
Sam'Sebastian. B.
Swapna. S.
and by the many tough hands handpicked subsequent to stubborn search & in harness under hawk'eyed hover
and I would have to say again & again, they three together and/or isolatedly or independently keep 'extraordinary expertise'
Gawd ! they think & manage at the bugatti'powered pace
lightening quick 'on the uptake, time & again & again, never ever less than.
marvellous people
everywhere & evertything in this web'site/web'application
to the 100 %
is the absolute creative copyright of Venkatesh. V.
I've arrived
- - - Venkatesh. V.
the shakeSpiker here !
Does the Deliverance - Welcome Aboard.
2.the shakeSpiker'rrr here !
3.shakeSpiker Dad & Daughters pvt. Ltd
4.(1) the 'ssdd' soft'ware Application
5.(2) the 'ssdd' Organizer
6.(3) the 'ssdd' Clock
( shake'spiker'dad & daughters )
are all one and the same& belong absolutely with/to
V E N K A T E S H. V.( the shakeSpiker Dad )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &
N I R U P A M A . V.( elder Daughter )
M A D H U R I M A . V.( younger Daughter )
aren't you cur'ious on this ?
you sure would be shocked out of your senses !
- - - - - - - - - - -
cur = (1) DOG -a mongrel dog, frightening, fierce, unfriendly .
(2) PERSON - of mean, contemptible, cowardly nature.
-ious = an adjectival suffix, meaning : characterized by, like, similar,
eg : religion-religious, caution-cautious, oblivion-oblivious, etc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Logically/Sensibly the meaning of the word : 'curious ' ought to be the following . .
characteristic of, like, resembling - (1) DOG - a mongrel dog, frightening, fierce.
(2) PERSON - a mean , contemptible, cowardly
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
but we've a different meaning, see below ? were the lexicographers drunk or deranged ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
curious = (1) eager, to learn, know.
eg: students are curious enough to know more on this.
(2) inquisitive, prying, meddlesome.
eg : he was very curious with others and a distraction at the workplace
(3) arousing attention, interest, speculation because of being unusual, strange.
eg : a curious scene of offence, a curious sort of people.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
that's English Vocabulary
no head, no tail . am sorry . an impossible Vocabulary .
the trick & the technique - lies in establishing intense familiarity with the - af'fix'es .
both the prefix'es & the suffix'es, it should ideally be suffix'es to start with .
to fully understand the word : curious - you may need a month or so, Yes, an hour or two per day.
it's that tough . log onto the shakeSpiker vocabulary software application for the Evidence .
sure, you've your mobile in hand, but how sure are you on its meaning . . . . . consider your Vocabulary as Not'Working & Not'In'Full'Form please ! mob : (1) - Crowd, a disorderly, riotous group of persons (2) - the common People . (3) - a flock, herd, drove of Animals, Birds -ile : an adjectival suffix' meaning - having to do with, like, similar to mobile : (1) - capable of moving . (no match of -ile with mob, where is the sense ! ) logically, sensibly, the meaning ought to be these only : - (1) - like a - crowd, a riotous group (2) - like - the common people, (3) - like a - flock, herd of Animals,Birds where is the match of meaning by affixes , what for these affixes are then ? Remember hard , the key is in the mastery of affixes for the intersting antonym for mobile, turn to page : 42
& lo ! miss - transforming to - missile - English - a senseless Vocabulary ! my intention isn't to judge/condemn - but that's the stark truth . miss : (1) - a Title of respect /an Address / a young unmarried Woman . (2) - to fail to -hit/strike, -effect or -success (3) - to fail to perceive/understand -ile : an adjectival suffix' meaning - having to do with, like, similar to missile : (1) - object/weapon-throwing, hurling, shooting, as a Stone,Arrow,Bullet . logically, sensibly, the meaning ought to be these only : - (1) - like a - young unmarried woman . (2) - like - hitting,striking etc etc (3) - like a - failure to understand etc no match of -ile with miss ! what for suffixes/prefixes are , when their meanings aren't enforced ?
always amongst ourself / the intensely familiar word which we breath & live by
cafe / cafe'eteria - cafe'teria / cafe'tor'ium /cafe'tiere
-eria / -ia / -onia / -noia / -teria /-terion / -tiere / -tonia ,
if we aren't aware of this word exactly : our education is useless & an insult, Yes.
but forgive yourself , blame & bombard the English Vocabulary, Yes, it's the culprit .
the one & only 'on the planet-Earth , V.Venkatesh. the shakeSpiker' de'Coded, single'handedly
YES, not even the Oxford, Cambridge etc etc. Yes, am on record. Go ahead, evidence yourself .
how about : lunch, luncheon, lunch'eteria, wash'eteria, osm'eteria ?
pneumato'logy/pneumon'ia/pneum'onia/pneumon'itis : -noia ? -tonia ?
please go ahead & ask your doctor on this ?
YES , again, am on record ,
not a single Doctor on this planet can give you a sensible meaning , YES ,
blame the English Vocabulary , spare the Doctor please , a hapless being ,
look IN & look UP to the shakeSpiker Vocabulary de'Coder Application .
marvellously & massively'built both in/by Thought & Technology - V.Venkatesh , the shakeSpiker, single'handedly
English Vocabulary - undressed to its utter nakedness.
am sorry . I had to .
to the world : google - may be a big technology company .
initially I thought it may be an egg'breaking company . and I had a valid point there.
here it is how : the word ' goog ' : in Australian English means : an egg .
add suffix -le : which one may be familiar from school days.
-le means : (1) action - eg : spark-sparkle, goog-google ( egg'breakage )
(2) diminutive, small, trivial - eg : ice-icicle, goog-google ( small egg' )
(3) agent, instrument - eg : bead-beadle, goog-google ( egg'breaking instrument )
kindly take your pick of the meaning of 'google' from the above 3 meanings . it's your happy choice !
it's mysterious, what on earth made them to coin this word for a technology company & am not amused .
kindly don't tell me please that it's googol actually & they have mistakenly made this what it is Today .
- - - - - - -
O F - H I G H - I M P O R T A N C E - N O T E S .
the complaint is : this word has found its place in the Oxford, Cambridge Dictionaries :
meaning assigned is - search for Information on the InterNet.
my charge is : what if one searches for information in the Library : also please assign a word .
Plus you've so many competitive Search'Engines again : like -
bing, yandex, swisscows, duckduckgo, startpage, searchEncrypt, Gibiru, oneSearch, wiki,
board'reader, givewater. Ekoru, Ecosia, Twitter, slideshow, internetarchive etc -
you must also go ahead, and make life/learning hell by inlcuding the above as possible synonyms
and we would then say : I bingo'ed, I yandex'ed, I swisscowed, I duckduckgo'ed on those topics etc ,
this madness must STOP , mindlessly, needlessly, borrowing & berserk'ing our brains .
let's examine the word google, it wasn't there originally, NO, NOT.
here, we go, let's start . let's begin the struggle & the senselessness
it's critically important that you always must start like below, to help throw things into perspective,
and for a macro'view of & an eagle'eyed view of things, which would enable you to grasp & grip .
go - You may also start from the word ' go ' but that's an excruciating pain,
still would recommend to, because the ' o ' in the following word goo -
is a suffix , and you'd thus be driven to madness, insanity .
what does the alphabet ' o ' as suffix means ? it means 5 things.
as Nouns, Adjectives - 4 meanings
(1) - a typical ending of the first element of compounds of Greek origin
used regularly
in forming new compounds
with elements of Greek origin and
often used in English as a connective
irrespective of etymology
Eg : geo'graphy, speedo'meter, serio'comic, Franco-Italian, etc
(2) - a suffix
occuring as the final element in
informal shortening of Nouns
Eg : ammo, combo, promo, limo etc
(3) - also forms Nouns
usually derogatory for persons / things
exemplifying or associated with that specified by the
base Noun or Adjective
Eg : weirdo, sicko, cheapo, pinko , wino, etc
(4) - slangy, colloquial,
counterparts of Nouns or adjectives derivatives
usually grammatically isolated,
as in address.
Eg : cheerio, kiddo, righto, etc
as an Interjection - 1 meanings
(1) - slangy, colloquial,
counterparts of Interjections
Eg : addio, bingo, hillo, hollo, etc
go - as - goo : highly probable & logical that we'd understanding this as an intensifier, a possibility &
thus the confusion eg: NORMAL : go to the school AS AN INTENSIFIER : goo to the school ? ha ha ha
- - - -
goo/gooey - NOTE : I can also understand this as an interjection, intensifier,
or from among the 4 other meanins listed above .
as an intensifer, when you're emphasising someone to go
you may say like - go + O - goo . that's how the senselessness is ?
am so sorry with English & it's Vocabulary.
talking of Grammar - NO, it never has one . Such a massive mad .
(1) - SUBSTANCE - thick, sslimy, greasy, viscous, sticky Substance
(2) - SENTIMENT - excessive, maudlin Sentimentality
goo-goo - (1) PERSON - an idealistic advocate of Honest Government
goo-goo eyes : amorously inviting glances.
goober - (1) FOOD - the Peanut
good - (1) QUALITY -
- (2) QUANTITY -
- (5) BEHAVIOR -
- (6) MEDICAL -
- (7) ENTERTAINMENT-Sports -
- (8) BUSINESS -
goodo - (1) Okay, all right.
goody/goodie - (1) abc
- (1) abc
goof - (1) abc
- (2) abc
goog - (1) FOOD - an Egg
g o o g l e NOTES : what if somebody coins a word assle & make our life hell again.
This stupidity must Stop !
need of the hour is a Statutory Body -
which enforces the Law of Language.
googly - (1) - ENTERTAINMENT-Sports - in Cricket -
googol - (1) abc
googol'plex - (1) abc
gook - (1) SUBSTANCE - thick, sslimy, greasy, viscous, sticky Substance
- (2) COSMETICS - make'up - when thickly applied
- (3) PERSON - one who is offensive, because of Stupidity,Coarseness
- (4) PERSON - thick-skinned foreigner esp. one from Middle East
goombah - (1) abc
goombay - (1) ENTERTAINMENT-Music - a Style of Music, rhythm
goon - (1) PERSON - a hired hoodlum, a thug
- (2) PERSON - a stupid, foolish, person.
- (3) PERSON - a roughneck, an awkward, coarse person .
goop - (1) PERSON - a bad'mannered or inconsiderate person.
- (2) SUBSTANCE - thick, sslimy, greasy, viscous, sticky Substance
goose - (1) abc
goozle - (1) abc
get enlightened enormously - from the shakeSpiker Vocabulary de'Coder application .
FEEL the - fun , frolic & NOT the - fright, fluster .
why English Vocabulary is a damn dis'aster
SIMPLE - it's a sense'less language doubt'less'ly .
come on , let's take the word ' disaster ' itself
obviously , it's made of two words, if you are familiar/ thorough enough with affixes .
namely the prefix : dis- & the suffix : -aster
and what the lexicographers did, is obvious & utterly, outrageously shocking !
did an idiotic job of plastic surgery & assigned a wholly different meaning for ' disaster '
dis : ( 1 ) a lady, a woman, Eg : the dis & the damsel on the dais.
( 2 ) a female deity, esp. one promoting fertility etc Eg: the dis on the altar of the temple . .
( 3 ) to show disrespect, to insult. Eg : they dissed the President at the Press Conference.
( 4 ) to disapprove, to condemn . Eg : the President was dissed in the Senate Discussion .
Dis : ( 1 ) the God of the underworld . Eg : the Dis & the don of the region shot dead by special forces.
dis- : a Latin prefix, meaning ( 1 ) apart, asunder, away, utterly. Eg : dis'integrate etc.
-aster : a suffix denoting : ( 1 ) diminutive,
( 2 ) sth that mimics imperfectly the true thing Eg: poet'aster
( 3 ) star or star'like structure. Eg : di'aster etc
eg : poet - poet'aster, compare : cad - cadaster ?
critic - critic'aster tea/teat - tea'taster/teat'aster ? ha ha ha !
disaster : ( 1 ) a calamitous event, happening, occurence - that causes untold, great havoc, damage.
it's like joining words : mouth & anus to make 'mouthanus' & giving a wholly whimsical meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
high time a Law is brought in place to put an effective brake to this shit, non'sense .
prefix : de- : to indicate privation, removal, separation
suffix : -fy/-ify : to make, cause to be, render, to become, be made
suffix : -ity : to express State, Condition
now, see the meanings of the following few words & be shocked by the insensible
de'fy - to refuse to obey, to challenge, to resist etc
de'ify - make someone/something into God, ( godify atleast has sense )
de'ity - god/goddess.
were the lexicographers drunk or deranged, I seriously suspect ?
what was shakespeare doing !
gawd ! initially was shocked to know these other professions exists , pun intended .
- - - - - - - -
palm - palm'ist ( one who tells the fortunes by looking at the lines in the palm )
ass - ass'ist ( am leaving it to your imagination, am helpless here )
phallus - phall'ist ( yeah, sure, go ahead, guess from the context, the phrase that many use )
- - - - - - - -
this is English : you are being politely warned .
English is all about : CRAZY, stupidity . am sorry .
unless you're through & thorough with affixes i.e., suffixes, infixes, prefixes
your English shall only be Sorry .
here’s an another VOCABULARY TEST
sit for this Test & you’d be sitting pretty there’after . . .
bast – bastard | dast – dastard | slug (?) – sluggard |
bay – bayard | dot – dotard | stag – staggard (?) |
blink – blinkard | dull - dullard | stand – standard |
boll – bollard | foul – foulard | stew - steward |
bomb - bombard | frow – froward | stink – stinkard |
bust – bustard | lag – laggard | tab – tabard |
buzz – buzzard | mall – mallard | tank – tankard |
camel - camel'op'ard | milli – milliard | tow – toward |
can - canard | pet – petard | unit – unitard |
cost – costard | – placard | willy – willyard |
cow - coward | poll – pollard | wiz (?) – wizard |
what’s this suffix –ard mean : ask yourself ?
and Lo ! how this makes sense ? Dull - as - Dullard - Okay, sensible.
cow becoming coward is also okay, but, How could the meaning go so tangentially off ,
unless drunk and/or deranged persons were there in charge as lexicographers ?
this kind of a massive madness was let go unhindered, without being noticed & shockingingly
how could shakeSpeare even not notice this and step in for a massive surgical intervention .
shakeSpiker at your rescue, at long last &
not the shakespeare .
wouldn't this be embarassing, insulting, demeaning, belittling
when you happen to come across the below words in Writing or in Speech
and suffer lost & clueless about what they mean exactly
fash - fashion - fashious
face - faces - facies - facet - facetious
gear up your guard & feel the glorious in being aware/informed powerfully.
it simply blesses, bestows - respect, awe, admiration in you by others .
or alternatively, brings your reputation/respect - to smithereens .
get powerfully informed before you get insulted .
what's the difference between ?
-ant : extant / confidant
-ent : extent/ confident
unless an iron'clad grasp & the grip on the affixes, isn't realised
your effective understanding of the World would certainly be one word ,
Limited .
( Understanding/Learning/Enlightenment IS possible only thro' Words/Vocabulary )
The limits of the mind are the limits of the language, all one knows is what one has word/words for
take this Vocabulary test, dude !
and dud & damned ! your so'called 'sense' is sure to suffer.
ask yourself what does the suffix -ile means.
it means : ( 1 ) ability, aptitude, capability etc
eg : agile, docile etc
( 2 ) having to do with, suitable for etc
eg : duct - ductile etc
how can Text become Textile & mean sth else. has English any Logic/Law/Grammer governing ?
mob - mobile - he he he ! yahoooo ! goooogle ! googly !
miss - missile - ha ha ha ! super !
pen - penile - oh God ! don’t take me there, certainly not now, will think later. Bye.
pens - pensile – shit, enough of non’sense ! my mind spinning .
doc - docile
stab - stabile
Teachers would naively counsel students/learners to guess from Context the meanings of the words .
Yes, Sure Would Do. I have no quarrel here. Take Pen first & add –ile. let's take the first meaning i.e. ability.
let's logically proceed to understand like this ; the ability/power of pen with the Poets/Writers/Journalist’s.
am I now allowed to say like this : the journalist's penile power ?
What’s this misfortune, punishment dude ! ENGLISH - utterly non'sensical, mind'spinning Vocabulary .
shakeSpiker , the Saviour - is here - to steer you through with your sanity shaken .
what's the meaning of the suffix : -et
the meaning is - little, small, tiny, or a properly dimunitive force .
owl - owlet
eagle - eaglet
kitchen - kitchenet
- - - - - - - - - - -
how'd these fit then ? : bull - bullet
skill - skillet
plan - planet
pick - picket
can we speak of the Rules/Grammar ? just impossible.
what's this Twitter ? and it's tough making sense between twitter/tweet/tweeter.
- - - - - - - - - -
tweet - tweeter
twit - twitery
twitter/twitterer - twittery - twitterati - ( literati , culturati , illuminati , )
- - - - - - - - - -
next time, when you tweet or when you twitter , ask yourself dear twitterati , what's the correct usage ?
also, is it : to twit on twitter or to tweet on twitter
twitterer ?
what's : titer/titter/titterer/titler ? ( turn to page 43 - enlightening )
& educate or rather enlighten yourself of what's this - twittery / twitery - essentially about ?
get your Vocabulary : tested on this please .
1 . test, test's, test'er, test'ee, test'ability
2. test'y, testi'ness
3. test'a, test'acean, test'udin'al, test'ud'o
4. test'acy, test'ate, test'ator, testa'tress, testa'trice, testa'trix, testa'ment
5. test'es, test'is, test'icle (-icle : suffix forming Nouns - diminutives. art-article ? )
6. testi'fication, testi'mony ( NOTES : funny the word : Test - becoming - Testicle )
7. test'on, test'one, test'oon,
8. test'o'ster'one
what are your test results, what's your score, now ? welcome aboard shakeSpiker.
this changes fundamentally the way you learn & remember Words .
the suffix -es : meaning is : a plural of Nouns eg: fish-fishes, glass-glasses, witch-witches
to the word 'test' - when -es is affixed : you are taken straight into the forbidden, like pen+-es
that's English Vocabulary - funny, neurotic, crazy, affair to associate with
an Impossible Language/Vocabulary
would have to say an - idio't'ic - Vocabulary
remember, it's all & only about 'affixes' &
your 100% non'negotiable command on this ,
which enables you to grasp & clasp the Vocabulary by its collar, so to speak .
dad ! drat ! what's this disgusting discomfiture !
(1) a decorative embellishment, trinket, bauble :a dress covered with doodad
(2) a gadget, device : a kitchen full of the latest doodads
funny, fucksome, what's this coinage ?
why couldn't you go beyond & coin word 'moo'mom' Hello, lexicographer ?
what's exactly this : techno'logy / techn'ology ?
which of the above -logy & -ology is/are correct & why ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
next , What's
- tech'ed
- technic & technique
- techie & technician & technocrat
- tech'ware & techno'ware
if you are already feeling clueless & useless, blame the language, excuse yourself !
your shakeSpiker at your side at long last, seek solace & bring in the sense .
how the word ' history ', an another idiotic coinage .
here's how ! BLAME squarely the English Vocabulary/Language please . . . .
what is history ? the given/official meaning is : Study of - record of - past events .
now let's see the pathetic patch'work of words & affixes, the so'called lexicographers did . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
( the possessive form of He ) his'tory ( an adjectival suffix ) +
Tory : member of British Conservative Party
( hist- is a variant of histo- before a vowel ) hist'ory ( an adjectival suffix )
( histo- a combining form - meaning Tissue ) histo'ry ( a Noun'al suffix )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
meaning of - prefix : hist- & histo- : ( 1 ) Tissue : hist'ology/histo'logy ,
meaning of - suffix'es : -atory, -tory, -ory, -ry : ( 1 ) Places : crematory, dormitory,
( 2 ) Agent : predatory, natatory,
what for these affixes are ?
if they aren't doing their job sensibly
& a massive mess made , . . mad ! !
unless, you come to a position of command on the - affixes, namely, the prefix, infix, suffix ,
you'll be caught with pants down/off'guard - in other words, I mean, pale'faced, embarassed, stupid.
am sorry , it's the truth.
and we think - we have been educated sufficiently
come on, let's check on this - to validate our feeling
education'ee / educat'ee ?
education'ist / educational'ist ?
educator / educater ?
education'er ( confection/confectioner )
am sure, your amour-propre is shaken rudely, why can't it be educationer, like confectioner ?
that's English - an absolute mess to get mad with !
yeah, agreed , we're all very well familiar with the word : character .
let's check these before we naively come to . .
the game'changer is in
knowing thoroughly & intensely of the
Word/Words/word'forms - by their af'fix'es .
giant - giantess
giantic - giantessic
gigantic - gigantessic
gigantean - gigantessean
gigantesque - gigantessesque
which of the above is/are
senseless / senseful ( sensible )
and you thought you knew English Well !
ask yourself again please !
take this Vocabulary Test if you aren't sure on this : consider your Vocabulary as Not'Working & Not in'Full'Form please . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mountain - mountain'er or mountain'eer engine - engine'er or engin'eer camel - camel'er or camel'eer village - villag'er or is it villag'erer ? adult - adult'er or adult'eer or adult'erer ? fruit - fruit'er or fruit'erer ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the trick & the game'changer is in the ' mastery of suffixes ' i.e., : -er & -eer & -erer , dude !
all the smokers, a suggestion please !
next time, when you light up a cigarette
ask yourself what does this -ette in your cigarette mean ?
when did this cigar become cigarette - is an another question.
- - - - - - - - - -
being aware/informed of what things sensibly mean, by their vocabulary
enhances one's self'esteem , Yes .
being ignorant, makes one feel small, stupid, insulted .
am I not right there ?
- - - - - - - - - -
plus, more crucially : what does cig, cigar, ciggie, ciggy, cigarillo mean ?
what does ciggie mean ?
the one who is smoking/selling - cigar, cigarette ?
- - - - - - - - - -
here's the useless help : attempt to pick the relevant, most likely, you never will .
-ie : ( 1 ) small, little, dimunitive, often used to express affection.
- Person - lassie etc
- Thing - doggie etc
( 2 ) one that is as specified - softie etc
( 3 ) one connected with - groupie, townie, roadie etc
- - - - - - - - - -
log onto shakeSpiker Vocabulary'DeCoder SoftwareApplication - typeSearch: cigar
life's is damn difficult with English !
here's how to learn to live with !
unnecessary/avoidable - headachy business - this English is !
at last , help at hand , shakeSpiker at your rescue .
gear up & display the iron'fist, it's time .
here's the trouble for you , which of the following word/words is/are correct ?
bake -- bake'store / bakery -- baker /bakerist
book -- book'store / bookery -- booker /bookman
boot -- boot'store / bootery -- booterer /bootie
I had my schooling at St. Joseph's Convent School ( Adilabad, Telangana, INDIA )
what's this ' convent ' in the school .
what if I call this as : St. Joseph's teacherage School .
it's an another stupid thing : that you have so much senselessness like GrammarSchool, TalentSchool ConceptSchool
TechnoSchool, ThotakuraSchool ThokkaSchool ThikkaSchool, ThikaMakaSchool, Primary / Secondary / Tertiary etc
HighSchool / MiddleSchool / LowSchool / Is it Harvard Medical School/or/Harvard Medical College ?
ditto with the below words : what's this ground / grounds ?
pavilion grounds ? ( my Dad's house located beside this. Khammam, Telangana, INDIA )
parade grounds ?
play ground/or/ playgrounds ?
[ underground, aboveground, battleground, campground, foreground etc etc ]
Yes, the World' is so tragically wrong on this Word'Usage. Corona Virus . yes, am serious & on record . being a Lawyer by reading / training, it's by the irrefutable evidence, beyond all reasonable doubt, clinically'thorough evaluation etc these professionals are supposed to operate by, just like Science & am thus similarly trained . and the public so woefully mis'informed/mis'led Blame The Lexico'Graphers , bring'em all to book please . it ought to be this . coronal Virus . when initially examined under microscope, the virus resembled the corona, the white light around the Sun . let's me outrage , excuse me please : you don't say Vagina Virus, you say vaginal Virus . as it infects the region. thus : it's crucial/critical - that you're aware of this adjectival suffix -al, what it means. -al : adjective : of, like, suitable, resembling, kind of, pertaining to, eg : corona-coronal etc Noun : the act of, process of eg: reverse-reversal , refuse-refusal . |
here we go, let's get coron(a)'itis (?) vocabularily evaluated ! for the full appreciation, log onto my application/deCoder'Free'Access - Search'Corona . your sure will be powerfully informed - fetching you the feel'good factor . the Vocabulary 'sense'less'ness' is what is preventing all from - shakeSpiker, Does the Deliverance . |
next, it ought to be this novel coronal Virus . and never new corona Virus . log on to shakeSpiker : type'search - (1.) 'novel' (2.) 'corona' . what the word 'new' & what's the word 'novel' - mean ? if we are clear on this - let's go ahead, and declare ourself as : CLEVER . if we aren't clear on this - am sorry, no way but to feel/declare as : COMICAL . |
I found most of the Doctors say as : Bacteria & Virus. it's bacterium & virus or bacteria & viruses in that case, consider him as poorly informed and lacking the basic . and seriously brings his understanding of much'complex medical words into question. choosing/selecting a Doctor - is a very serious business. Help yourself on the basics . |
know your shakeSpiker like this only please ! ( no sense beyond this )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
shake - to move/sway/swing up & down, side to side, backwards & forwards
spear- a weapon - long wooden shaft with a sharp point, usually metal or stone
Shakespear/shakeSpeare - an Enlgish Poemist/Poet -Poem
Proser/Proseist -Prose
Dramatist/Dramater -Drama
Essayist/Essayer -Essay
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vs or vs. : versus ( in contest,competition/contrast above )
v.s. : vide supra ( see above )
V.S : Veterinary Surgeon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
shake - to move/sway/swing up & down, side to side, backwards & forwards
spike - a long, heavy nail
spiker - (1) a pointed,perforated tube connected to a gardon hose.
(2) in VolleyBall - a player who spikes the ball
shakeSpiker- a software Application on : ENGLISH Vocabulary ' De'Coder.
- - - - - - - - - -
so be it , thank you !
the word : ' unanimous ' ,
tragically wrong this word & the spelling
what's the meaning of the prefix : un- : not, eg: unfair, unseen etc
what's the meaning of the prefix : uni- : one, eg: unicycle, unisex etc ( monosex ?)
now : what 's the meaning of the word: unanimous - of one mind, united in opinion .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the spelling ought to be this : unianimous , unianimity ,
NOT as : unanimous . unanimity .
' dereliction of duty ' by lexicographers : does the word animity exists in the Vocabulary ? NO .
rather, you've only : aminity, amenity, animus, animism, animosity, enemity/enmity/enimity ?
enter - enteritis, enteralgia, enterectomy (?), tonsilitis/tonsilectomy
exit - exititis (?),
- - - - - - - - -
enter : to come & go + Other meanings/etc
enter-/entero- : 'intestine' used in the formation of compound words
enter'itis : an inflammation of the intestine/(-itis : an inflammation)
why did the lexicographers stop at the word enter, as they had more hellish scope like below
( 1 ) exit/exito/exit'itis ; ( 2 ) come/come'itis : ( 3 ) go/gone/gone'itis
now the proverbial question : are stomach'ache & enter'itis same or different ?
an athlete - making sense of this word is impossibly tough/tricky
here's how .
-ete : could have been a suffix - forming Nouns BUT is not officially listed as suffix
because there a quite a few words that end similarly viz. -ete
defintion/description under construction by the shakeSpiker Dad .
eg : accrete - M A T H E M A T I C S : to add, adhere, grow together,
aesthete - P E R SO N : a person who is appreciative of/sensitive to - Art & Beauty
athlete - P E R SO N : a person trained in Exercises, Games, Contests - requiring physical stamina, skill, speed etc
bolete - a kind of MushRoom
compete - to contend, to contest, to outdo, to strive to excel etc
complete - M A T H E M A T I C S :
( 1 ) to finish, conclude, to end
( 2 ) thorough, entire, total, whole
( 3 ) to consummate
concrete - ( 1 ) real , actual thing , having a material, perceptible existence .
( 2 ) formed by coalescence of seperate particles into a solid mass or state
( 3 ) Grammar - concrete Noun - designating a Thing/Class of things that can be perceived by Senses.
delete - M A T H E M A T I C S : to remove, to eliminate
deplete - M A T H E M A T I C S : to dcrease, to exhaust
discrete - separate , distinct
effete - M A T H E M A T I C S & Others
( 1 ) no longer fertile
( 2 ) having lost Character, Vitablity, Strength
( 3 ) marked by Weakness, Decadence
( 4 ) soft/delicate - as if from pampered existence .
esthete - P E R SO N : a person who is appreciative of/sensitive to - Art & Beauty
excrete - M A T H E M A T I C S :
to expel, eliminate from an organic body as waste matter
exegete - P E R SO N : a person skilled in exegesis - critical interpretation of Text, esp. Bible
facete - ( 1 ) facetious, frivolus, not meant to be taken seriously, literally
( 2 ) amusing, humorous
gamete - a germ Cell - male / female
machete - a large, heavy Knife - for cutting sugarcane & clearing underbrush & also as a weapon
mete - M A T H E M A T I C S : to give out by measure
naivete - the quality of simplicity of nature, absence of artificiality, artlessness
obsolete - M A T H E M A T I C S : no longer in general use , fallen into disuse, discarded
paraclete - P E R SO N : ( 1 ) a person or pleader or advocate or intercessor, who intercedes
( 2 ) RELIGION : Christianity, the Holy Spirit, considered as Comforter.
polychete - any segmented Worms - like - earthworm , leeches etc
replete - M A T H E M A T I C S :
( 1 ) abundantly supplied
( 2 ) complete
secrete - a b c :
( 1 ) to discharge, generate, release - by the process of secretion
( 2 ) to place, hide - out of sight
( 3 ) armor : a steel skullcap of the 17 century, worn under a soft hat .
terete - approximately Cylindrical, but usually tapering at both ends .
vegete - lively, healthy
etc , etc . .
what's the grammar with InstaGram / KiloGram ?
here's making sense of the same .
can't this be
InstaGram'er, InstaGram'ist / InstaGraph, Insta'Grap'er, InstaGraph'ist
how about
Insta'phane , Insta'phany
high time, a Law is brought in place - to put an effective brake to the non'sense
and the freedom for everyone to coin words whimsically & thus mess with.
what's up with the : What'sApp & the How'sApp ?
here's making sense of the same .
app - metamorphosing - app+le = apple
apple+y = apply
under Construction , allow me some time please . . .
English - an impossible Vocabulary , am sorry .
a complete idiotic Vocabulary , and that's the stark truth
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you've seen how the word 'test' unfortunately turned to testes, testicle.
- es : a plural suffix . eg : fish-fishes, dish-dishes etc test-testes/pen-penes
- icle : little, small, properly dimunitives. eg: article, denticle, icicle, pellicle etc ( test-testicle )
- - - - - - - - - - -
eg : he sat for the GRE Test in the moring, which is of 3 hrs. duration .
he later also took the GRE Testicle ( a small Test ), in the afternoon, of 1 hour duration .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ditto the fate of your 'pen' - pens-penes-penis-pennis
seek an appointment with shakeSpiker - not with your Surgeon/an Andrologist
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
wow : man-men-meno-mens-menses means 'vaginal discharge'
help an appointment with shakeSpiker - not with your Surgeon/a Gynaecologist
English Vocabulary
deCoded - single'handedly - by the shakeSpiker
synagogue : what's this pefix syn- mean ?
what's this suffix -agogue mean ?
combine them & lo ! what you have as a meaning for this word : synagogue.
can this be sense or shit ! you decide . .
why I have huge problem/trouble with the word : logic .
simple again. absolutely no logic in logic .
what's a log ? = ( 1 ) a portion of the trunk of a felled Tree. be Careful here :
( 2 ) sth which Inert/Heavy/not Sentient if it is with Tree it is called Trunk
( 3 ) measureing'Device-speed of a ship. after the Trunk is Cut/Felled it is Log.
( 4 ) a Record/Book - which lists the Ships's/Flight's speed, progress, events etc
( 5 ) a Register/Record/Book - for an other activitiy .
what's does the suffix -ic mean = an ajectival suffix : (1) having To'DO with,
(2) Like/Nature/Characteristic of
(3) caused/produced by
(4) Consist/Containing/Forming etc
logically = logic should mean = like a log, like a portion of trunk of a felled tree or
or the other 4 meanings listed above
what it means is = the Science that investigates the principles of Correct/Reliable Inference.
Now Break This also Bashaw ! Is it a
if this isn't Stupid/Stupid'ic/Idiot'ic ,
what else is this ?
medallion medal medalet
have we got any other similars in this manner ? read below & be shock'ed & sick'ed or sick'en'ed .
(?) lance lance'let/lancet (?)
sword (?) knife knife'let/pen'knife/pencil'knife (?)
plus , what's the difference between : medallion, medaillon ?
English - this is a senseless/idiotic Vocabulary & Language , am sorry .
a compelling & an urgent need to surgically streamline & save the humanity from excruciating pain.
cosm-/cosmo- : cosm'etic/cosm'etics
it has taken ' shakeSpiker ' - to decipher & to decode
not even Oxford, Cambridge etc of any help ,
they were and are useless , Y E S . am sorry .
logon : www.shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the prefix cosm- & -etic
prepare to be shocked to smithereens / out of your senses .
we usually encounter this word 'orthopaedic' in our life ?
I did felt ashamed when I couldn't literally grasp what it meant ?
my dearest Dad being a General/Orthopaedic/Neuro Surgeon himself, it was challenge enough.
being informed powerfully/logically - gives you 'feel'good' , 'self'esteem' , 'respect' for yourself .
come on, let's go. here's undressing English stark naked ' to allow Examination.
ortho'paed'ic / ortho'paed'ics / ortho'paed'ician / ortho'paed'ist
OR / also
the official Definition is = correction of bones/joints/muscles/ligaments/tendons . Okay .
how could 'joints' find a place above .
you have the prefix : arthro- which means ' Joints' - ideally to be arthropaedics
( what's ortho-, what's -paedics - it's mind'spinning muck'raking again idiocy, refer shakeSpiker app. please . )
you can call a physician/surgeon - she/he is a medic
but you cannot call like this - she/he an orthopaedic ,
instead you must call as orthopaedic surgeon or orthopaedist
not even orthopaedician .
am sorry, English - in dire need of correction, correction of deformities.
only shakeSpiker - is qualified to undertake this on this planet,
Yes, literally None on this planet . Oxford, Cambridge included, Yes .
ana'tomy ( used for Human Body )
see how blatantly idotic the Vocabulary/language has evolved
ana- : a prefix in loan words from Greek = (1) up, upwards - eg: ana'dromous
(2) back, backwards : anagram
(3) against - eg :
(4) again - eg : Ana'baptist
-tomy : a combining form / a suffix = cutting, incision of an Organ ( not Human'Body, remember )
-ectomy : a combining form / a suffix = excision of the part specified by the initial element
what's incision / what's excision - careful with this : (1) cutting to examine/study & (2) cutting to remove
dis'sect /dis'section ( used for Animal / Plant Body )
this is out & out idotic - am sorry !
dis : ( 1 ) a lady, a woman, Eg : the dis & the damsel on the dais.
( 2 ) a female deity, esp. one promoting fertility etc Eg: the dis on the altar of the temple . .
( 3 ) to show disrespect, to insult. Eg : they dissed the President at the Press Conference.
( 4 ) to disapprove, to condemn . Eg : the President was dissed in the Senate Discussion .
Dis : ( 1 ) the God of the underworld . Eg : the Dis & the don of the region shot dead by special forces.
dis- : a Latin prefix, meaning ( 1 ) apart, asunder, away, utterly. Eg : dis'integrate etc.
-sect : a combining form / a suffix = to cut, to seperate
being read in Law : feel trouble/trauma in accepting this.
it's simple, sensible established logic :
on/above 50 % possession, it gives one the significant sway, legal rights over the title/affairs .
just because of 0.001%, of dissimilarities, it becomes American English, Australian English etc etc
here's how to / let's debunk this nuisance
B R I T I S H - A M E R I C A N
( 1 )
medallist - medalist
skill'ful - skil'ful
materialise - materialize
( 2 )
lustre - luster
theatre - theater
centre - center
( 3 )
diarrhoea - diarhea
menorrhoea - menorhea
( 4 )
annexe - annex
( 5 )
connexion - connection
& just a couple of others
remember - an ass is called an ass ONLY in English world'wide .
then where does the Indian English, American English, Australian Enlgish come in.
with such a miniscule deviations , Claim to Title as American, Australian, Indian etc is InValid .
does the word'form ' grammar'ly ' officially exist ?
how am I qualified to teach or train, when I am not aware of the word'forms ?
grammat'ically - is the official adverbial word'form .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ditto with so many words in English Vocabulary, for example the below ,
confidence - confident
confidance - confidant
which of the above word/words is/are non'existent ?
you may be familiar with post'mortem ?
but how sure are you on the opposite - ante'mortem ?
while living or with life
is Learning English VOCABULARY
an excruciating pain in the ass ?
( pardon me for the choice of word, I haven't got any option here )
seek appointment with shakeSpiker - not with your Surgeon/a Proctologist or
an : ass = assist / an ass'ologist ( ? )
sex = sexist / sexolog'ist
fetus/embryo = fetologist / embryolog'ist
leg = legist
palm = palmist
phallus = phallist
organ = organist
tympanum = tympanist / timpanist ( ? )
what’s the below headache, rather assache for ? ask yourself please ?
( 1 ) suffix -et : dimunitive, little, small. eg: kitchen-kitchenet
ass+et = asset ( must logically understand this as a child's ass ? )
( 2 ) suffix -ess : female, feminine. eg : god-goddess
ass+ess = assess ( must understand as female's ass ? don't we ? )
( 3 ) suffix ist : person who practices. eg : palm-palmist
ass+ist = assist ( one who reads ass'es to tell the fortunes of the person, ha ha , am ready ! )
( 4 ) suffix -ure : action, result. eg : legislature
ass+ure = assure ( some action with one's ass, ha, ha, ha,
pershaps in Prison, an enclosure where . . beating on the ass'es done )
and Lo & Behold ,
how our very own 'ass' unfortunately has metamorphosed . .
and we speak of affixes, their definitions, grammar & logic . .
though shakeSpiker is helpless with your pain - it atleast can add pleasure along with, ha ha . .
you've been informed of the sense or rather sense'less'ness of the word google.
now on the word : chrome. IN / WITH the - Google'Chrome
what does the word chrome actually mean. what does the suffix -chrome mean ?
[ polychrome, urochrome, trichrome, cytochrome, phytochrome, adrenochrome, monchrome, bichrome ]
is it a suffix'al attachement or an independent word chrome - with Google'chrome or Google Chrome
and how does it make sense with the Name/Nature of the Product = a web'browser ?
[ if the Google is in black & white, Google'Chrome would mean, Color , that's what is sensible reading ]
as if this isn't enough , you have google chromecast ? ( both -chrome, -cast are suffixes )
is it like broadcast, colorcast, weathercast - what's this nuisance'ical coinages ?
There can never be an INSTANT Vocabulary, as many tout, in the market
There can only be CONSTANT Vocabulary
meaning, you must work hard Constantly, Continually
& you haven’t got any other option here.
meanwhile, take this Vocabulary Test
fur = (1) a fine, soft, hairy coat/covering of the skin of many mammals .
(2) any fur'like coating - as diseased matter on the tongue .
-ious = forming adjectives, meaning : characterized by
NOW - explore the meaning of the WORD : FURIOUS - Be shocked by the The Insensible
furious = (1) full of fury, extremely angry, intensely rage, .
eg: the boss was furious at the incident.
(2) moving, overpowering - violently
eg : a furious attack by the opposition.
(3) intense, very great, of unrestrained energy, speed etc
eg : The assignment was completed furiously before time.
Logically/Sensibly - furious = meaning ought to be the following
similar to, like, resembling, FUR
but you have a radically different meaning assigned.
That's English .
Where are the Rules please ?
and how can we speak righteously of Grammar , where there is none ?
bring sense to your English - made possible ONE & ONLY by the shakeSpiker .
witness this !
& what's this whacky wail & worry for the language'learners !
- - - - - - - - -
wit : the keen perception, understanding, intelligence - in Speech/in Writing
-ness : a native English adjectival Suffix : denoting - Quality/State
- - - - - - - - -
witness : to See/Hear/Know - by personal perception, presence. to testify, to attest.
- - - - - - - - -
witness : LOGICALLY, SENSIBLY the meaning ought to be the following . eg: good-goodness
the State of / Quality of - WIT, Intelligence, keen Understanding ,
a mindless Language/Vocabulary - by - sound & sense & syllable !
by Sound : nob - knob ( both pronounced same )
by Sense : read below .
- - - - - - - - -
nob : (1) Slang : the Head.
(2) Slang : a Person of Wealth/Social Importance .
(3) GAME : a card game .
-ility : a Suffix forming Nouns : denoting - Quality of Being, as specified . eg: civil-civility
nobility : the noble class or the body of nobles .
nobility : LOGICALLY, SENSIBLY the meaning ought to be This .
the State of / Quality of being - Wealthy .
what is dia'lysis ? struggle for sense from the below.
- - - - -
dia. : an abbreviation : meaning : diameter
dia- : a prefix : meaning : (1) passing across, through . . . ( dia'thermy )
(2) going apart, between . . . . . ( dia'lysis )
(3) thoroughly, completely . . . ( dia'gnosis / -osis )
(4) opposed in moment . . . . . . ( dia'magnetism )
lysis : a nounal word : meaning : (1) the process of cell destruction
(2) the gradual ending of disease symptoms.
-lysis : a suffix : meaning : (1) loosening, dissolution, destruction .
- - - - -
dia'lysis : MEDICAL = in Kidney Disease, the process by which Uric'Acid & Urea
are removed from cirulating Blood by means of a dialyser .
what is dia'bet'es ? can't this be urorrhea ?
- - - - - - - - - - -
diabetes : a disease, characterised by excessive discharge of Urine .
- - - - - - - - - - -
now, however hard you slam your skull, it doesn't make sense.
even if you dare look & read head over heels .
as if this is not enough, you have diabetes mellitus .
- - - - - - - - - - -
you already have suffixes : ( 1 )-rrhagia ( 2 )-rrhagy ( 3 )-rrhoea - which indicate excessive, abnormal discharge
eg : bronchorrhagia/menorrhagia, psychorhagy, gonorrhoea/diarrhoea/menorrhoea / how about this : urorrhoea ?
what is an idio't ? idio - : a combining form : proper to one, peculiar . - t : a suffix : forming past participle or certain verbs/adjectives idio't : a word : an utterly foolish person . how am I expected to understand the below, Learner at certain risk of getting retarded & rendered idiot
what for this non'sense & nuisance am sorry ! |
English Vocabulary - an absolute mess to get mad with !
( a sheet of matted Cotton,Wool, Fibres ) batt - batt'en ( to grow fat )
( a young lady, maiden ) burd - burd'en ( that which is carried , load )
( a young chcken ) chick - chick'en
( a domestic fowl ) ( Jesus ) christ - christ'en ( to name a person/thing )
deep - deep'en
dark - dark'en
( a set of tools etc ) kit - kitt'en ( a young Cat )
( a Boy / Youth ) lad - lad'en ( burdened, loaded )
( of the same form, kind etc ) like - like'en ( to represent, to compare )
( a mark/stroke long in size etc ) line - line'en ( a fabric )
( a series of Items etc ) list - list'en ( to hear, to give attention with the ear )
oft - oft'en ( an another Confusing Coinage )
( a cut, tear apart ) rip - rip'en ( ripped - suffix, Confusing Coinage )
ripe - rip'en ( to make ripe, ripe-ripen )
youth - youth'en
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
what the suffix : -en mean & you'd realise how marked the ' sense'less'ness ' is .
if this is not enough you have the prefix en- also to struggle with.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
it's thus fundamental - how intensely familiar you get with suffix'es .
seek solace in shakeSpiker - English de'coded single'handedly to sense.
can you distinguish these - perfectly & thus proudly
sanative |
sanatorium sanatoria |
sanatory |
leproma, leprosy, lepros'arium ? leper | |||||
sanitarian |
sanitarium sanataria |
sanitary |
sanitation |
sanitisation | |||||
sanity |
-ster :
what is a molecule ?
mole = ( 1 ) SKIN : a small, congenital spot on human skin, of dark color, slightly raised.
( 2 ) ANIMAL : any of the small insectivorous burrowing mammals
( 3 ) PERSON : a spy who infiltrates the ranks of an enemy .
( 4 ) MACHINERY : a large powerful mechanical machine for boring through the earth.
( 5 ) STRUCTURE : a massive structure esp. of stone, laid in water, a pier/breakwater.
a harbor or anchorage so formed or protected .
( 6 ) QUANTITY : the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams .
eg: gram molecule.
( 7 ) PATHOLOGY : a fleshy mass in the Uterus fromed by a hemorrhagic dead ovum.
-cule = a suffix - SIZE : diminutive, small, tiny. eg : animal-animalcule,
logically, sensibly, this to mean : any small, diminutive - of the above 7 meanings.
but the Meaning of Molecule is shockingly Different .
mole'cule = ( 1 ) SUBSTANCE : the smallest physical unit of an element/compound.
( 2 ) SUBSTANCE : any very small particle .
( 3 ) QUANTITY : a quantity of a substance, gram molecule.
red'colored officially there in Dictionaries
black'colored to be logically there . and the so'called Lexicographers ?
- - - - -
for a more powerful perspective
the one & only shakeSpiker of Help to You ,
none on this earth .
& YES , that includes your Oxford, Cambridge etc
( 1 ) | -ahol | -man | -ohol | -phil | -phob |
( 2 ) | -ahole | -mane | -ohole | -phile | -phobe |
( 3 ) | -aholia | -mania | -oholia | -philia | -phobia |
( 4 ) | -aholiac | -maniac | -oholiac | -philiac | -phobiac |
-aholiacal | -maniacal | -oholiacal | -philiacal | -phobiacal | |
-aholiacally | -maniacally | -oholiacally | -philiacally | -phobiacally | |
( 5 ) | -aholic | -manic | -oholic | -philic | -phobic |
-aholical | -manical | -oholical | -philical | -phobical | |
-aholically | -manically | -oholically | -philically | -phobically | |
( 6 ) | -aholicity | -manicity | -oholicity | -philicity | -phobicity |
( 7 ) | -aholism | -manicism | -oholicism | -philism | -phobism |
-aholist | -manicist | -oholist | -philist | -phobist | |
( 8 ) | -aholous | -manous | -oholous | -philous | -phobous |
-aholous'ness | -manous'ness | -oholous'ness | -philous'ness | -phobous'ness | |
-aholous'ly | -manous'ly | -oholous'ly | -philous'ly | -phobous'ly | |
( 9 ) | -aholy | -many | -aholy | -phily | -phoby |
as if this is not enough, you have this word in vogue : ace boon coon (US Slang: a close friend)
what if any Tom, Dick & Harry coins a word : ass vagina penis ( to mean slang: a close enemy ?)
you have independent meanings for all the 3 words : ace , boon, coon .
Gawd ! why not the powers'that'be - step in to Stop this Stupidity effectively, once for all.
like Constitution for any Country, a Legislative Body - which must approve the Coinage of Words .
how could the likes of Oxford - take in word/clause ' ace boon coon ' & include in its Dictionary ?
high time, we move towards a - sensible , simple, short - Dictionary ?
which would facilitate a quick, painless, sensible understanding of things .
an another idiotic coinage is this word : blue'tooth .
I had naively asked wtih a mobiles shop'keeper in the year 2002, I think,
about this bluee'tooth, whether it's related to something fixed as a dental implant etc ,
I was looked, leered at, as an Idiot, Stupid . . it's not me, it can never be me, who is the Idiot,
the ones who coin these insensible, mindless Words are the Incorrigible Idiots , never the public .
what if someone coins ass'inserter - as a competitor to BlueTooth technology , it's a possibility !
such a shocking bankruptcy of - Thought/Idea/Word/Vocabulary ?
why make Life Hell - for the Learner ? Why isn't there a LAW .
what if someone Tom, Dick, Harry - coins the word : pink penis - for UnderWear ?
no, not for underwear, as it is nearer, it must be too far from guessing, say for 'popcorn' . ha ha
& you thought you know the word : 'podium' 'pediatrics'
'podium' 'pediatrics'
how the de'Coding single'handedly been brought about by the one & only ' V.Venkastesh . the 'shakeSpiker '
paed-/ped- | -ped |
-pede : variant of -ped | |
pedi- | |
-pedia | |
paedo- / pedo- | |
pod- | -pod |
-poda | |
-pode : variant of -podium | |
-podium | |
podo- | |
-podous |
-pedia : from among the all above, Only this suffix has different meaning, i.e., Learning. eg: en'cyclo'pedia , investo'pedia, wiki'pedia, etc |
forget about the GRE, if I were to set the Vocabulary Exam,
not a soul on this planet would clear,
and that includes Shakespeare, Yes .
& Yes, am on record . YES .
what's this bloody patch'work ?
blood'sucking sense'less'ness
( pre'fix ) ( pre'fix ) ( post'fix )
( post'fix )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
en = Printing: a space half the width of an em
en- = ( 1 ) to put/get into or on : eg: enplane, enthrone
( 2 ) to Cover/Wrap with : eg: enrobe
( 3 ) to casue, make into/like eg: endanger, enthrall
( 4 ) in / into eg: encase
( 5 ) used as an intensifier eg: encourage
( 6 ) used in Greek Derivates eg: endemic
-en = also a Suffix - has ( 6 ) meanings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cyclo = three'wheeled passenger vehicle.
cyclo- = a combining form : of a Circle/Wheel, Circular
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pedia = plural of pedion, pedion is a form of crystal
-pedia = as a suffix : relating to learning ( this isn't there in Oxford/Cambridge Dictionary )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pick the correct thing : pneum'onia or pneumon'ia
-eria | -ia | -onia | -noia | -teria | -terion | -tiere | -tonia |
ammon'ia | amm'onia | ||||||
amyo'tonia | |||||||
aphon'ia | aph'onia | ||||||
apt'eria | apter'ia | ap'teria | |||||
aste'eria | aster''ia | as'teria | |||||
aton'ia | at'onia | a'tonia | |||||
bact'eria | bacter'ia | bac'teria | |||||
cat'aton'ia | cat'at'onia | cat'a'tonia | |||||
crit'eria |
criter'ia |
cri'teria |
cri'terion criter'ion |
cafe'teria | |||||||
cafe'tiere | |||||||
corse'tiere | |||||||
condot'tiere | |||||||
dys'ton'ia | dyst'onia | dys'tonia | |||||
gall'eria | galler'ia | ||||||
hyperton'ia | hypert'onia | hyper'tonia | |||||
hypo'ia | |||||||
hypoton'ia | hypot'onia | hypo'tonia | |||||
yst'eria | hyster'ia | hys'teria | |||||
myo'ton'ia | myot'onia | myo'tonia | |||||
parano'ia | ara'noia | ||||||
pneumon'ia | pneum'onia | ||||||
por'tiere | |||||||
forget your GRE gentle'man - Crack this comrade ! | |||||||
would you want the shakeSpiker to set the question'paper ? | |||||||
not a soul would survive, am on record ! |
intake - (1) the Place/Opening - through/at which - fluid is taken into a pipe,channel
(2) Act/Instance of : eg : an intake of oxygen
(3) Thing that is taken in. eg: the entire inake has been stored.
(4) Quantity that is taken in. eg: the intake stood at 30 tmc.
outtake - (1) VIDEO-film'making : (1) a segment of Film/VideoTape -
edited out of the final version.
as because of the technical error.
(2) AUDIO-song'recording : (2) a recording of a song
not included in the
final release of a record album,
due to technical error.
if this isn't an idio't'ic Vocabulary, what else is this ?
unless stupids in charge as lexicographers, this kind of non'sense doesn't creep in. am sorry . that's the Truth .
you've made learning/life hellish - it's like getting away with murder . . inexcusable dereliction of duty . .
as if this isn't enough, you've this mind'less, mind'spinning stupidity, go ahead, get harassed . . .
NOW, find the odd one's out from the following
above'let | above'load | above'give | ABOVE'take | BELOW'take | below'give | below'let | below'load |
down'let | down'load | down'give | DOWN'take | UP'take | up'give | up'let | up'load |
in'let | in'load | in'give | IN'take | OUT'take | out'give | out'let | out'load |
over'let | over'load | over'give | OVER'take | UNDER'take | under'give | under'let | under'load |
mis'let | mis'load | mis'give | MIS'take | CORRECT'take | correct'give | correct'let | correct'load |
wrong'let | wrong'load | wrong'give | WRONG'take | RIGHT'take | right'give | right'let | right'load |
what's your confidence/confidance on English ?
whoever you be , meaning , whatever be your academic qualification ,
am certain , your confidence would plummet to ground Zero , after you take this test .
am sorry to say like this , blame the English Vocabulary/Language, excuse yourself !
what you've learned till date - is fundamentally wrong, wrong, wrong . . .
try escaping unscathed this - confidence trickster .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
the question is simple
which of the above word/words are there & aren't there in the Vocabulary ?
Can You break this suffixes puzzle . Just Impossible. am on record .
the reason is simple : it's sense'less, an absolute sense'less'ness.
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- ace | |||
- acity | |||
- acy | |||
- acious | - acious'ness | - acious'ly | |
- aceous | - aceous'ness | - aceous | |
- ity | |||
- ty |
nothing but non'sense, am sorry .
-ship (a nounal suffix) | -ships ( and this isn't a suffix, remember) | |
( 1 ) | all individuals collectively (of the specified class) eg : readership etc |
N O T E S Only one word exists in the whole of English Vocabulary. the word is amidships. and this isn't an suffix. is this kind of construction of the language - given to any reason or sense and worth the trouble for the consumer, reader. and making life miserable for the learner ? MEANING of - amidships is in/towards - the middle of a ship esp. halfway between Bow & Stern. what's mid ? what's prefix -a ? and what's amid ? and what's midship ? is another idiotic coinage . |
( 2 ) | office, rank eg : clerk'ship, professor'ship, etc |
( 3 ) | status, rank eg : lord'ship etc |
( 4 ) | ability, skill eg : statesman'ship etc |
( 5 ) | condition, quality, state of being eg : hard'ship, friend'ship, etc |
English an Impossible Language - reason - an insensible language .
struggle for sense with the below . . an absolute mess & that's the truth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
billionair / billionaire
debonair / debonaire
-air | -aire | -ire | -oir | -oire |
affair | affaire | |||
abattoir | ||||
armoire | ||||
billionair | billionaire | |||
boudoir | ||||
concessionaire | ||||
conservatoire | ||||
corsair | ||||
cochair | ||||
commissionaire | ||||
conspire | ||||
debonair | debonaire | |||
doctrinaire | ||||
devoir | ||||
eclair | ||||
escritoire | ||||
extraordinaire | ||||
luminaire | ||||
millionaire | ||||
moire | ||||
memoir | ||||
questionaire | ||||
pissoir | ||||
repertoire | ||||
reservoir | ||||
satire | ||||
stair | ||||
sautoire |
what is supposed to be the longest word in English ?
any guess'es ?
turn to the word : ' pneum ' in the shakeSpiker Vocabulary deCoder app.
yes, again, am on record, not a single soul on this planet would make sense of
pneumonia / pneumatology / pneumonitis ,
from the available Dictionaries, including the Oxford, Cambridge etc
are the words that end with this suffixes the same ?
( 1 )
-ane :
-aneous :
( 2 )
-anth :
-anthous :
( 3 )
-arch :
-arche :
( 4 )
-aria :
-arian :
-arious :
-arium :
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- ose | - ose | ||
- osity | |||
Notes of very High Importance : |
viscose | viscose | ||
viscosity |
- - - - - - -
-osity :
suffix - forming
( 1 )
the quality of being, as specified
U S A G E ( s )
eg : tuberosity, viscosity etc
- - - - - - -
-ose :
NOTE : adjective
has a totally different meaning
than the Noun
a d n o u n s
Chemical terminology-to form the names of sugars & other carbohydrates
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
a carbohydrate
U S A G E ( s )
eg : cellulose, fructose, lactose, sucrose etc
( 2 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
the product of a protein hydrolysis or protein derivatives
U S A G E ( s )
eg : proteose, sucrose etc
a d n o u n s
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
full of, abounding in, given to, having the qualities of, like
U S A G E ( s )
eg : filose, globose, verbose, jocose, etc
- - - - - - -
Notes of very High Importance
ditto with the word : tuberculum & tuberculous
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- ulum | |||
- ula | |||
- ulus | |||
- ulous | - ulous'ness | - ulous'ly |
-ulum :
suffix - forming
French, from Latin :
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
small one
U S A G E ( s )
eg : animalculum, etc
- - - - - - - - - - - -
-ulous :
suffix - forming
a d j e c t i v e s
( 1 )
a suffix occuring in adjectives
borrowed from Latin
with the meaning
inclined to, tending to, full of, characterized by,
habitually engaged in
the action specified by the initial element
U S A G E ( s )
eg : ridiculous,
of Very High'Importance NOTES :
a word is there which spells like this : homunculus
meaning is : a little man, dwarf, manikin.
remember, NOT spells as : homunculous
that's English - an utterly idiotic coinages ,
- giving the excruciating pain ,
- right there in our asses.
what the suffix -le in Bible mean ? a chaotic coinage, again .
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- le | - le | - le |
N O U N S | a d j e c t i v e s | V E R B S |
( 1 ) usually with a diminunitive sense eg : bramble, icicle etc |
( 1 ) forming adjective generally, originally with/on verbal stems meaning, having the sense of : 'apt to' eg : brittle etc |
( 1 ) denoting repeated, frequentative action, force esp. of a small, trivial kind eg : babble, dazzle, sparkle, twinkle etc |
( 2 ) indicating agent or instrument eg : beadle, bridle, thimble etc |
bib is an independant word & here's the meaning - bib = a piece of Cloth, Paper, Plastic ,
that covers the Chest & often tied to the Chin of the Child
to protect the clothing while the child is fed .
what should Bible logically mean : 'a small cloth' if we take the 1 st meaning of Noun.
what for the Law on suffixes is : if it isn't being enforced in letter & spirit ?
ditto with : a tit is a teat, nipple .& Others : now, what should - Title, title be ?
but has a whimsical, whacky meaning . God Help in the meantime !
bib'ulous = means = one who is excessively fond of addicted to drinks ! God bless the Vocabulary
the word Christ'ian'ity - fundamentally WRONG
INSTEAD it logically ought to be : Christ'ity
why it isn't christ'ian'mas instead of christ'mas ?
a believer in Christ is a = christ'ian
the religion : from/with/around Christ & NOT with/around a christ'ian.
Christ'ism - would have made more sense. mouse'over on -mas for an insight.
unless & until - you don't get the great grasp & grip on affixes, your English would just be use'less
what's the difference between
church'y - church'ly
church'i'ness - church'li'ness
- - - - - -
RIGHT : Christ'li'ness, Cchrist'hood, Christ'less, Christ'like
fundamentally WRONG : christ'ian'ism, christ'ian'ity, christ'ian'isation, christ'ian'iser
to be : christ'ism, christ'ity, christ'isation, christ'iser.
crucial difference between words that end in
this appears deceptively similar but is not .
as if this is not enough, you have -stomy to struggle with .
here's how best to build English Vocabulary
it's all about establishing familiarity by affixes.
motion - loco'motion ( meaning of prefix, loco- is from place to place )
emotion - e'motion ( this could've been e'motion/electronic'motion like e'mail )
promotion - demotion - re'motion .
and you thought an ambulance is :
a specially equipped motor vehicle ,
for carrying the
Sick, Injured, Wounded ,
to a Hospital .
the so'called Lexicographers - were terribly stupid here.
it should logically mean : the act, practice of walking .
get onto the shakeSpiker application : for the liberation from the logjam, the mess .
1. amble , amble's,ambl'ing, ambl'ing'ness, ambl'ing'ly, ambl'ed, ambl'ed'ness, ambl'ed'ly, ambl'er
( am'ble, am'ble'ness, am'bility, am'bly )
2. amblygon'ite, ambly'opia, ambly'opic, ambly'scope, ambly'pod
3. ambulacrum, ambulacr'al, ambulacr'al'ness, ambulacr'ally
4. ambulance, ambul'ancy
5. ambulant, ambul'ant'ness, ambul'ant'ly,
ambul'ate, ambulat'es,
ambulat'ing, ambulating'ness, ambulat'ing'ly,
ambulat'ed, ambulat'ed'ness, ambulat'ed'ly
ambul'ation, ambul'ation'al, ambul'ation'ally, ambul'ator, ambul'atory, ambul'ator'ily
6. ambulante
7. ambulette
8. ambuscade, ambuscad'er, ambuscado
9. ambush, ambush'ment, ambush'er
and if you guess'd - an ambulette - is a small ambulance - you are again so pathetically wrong .
it is a specially equipped motor vehicle , for carrying/transporting the handicapped people .
these are such an idiotic & absurd terms/words .
god ! how are they allowed such a long survival. they should have been buried for good .
try understanding what they actually mean . you never will , am sure, it's just impossible
because the Idea & the orchestration of the the same is just mindless & meaningless .
allo'pathy = RANDOM HOUSE - method of treating disease by the use of agents
that produce effects different from those of the disease treated.
WEBSTER'S - treatment of disease by remedies that produce effects
different from or opposite to those produced by the disease.
loosely applied to the general practice of medicine today,
but in strict usage opposed to Homeopathy
GOOGLE - treatment of disease by Conventional means i.e., with drugs having effects
opposite to the symptoms
OXFORD - treatment of disease by Conventional means i.e., with drugs having effects
opposite to the symptoms
CAMBRIDGE - a name for conventional (traditional and ordinary) medicine used by
some followers of alternative medicine.
homoeo'pathy = RANDOM HOUSE - method of treating disease by drugs, given in minute doses,
that would produce in a healthy person symptoms
similar to those of the disease .
WEBSTER'S - a system of medical treatment based on the theory that
certain diseases can be cured by giving small doses of drugs
which in a healthy person would produce symptoms
like those of the disease .
GOOGLE - a system of complementary medicine in which ailments are
treated by minute doses of natural substances
that in large amounts would produce ymptoms of the ailment .
OXFORD - a system of complementary medicine in which ailments
are treated by minute doses of natural substances
that in large amounts would produce ymptoms of the ailment .
CAMBRIDGE - a system of treating diseases in which sick people are given
very small amounts of natural substances that in healthy people
would produce the same effects as the diseases produce .
now, let's see how the Idiocy Exists
what's the meaning of the prefix allo- : Other, variation, departure from the Normal, reversal .
what's the meaning of the prefix homeo-/homoeo-/homoio-/ : Similar, Like, the Same .
what's the meaning of the suffix -pathy : ( 1 ) in Names of Systems/Methods/Methodology of
treating Diseases
eg : allo'pathy, homeo'pathy etc
( 2 ) the Disease itself, a pathological medical condition.
eg : en'cephalo'pathy, arthro'pathy etc
( 3 ) feeling or morbid affection etc
eg : antipathy, sympathy etc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
modern medicine - such a massively, marvellously powerful, awe'inspiring thing
made possible by so many tough brains from diverse fields of study
the name allopathy - is a demeaning, totally undeserving term to tally with .
simple : why allopathy is way beyond others .
the 'impeccable mechanism of action, established down to the molecular level'
of the Drugs/Remedies of the modern medicine . is Truth/Evidence Enough .
like cures like, similar cures similar - what's this non'sensical concept/idea .
example : have got excruciating pain in the ass, what does this do, add more pain ?
is it like eye for an eye, rape for a rape - as in barbaric Criminal Jurisprudence ?
RECOMMENDED : to discard these terminology & a more sensible wording replaced.
would sure suggest the alternatives. no doubt.
keep your fingers crossed . . meanwhile .
but am not the statutory authority to sit through .
an another absurd & shocking stupidity !
what do these mean, be prepared to be shocked out of your senses !
- eco'nomics / eco'nomy -
- ergo'nomics / ergo'nomy -
what does : ec0- , a prefix mean : environment, nature, habitat .
what does : ergo- , a prefix mean : work
what does : -nomics , a suffix mean : a specific kind of economic policy
what does : -nomy , a suffix mean : distribution, arrangement, management
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-gnomy (?)
-nymy (?)
-oymy (?)
-dromy (?)
-tomy (?)
-ectomy (?)
-gamy (?)
-gramy (?)
if you already are reeling under shock due to the shocking senselessness, am sorry,
to continue . . . am under construction - abc, xyz . . .
try to learn about these suffix'es -ergy/-ergic from the so'called
America's most trusted Dictionary : Websters's or
World's most trusted Dictionary : Oxford
they are a miserable failure & useless , I'd say. go ahead for the shocking evidence !
Oxford Lexico : ergy, ergic = none, no entries
Websters : ergy, ergic = entries are there, but they are useless .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-ergy : a combining form, meaning : (1) Work - synergy
(2) effect - allergy
that which belongs to, is connected with, or like the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (Surgery)
-ergic : a combining form, meaning : activated by, sensitive to, releasing, resembling the effect
produced by the substance/phenomenon ,
specified by the initial element.
[ exhibiting or stimulating activity of ]
eg : dopaminergic, histaminergic,
allergic, synergic, anergic, exoergic etc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
erg : (1) in Physics : a unit of Work/Energy.
(2) Geography : a vast desert area, of deep, rolling sand dunes .
telergy : a hypothetical action of one person's thought and desire upon the brain of another person
by the transmission of some unknown form of energy.
compare : -urgy .
damn with the word : restaurant . a stupid coinage.
mindless borrowal/borrowing & idiotic appropriation .
where did these guys borrowed this from .
LATIN : the word comes from Latin 'restaurare' meaning to renew
FRENCH : the word derives from the French verb restaurer, meaning to restore.
It also described the thick & cheap soup sold by street vendors -
food advertised as one which restored one's health
instead, the world must've one Word : eatery to serve the Idea, Purpose &
or possibly eataurant ( again messing up stupidly ) ,
as you aren't obvioulsy rest'ing in a rest'aurant .
thus save the Learner the pain right there in the ass , let alone on the Mind/Sense .
as if the pain isn't enough, you have this stupidity to struggle with
rest'room - room/rooms - having a washbowl, toilet and other facilities for use
by employees, visitors etc
as in a Store, Theatre, Office.
how about the WashRoom toilet/toilette , etc
rest'home - room/rooms - a residential establishment that provides special care for
convalescents and aged or infirm persons.
how about the Hospital/Recuperative Homes etc
YES , the so'called LEXICO - powered by Oxford is stupid. I mean, the usage of the word : lexico - a bland & brutal blunder . mark my words, you'll never be able to learn Vocabulary from any of them . Yes, am on record . here's how the glaring ' absence of mind ' by the so'called lexico'graphers/lexico'logist ? pitiable, tragic , troublesome did you ever give a thought to, what it actually meant by, a stupid coinage again ! log onto the shakeSpiker Vocabulary'DeCoder application, and help realise the Truth ! |
1. | lex | LAW : the Principles/Regulations established in a community by some authority/legislation/customs/policies etc and applicable to the people in its territory - - - - - - - - - - - - lex - singular leges - plural NOTE : lex. : is an abbreviation for lexicon . |
2. | lex'eme - lex'emic |
LNGUISTICS : a lexical unit in a language as a word or base or vocabulary item |
- lexical'ity |
LNGUISTICS : a lexical unit in a language as a word or base or vocabulary item VOCABULARY : ( 1 ) pertaining to Words/Vocabulary of a language especially as distinguished from its grammatical & syntactical aspects ( 2 ) of, pertaining to, nature of a - Lexicon VOCABULARY : ( 1 ) to convert ( an affix, a phrase etc ) into a lexical item as in using the suffix eg: -ism as the noun ism . ( 2 ) to represent ( a set of semantic features ) by a lexical item . |
lexis | LINGUISTICS : the Vocabulary of a Language, as distinct from its grammar. the total Stock of Words & Idiomatic Combinations of them . |
lexico- | this prefix should have been there officially, logically. but sadly, the so'called lexico'graphers/lexico'logists ? have so critically missed on this, and thus you wouldn't find this in any Dictionaries . and you can see Oxford using this as its Title for its Dictionary. Type lexico in its SearchBar, an empty page throws up. Ditto with Cambridge Dictionary or Others now the problem would be : what this prefix shouldmean : pertaining to Dictionary or is it to Vocabulary ? |
lexico'graphy | ( 1 ) the Writing/Compiling/Editing - of Dictionaries. ( 2 ) the Principles/Procedures - involved in Writing/Compiling/Editing - Dictionaries lexico'grapher : a Writer/Compiler of a Dictionary . |
lexico'logy | ( 1 ) the Study - of the Formation/Meaning/Use, of Words . |
lexico'n | ( 1 ) a Word'Book or Dictionary, esp. of Greek, Latin, Hebrew . ( 2 ) the Vocabulary of a particular - Language, Field, Social Class, Persons etc ( 3 ) Inventory or Record . eg : the recent riots , unheard of, unparallell in the history/lexicon of US , and has put the Nation, in the eyes of the World community , in an embarassing position . |
lexico'statistics |
LINGUISTICS : the statistical study of the |
shocking InConsistency/InCongruity - English has
see the suffix'al forms & how the omissions are there
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- ial | - ial | - ially | |
- ial'ity | |||
- ial'ness |
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
of the kind of / pertaining to / having the form of / having the character of
that named by the stem
U S A G E ( s )
just a few words & their word'forms - to throw things into glaring perspective.
help understand How the InConsistencies/InCongruities are there . so pathetic .
the yellow'shaded words are absent in the Dictionaries.
why couldn't the lexico'graphers see through all this & save the humanity from the mess !
at long last, it took shakeSpiker - to enforce Order/Sense - to all this . Happy Learning !
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
artificial |
artificial artificial'ness artificial'ity |
artificially |
denial - - - - - - - - - - - - deni'able |
denial denial'ness denial'ity - - - - - - - - - - - - - deni'able'ness deni'ability |
- - - - - - - - - - - |
denially - - - - - - - - - - - - deni'ably |
jovial |
jovial jovial'ness jovial'ity |
jovially |
magisterial |
magisterial magisterial'ness magisterial'ity |
magisterially |
sciential |
sciential sciential'ness sciential'ity |
scientially |
testimonial |
testimonial testimonial'ness testimonial'ity |
testimonially |
what's the difference between ?
-ion : criterion ( everyone familiar with, am sure , now, next )
-ium : criterium ( criter ? critter ? crittur ? )
as is amply evident, unless you've the ruthless, gigantic, grasp & the grip on the affixes,
your understanding of the English Vocabulary
is well
useless , of no use .
hang them high, the responsibler(s) ?
-orium : crematorium
-arium : cinerarium
for all the cruel, cumbersome patch'work - they did all through , unnoticed
it's truly tragic, how shakespeare even couldn't notice this all &
there'in/thus lies my problem in accepting him as the greatest
it's Simple . Unless you've the grasp & the grip on the affixes,
your understanding of the English Vocabulary - is well - useless .
how to make sense - from this senselessness ?
pre- : pre'diabets - what is ?
post- : if there is pre'diabetes - there ought to be post'diabetes ?
hyper- : hyper'tension ? hyper'market ?
super- : super'tension ? super'market ?
hypo- : hypo'tension ? hypo'market ?
supo- : supo'tension ? supo'market ?
infra- : infra'tension ? infra'market ?
supra- : supra'tension ? supra'market ?
ultra- : ultra'tension ? ultra'market ?
more- : more'tension ? more'market ?
less- : less'tension ? less'market ?
abc, xyz - under construction . . .
as is amply evident, unless you've the grasp & the grip on the affixes,
your understanding of the English Vocabulary - is well - useless .
I never understood this & would never , in life .
through' all the excruciating ass'ache, am shakeSpiker today !
f i r s t : aren't the engine's / machine's / motor's - one & the same.
n e x t : why not College of Motor'ology / Machine'ology / Engine'ology.
why pick Engine only ? Students obviously aren't learing only about engines, do they ?
Engine (enginery/engineer) - College of Engine'ing/Engine'er'ing/Engine'ology.
Machine (machinery/machinist) - College of Machin'ing/Machine'er'ing/Machin'ology
Motor ( NIL / motorist) - College of Motor'ing/Motor'eer'ing/Motor'ology.
what's all this non'sense & nusiance for ?
What exactly is this ?
college of : Engineering & Technology
you sometimes find : Science, Engineering & Technology .
ask yourself sincerely, how exactly sure you're on this .
it's impossible to reason on this. English Vocabulary' a massive mess
these are just mind'less, meaning'less coinages .
or better still : log on to shakeSpiker vocabulary builder/deCoder app.
what exactly is this : engine'ing or engineer'ing ?
is it / are you an : engine'er or engin'eer ?
this is rather a dis'orienting / dis'orientating coinage ?
- - - - - - - -
ask yourself : what exactly is the subject'matter of Engineering Education ?
ask yourself : what exactly is the job'description of an engine'er or engin'eer ?
the fundamental foot'forward is to get through & thorough with all the word'forms & the af'fix'es i.e.,
engineered/engineered'ness ,
NOW, the bomb'shell , is it - engine'student OR engineering student ?
ask yourself : what exactly is a
Engine / Engine'er , Engin'eer , Engin'ist
Machine / Machine'er , Machin'eer , Machin'ist
Motor / Motor'er, Motor'ist ?
making sense is just an impossibility, because it's all about senseless'ness .
collegiate Institute
Massachusett's - Institue of Technology .
Massachusett's - Institution of/for Technology .
Massachusett's - College of Technology .
Massachusett's - University of Technology .
Massachusett's - School of Technology .
Order ! Order ! this is shakeSpiker, at long last, on the bench !
better behave ! am obviously referring to the lexico'graphers.
fur + ore = forore
nose + gay = nosegay
leg + end = legend
for + give = forgive
o + live = olive
for + tune = fortune
hat + red = hatred
pro + pose = propose
for + tune = fortune
uni + verse = universe
shocking stupidity again - just impossible to understand with Oxford/Cambridge etc
it only takes, the one & only on this globe - the shakeSpiker
to pound the perplexity to perspective
- - - - - - - - - -
here's it - the word : nostalgia
- - - - - - - - - -
nos'ology/noso'logy - nostalgia/nostalgy - noso'phobia
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- algia | |||
- algy |
suffix or more conveniently let's call as post'fix
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
of the kind or
in the place
specified by the initial element
U S A G E ( s )
the following you must remember : like this -dynia / -odynia
-logy / -ology
-nym / -onym
- algesia | |||
- algia | - dynia | - odynia | |
- algy | - dyny | - odyny | |
H E A D | cephal'algia / cephal'algy | ||
E A R |
ot'dynia / ot'dyny oto'dynia / oto'dyny |
ot'odynia / ot'odyny |
N O S E |
rhin'dynia / rhin'dyny rhino'dynia / rhino'dyny |
rhin'odynia / rhin'odyny |
H I P | cox'algia / cox'algy | ||
M U S C L E | my'dynia / my'dyny myo'dynia / myo'dyny |
my'odynia / my'odyny |
B A C K | not'algia / not'algy noto'algia / noto'algia |
T H I G H | mer'algia / mer'algy | ||
F O O T |
pod'dynia / pod'dyny podo'dynia / podo'dyny |
pod'odynia / pod'odyny |
K N E E | gon'algia / gon'algy | ||
U R I N E | ur'dynia / ur'dyny | uro'dynia / uro'dyny | |
N E R V E | caus'algia / caus'algy - - - - - - - - - - - - neur'algia / neur'algy neuro'algia / neuro'algy |
B O D Y | hemi'algia / hemi'algy | ||
absence | an'algesia an'algia / an'algy |
extremities | acr'dynia / acr'dyny acro'dynia / acroo'dyny |
acro'dynia / acroo'dyny |
other | syn'algia / syn'algy |
all'dynia / all'dyny allo'dynia / allo'dyny |
all'odynia / all'odyny |
local | top'algia / top'algy | ||
Degree | hyp'algia / hyp'algy hyper'algesia hyper'algia / hyper'algy hypo'algesia hypo'algia / hypor'algy |
- - - - - - - - -
NOTE : the ENTIRE list - just keep your fingers crossed,
they are powerfully placed in the shake'E'spiker,
has already begun taking shape at e in the application .
allow me 4-5 months to give a solid steely shape - to all this senselessness .
what's this mind'mauling wordage's ?
shop - shoppe
grip - grippe
step - steppe
frap - frappe
develop - developpe
nap - nappe
poss - poss'e
pass - pass'se
bow - bowse
what's this dude ?
both pronunced similar !
be warned of getting caught with your pants down !
what it means by : food for thought ?
is there a single word that substitutes this ?
what is ' buffet ' otherwise interestingly called ?
it's an another thing on the sense'less'ness of the word coinage, as listed below
buff = (1) a heavy, soft, brownish'yellow LEATHER .
(2) a military COAT made of this leather .
(3) a CLOTH / STICK - covered with this leather .
(4) COLOR - dull, brownish'yellow color .
-et = a suffixal attachment used to form Nouns from other Nouns
which denote/mean
Little, Small, Diminutive eg : kitchen-kitchenet
buffet = logically to Mean : a Small, Little, Dimunitve of
any of the above 4 meanings
buffet = but the ACTUAL MEANING IS THIS :
(1) MEAL - a meal which guests serve themselves .
(2) FURNITURE - (a) CupBoard/Drawers - Dishes,
(b) Counter/Table - where refreshments are served .
(3) a BLOW / BEAT / HIT - usually with Hand/Fist
(4) STRUGGLE - to struggle against
buffet is otherwise interestingly called as : stand'up Dinner . Sure, is the opposite a sit'down Dinner (?) Lexicographers !
senselessly wrong both by the Syllable & by the Sound this word : buffet
surgical Intervention by shakeSpiker would be this : boofaey
which of the following are / aren't there in Dictionaries
teamplay - teamplayer
teamwork - teamworker
screenplay - screenplayer
( rough/boisterous play or pranks ) - horseplay - horseplayer - ( a habitual bettor on horse races )
that's the English Vocabulary
utterly disorganised & in pathetic disarray
thanks to the excruciating pain , packed perseverance & titanic toil
it has taken shakeSpiker i.e., V.Venkatesh , Versus the World , yes !
to bring the bother to blush
vocabulary / vocableary
an another head'banging headache ! en'joy ! am sorry !
by- | -by |
bystand - standby
bygone bylane , bylaw , byline , byname , bypass , bypast , bypath , byplay , byproduct , byroad , bystander , bystreet , bytalk , byway , byword , bywork , |
goby upby outby forby rugby toby hobby goodby chubby lobby bobby standby , webby hereby nearby grubby shrubby passerby thereby whereby swing'by |
english Vocabulary - a fundamentally WRONG one
& thus impossible to read/reason/remember
end- | -end |
endbrain | |
fag'end | |
endgame | game'end ( ? ) |
end'ear end'hand end'head ( ? ) endleg ( ? ) |
ear'end ( ? ) hand'end ( ? ) headend legend |
lagend | |
offend | |
tailend |
now how about these, shit stuff ? both en- & end- are affixes
- - - - - - - - - -
en'danger or
- - - - - - - - - -
end'ear or
- - - - - - - - - -
the antonym for
could've been
sess'ile / sciss'ile
it only takes shakeSpiker & none else on the planet
to bring sense to an otherwise insensible Vocabulary
welcome aboard shakeSpiker ,
expect exhilarating education !
what's this ?
if you aren't in a position to distinguish this ,
consider your education - InComplete please.
the World erroneously thinks that titanic is a Ship
a block'buster film .
nay & No , kindly rewrite the meaning, it's time please . . .
it's should logically be about this Only i.e., characteristic of, similar to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tit + -an = titan + -ic = titanic = characteristic of a teat/nipple
hum + -an = human + -ic = humanic(?) = characteristic of the hummer
christ + -ian = Christian + -ic = christianic(?) = characteristic of a Christian
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tit = (1) a teat (2) a bird (3) a young girl/woman. ( abbr. Tit = Bible, Titus + tit. = Title )
-an/-ian = (1) Person. eg: America-American, Purity-Puritan ? ha ha.
(2) Place. eg: Rome-Roman
titan = logically should mean : one/the person who has tit's or teat's
human = logically should mean : one/person who hums/hummer, are we not right here ?
-ic = having the characteristics of
tit'an'ic = logically should mean : characteristic of titan, one who has tits/teat's
what's this mind'spinning nonsensical Vocabulary ?
what for these suffixes are, if they aren't doing their job truthfully .
who the hell - were there - in charge/in command - as Lexico'grahers/Lexico'logists .
try breaking this non'sense, if you can .
it's just not possible - by any other Dictionaries
and am on record, Yes.
tit ( teat, nipple )
titt'y / titt'ie
tit'an / tit'ian
tit'er / titt'er
tit'le / titt'le ( tittle-tattle ? )
titl'er / titl'ist
it's just not possible to explain here, you must log onto shakeSpiker Vocabulary deCoder app.
am sorry guys (which gender is this word guys ? )
see how these transforms so funnily & unnoticed shockingly
pen -to- penes,
test -to- testes
tit -to- titan
ass -to- assist
stupid Coinages
how long should this suffering for the learners ?
army : you sure must be familiar this eg : a leggy beauty, can we also say an army beauty .
( land'forces ) or having a slender, gorgeous arms ?
air'force : okay, let's go by your own convoluted, warped logic ,
in that case this should be air'forces & not, never air'force , because
since the Word : forces = mean armed/military strength of a Country/Nation .
what's - work'force, counter'force, down'force etc
navy :
( water'forces )
let's examine this word - habitable & its mind'less meaning
you hear this word frequently on astronomy - as habit'able zone .
if you say : habit'at'able zone , I have no quarrel .
let's begin with what the post'fix -able mean : ability, capacity, tendency
eg : respect - respect'able, respect'able'ness, respect'ablity, respect'ably : this is okay .
cap - cap'able , cap'able'ness, cap'ability , cap'ably : what's this absolute stupidity !
I would understand this as any bottle that has capacity/provision of being capped .
eg : this bottle is capable, i.e., being cap'ped . what's the shocking meaning assigned !
now : what is the meaning(s) of habit : ( 1 ) an acquired behavior pattern
( 2 ) practice, custom, usage
( 3 ) dominant disposition, tendency
( 4 ) addiction esp. to narcotic drugs
( 5 ) mental character
( 6 )
N O T E S : in the meanings, no where mentioned as - fit for residency, dwelling .
habit'ation - is again an idiotic thing, not agreeable or acceptable .
what does the post'fix -ation mean : act of, condition of, result of .
am under Construction still, allow me time please !
remember, this is shakeSpiker single'handedly , fast & furious.
if you can't break this : consider your education as incomplete, yes !
mind'space / mental space
mind - mental ( related to Mind )
chin - mental ( related to Chin )
mind'space : the range/capacity of a person's Imagination/Thinking .
mental'space : is a fascial spaces of the Head & Neck, also termed as fascial spaces .
potential spaces that exist between fasciae & underlying organs/tissues.
these spaces actually do not exist but are created in pathology,
eg: fascial space infection . compare : mental protruberance .
as if , this stupidity isn't enough, you've these :
head'room - head'space
leg'room - leg'space (?)
elbow'room - elbow'space (?)
pelvic'room (?) - pelvic'spaces
thigh'room (?) - thigh'space ( thigh'gap )
back'room - back'space
to all the 1.5 + billion English'speaking people on the planet
am sorry, if I have fundamentally crashed & collapsed your confidence .
am sorry English ! we must straighten up ! & save the Vocabulary / Vox'populi from stupidity .
if you can't fuck this : you sure are to fall/fell auto'fellatio'ing ,
like it happened on/with myself , Yes ! since the year, 1980 when I was in VIII Std.
my anger/angst be understandable - excuse me for the choice of wording please.
what's this sense'less'ness
why isn't a word fell'atio'ist there, like soloist, Maoist (with all the due respect to Mao)
eg : is this fell'ow a fell'atio'ist ? am sorry for the fun, with all the respect to the English Sentiment .
not related to - ratio, patio, locatio, gustatio ( again the idiocy, it's not gutatio )
you are being politely (?) warned !
as if this auto'fellatio posture isn't enough, you've this cunning (?)
cunni'lingus/cunni'linguist ? ( the one who does this ? ha ha )
cunni'linctus / cuni'culus
wait wait, there is anilingus/anilinctus - to be bothered about !
( ani'linctus : syrup medicine to be taken through anus ? you scratch your head please ! )
linctus = thick liquid medicine esp. cough syrup : compare : tablet/syrup/linctus
lingua, lingual, lingui'form, linguine, linguist, linguistician, linguistics, lingula, lingulate - are there .
BUT NO word ' lingus ' , you fungus ! - am refering to the so'called Lexico'graphers/Lexico'logists !
where are they , the lexico'graphers ? it's as good as 'getting away with murder' !
bring them to book please ! for all the head'spinning nuisance/nonsense to the Learners
this is the Dicitonary I operated by . Random House Dictionary guy - a man or a boy eg : he is a nice guy . guys - persons of either sex. eg : could one of you guys help me with this ? |
guys ! listen |
why English Vocabulary is fundamentally Wrong
impossible to imprint
on the mind
an another example
you might have read/known this : the President is a titular head .
for the detail on tit , title , titan , titanic , titular - refer page 43 .
examine this
molecule - molecular
which of the following is fitting ?
tit - titular ?
title - titular ?
suffix : -ular - forming adjectives &
sometimes corresponding to nouns ending in -ule (such as molecular corresponding to moleule )
but often without diminutive force (as in angular, granular )
grain-granule-granular ( everything is a problem )
Dear Doctor ! am sure you aren't truly confident on this.
blame the Vocabulary , excuse yourself please
why again utterly thought'ess coinage again & again & again
let's take the word : meno'pause
only the shakeSpiker ' can bring perspective onto .
it's impossible by all Others,
and that includes your Oxford, Cambridge etc
under construction
let's take the word : endo'crine
sure, you think you knew dinosaur very well !
kindly rewrite the impression, please !
take this test & ascertain your understanding/knowledge of the same.
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- bulia |
a combining suffix - forming - Nouns
used in the formation of compound words
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
U S A G E ( s )
eg : a-bulia etc
N O T E S : of Very High Importance .
only one Word i.e., abulia exists with this suffixal
in the whole of the English Vocabulary
abulia/aboulia :
abulia/aboulia :
both a- & -boulia are affixes & hence have colored red' independently, to help distinguish .
a- : a prefix
-boulia : a suffix
this should actually be in full red like :
a symptom of mental disorder, involving - impairment or loss of volition ,
the power of will, willing .
loss of ability to make a choice or decision .
as have been repeatedly reiterating , this is it - for your Success !
it's all about the unrelenting holistic hold on the affixes
which enables you can to positively succeed on Vocabulary .
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
- ous | - ous'ness | - ous'ly |
suffix - forming
a d j e c t i v e s
( 1 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
full of, having, characterized by, that have the general sense, possessing of, given quality
U S A G E ( s )
( 2 )
M E A N I N G ( s )
hemistry :
a suffix forming adjectival correspondents to the names of chemical elements,
having and meaning the lower valence of two possible valences than is indicated by the suffix -ic
U S A G E ( s )
- - - - - - - - -
coccus ,
- - - - - - - - -
aceous , aneous , anthous , arious ,
colous ,
domous , dromous ,
ecious , eous ,
farious ,
gamous ,
ious ,
morphous ,
odous , -ous ,
phagous , philous , podous ,
ulous ,
vorous ,
English Vocabulary - idiotically WRONG, am sorry !
break this jigsaw puzzle, if you can, it's just impossible
-cule / -culum
-ule / -ulum
if you are unable to differentiate between
curricule (?)/ curriculum
animalcule / animalculum
excuse yourself, blame the lexico'graphers, instead
mouse'over on -cule or -culum - you'll be shocked at the senselessness
& strangely unnoticed by the Shakespeare himself .
why/how the words : hole/holy a'mistake by lexico'graphers ?
why/how the word/phrase/clause(?) kin'etic energy
& kinematics / kinesics / kinetics
kin-esis (?)
a mind'mauling mess & mistake by lexico'graphers ?
without an iota of doubt - they were all a deranged duffs !
am sorry , but that's the stark, naked Truth !
get shocked by
so'much of sense'less'ness
with this
Vocabulary(?) Vocabulary(?) Vocabulary(?)
plan = set of decisions - on how to do something . etc
plan + et = planet : logically to mean a small plan. kitche-kitchenet , etc
planet + esimal = planet'esimal - compare this with asteroids/another confusion .
what's - infinte'esimal / mill'esimal
planet + oid = planetoid - compare this with word : dwarf'planet - name given to Pluto.
imp. N O T E S : to call the celestial object Pluto - as a small planet - you must suffix -et again.
it becomes an embrassing plan'et'et - that's how the lexicographers are struck with.
English Vocabulary - in dire need of a massive surgical intervention . only shakeSpiker, the Surgeon.
if you are calling Pluto - as dwarf'planet - aren't others medium'planets, giant'planets, don't they ?
a mad mess - this Vocabulary
again , very tough to understand this word : toilet
secretary , secratarist ,
glossary , glossarist ,
vocabulary , vocabularist ,
vocabularian ,
the odd'ity ?
the essential is - in getting to grips with affixes
& the eccentricity - of Vocabulary opens up .
the ecstasy - of revelation dawns upon .
af- fix -es
is the -es - a noun plural suffix or a verbal suffix ?
if you aren't able to understand this, consider your English - dis'abled.
making sense of this nuisance'ical construction/coinages
pro'noun'ce / pro'noun'ce'ation ( ? )
pro'nun'ci'ation .
ad'noun | N O U N | V E R B | ad'verb |
pro'noun | |||
pro'noun'ce | pro'noun'ce | ||
pro'nounc'es | |||
pro'nounc'ing | pro'nounc'ing | pro'nounc'ing | pro'nounc'ing'ly |
pro'nounc'ing'ness | |||
pro'nounc'ed | pro'nounc'ed'ness | pro'nounc'ed | pro'nounc'ed'ly |
pro'nounce'ment | |||
pro'nounc'er | |||
pro'nounce'able | pro'nounce'able'ness | pro'nounce'ably | |
pro'nounce'ability | |||
pro'nunci'ation | |||
pro'nunci'ation'al | pro'nunci'ation'al'ness | pro'nunci'ation'ally | |
pro'nunci'ative | pro'nunci'ative'ness | pro'nunci'ative'ly | |
pro'nunci'atory | pro'nunci'atori'ness | pro'nunci'atorily |
what's the fun & what for this harassment for ? lexico'graphers ?
distinguish between - bluff
bluff'er / bluff'ier
bluff'est / bluff'iest
thunder - the word is familiar with the World ,
no issue , have got no quarrel .
what's thunderation , then ?
the meaning shockingly, senselessly is this : an exclamation of surprise/petulance .
aren't you shocked / thunder'ation'ed , dear Learner ?
that's the Lexico'grapher's Work, absolute mess, sense'less'ness .
what's the suffix : -ation mean ? is common knowledge . eg : starve-starvation
as if this isn't enough harassment & stupidity by Lexicographers , you've this - leg-legation
do distinguish between
boulder / bowdler
bowser / browser
bould - boulder ,bouldery
bow - bowdler, bowlderisation, bowlderism, bowlderist, bowlderiser, bower.
bowl - bowlder ,
what is
now the question for you is ,
for therapy - you've therap'ist
for treatment - is it treatment'ist / treatment'er?
experiment-experiment'er / experiment'ist
comment-comment'er / comment'ist
ornament-ornament'er / ornament'ist
you sure must be familiar with - accolade/accolades/accoladed
commonality / commonalty
speciality / specialty
reality / realty
penality / penalty
find the oddity
that's the huge problem with English Vocabulary.
unnecessarily idiotic, stupidic
it's just impossible to lock logically in one's memory.
what's busy & business ?
stupid'ic'ly/stupid'ical'ly : WRONG coinage again !
here's how !
bus : what's this suffix : -y means : characterised by, inclined to
bus-busy, - would certainly take this as resembling like Bus.
arm-army, - would certainly take this as resembling an Arm.
leg-leggy, you already know this . a leggy beauty,
go ahead, you are well within your rights to call someone
an army beauty. ( for having a slender, beautiful arms )
busy / business : what's this suffix : -ness means : denotes Quality, State, Condition.
bus'i'ness : meaning , again, bus'like Condition, State .
how could this kind of a thing allowed to come to this pass ?
am at a huge loss to understand .
what were the likes of Shakespeare doing ?
the World may be in awe of him, but am not & I simply can't.
am sorry . you've made my learning miserable .
what's pus, puss, pussy ?
stupid'ic'ly/stupid'ical'ly : WRONG coinage again !
here's how !
pus :
puss , pussy :
push :
pus'ill'animous :
puss :
pus't'ule :
ai'gu'ile - gu'ile
ai'guil'ette - Gill'ette
ai'gr'ette - Gr'etta
it's all about getting the great grasp on affixes .
shakeSpiker - you've got the ultimate here !
nothing compares .
shockingly both mean the same.
what for this suffix then ?
-en : suffix meaning (1) - plural - children, oxen, brethren etc
(2) - diminutive - maiden, kitten , etc
(3) - past participle - taken, proven , etc
(4) - adjectives of Nouns - golden, ashen , etc
(5) - verbs from adjectives - heighten, lengthen , etc
the world is in lock'down ? |
what's school'bag ?
there is more to it than what has struck you at first sight.
here it is - the confusing & the critical lapse by the lexicographers .
take a look at the following .
school'bag ( what's bag school then ? )
school'boy / school'girl
school'child / school'children
school'madam/ma'am / school'Sir ( ? )
school'man / school'woman
school'master / school'mistress
school'mate / school'pal / school'friend
-bag : this is a suffix : meaning : a person, characterized usually figuratively by a specified negative quality
often used attributively : eg : work'bag (work'aholic) gas'bag, brag'bag, bravado'bag, hand'bag, nose'bag, etc
English'Vocabulary - am afraid, beyond repair.
why the word Student terribly/tragically wrong !
stud : ( 1 ) - PERSON : a man, usually who is noticeably virile & sexually active.
( 2 ) - ANIMAL : a horse/a horse'house
( 3 ) - ORNAMENT : a knob, nail'head or protuberant/projecting from a surface/part esp. as an ornament .
( 4 ) - WEAR/SHIRT : a small, button'like, inserted/stitched as a fastener. a collar stud
( 5 ) - AUTO : any of the projecting lugs embedded in an automobile tyres.
( 6 ) - BUILDING : any of Upright/slender - members/pieces - of wood/steel - in the walls of a building
-ent : both Nouns/adjectives : PERSON - that has/shows/does . eg : Superintendent, Insurgent ( despondent ? )
THING - that has/shows/does . eg : Solvent . etc
student : studence/studency/studently - word'forms - woefully absent. Lexicographers ! am sorry !
studious : the meaning should logically be - like/characterized/similar to STUD .
-ious : forming Nouns/adjectives/adverbs - meaning : like, caharacterised by/ similar to .
study : ( 1 ) - the meaning should logically be - like/characterized/similar to STUD .
-y : ( 1 ) - little, dear
( 2 ) - having, full of, characterised by. eg : dirt-dirty , health-healthy ,
( 3 ) - rather, somewhat . eg : yellow-yellowy , chill-chilly ,
( 4 ) - inclined to / tending to . eg : drowse-drowsy , stick-sticky ,
( 5 ) - quality, condition. eg : jealous-jealousy ,
( 6 ) - Shop / Goods of a specified kind. eg : coopery ,
( 7 ) - a collective body. eg : soldier/soldiers-soldiery ,
studio : ( 1 ) - ratio, radio, patio, curio , audio , cheerio , scene'ar'io , presideio , oratorio ,
-io : could have been a suffix : Some Logical (?) Meaning Assigned .
what's this ?
everywhere & at everything - and all through the course of history
a blatant & brutal blunder by the so'called lexico'graphers,
shockingly unnoticed by the Shakespeare & the likes of him, tragic.
English - it's impossibly illogical .
only - shakespiker.com / even the Oxford, Cambridge of No'Use
why as simple as the word : student
is a huge mistake by the English Vocabulary
English - it's impossibly illogical .
only - shakespiker.com / even the Oxford, Cambridge of No'Use
where are the word'forms : studence, studency etc
what's this ?
everywhere/everything - a blatant mistake by the lexico'graphers
English - it's impossibly illogical .
only - shakespiker.com / even the Oxford, Cambridge of No'Use
hello ! the bald'headed
trich'iasis ?
one who is excessively fond of beauty
excessively worrid about health - hypo'chondriac
- - - - -
you have hypo'BP, hyper BP
low sugar, hypo'glycemia
now on this word : hypo'crisy
do we have to suspect an hyper'crisy ?
or a more logical hippocrasy/hippocracy
these lexico'
where & how do you fit this word : eo'sino'phil'ia ?
eo'sino'philia ?
just impossible ?
I mean, fit with/under -ia or -philia ?
should I go on record again ? ask any Doctor on the planet'Earth.
not a soul can possibly give the answer, Yes.
am that much sure & confident, Yes . prove me wrong please .
meanwhile blame the lexico'graphers, spare'em please !
get onto/into the shake'Spiker Vocabulary'de'Coder sofware application.
mouse'over on the suffix -aholia/-mania/-pathia/-philia/-phobia
from hence'forth
English Vocabulary, ONLY the shakeSpiker, none else on the planet'Earth.
all others are simply UseLess , Yes, Yes, Yes.
with 'shakeSpiker' it's being informed so'powerfully, Period.
you need to be very very careful with this
Christian/christian - suffix : -ian : names of Persons/Places etc
Christiania - suffix : -ia : names of Plural/Persons - bacterium-bacteria, paraphernalia ,
militia, intelligentsia,
names of Places/Region - Italy-Italia, Indus-India, Rome-Romania
names of Diseases - malaria, pneumonia, etc
environment/milieu - academia, pneumonia, etc
christian + -ia = go ahead, fit with the above definitions, it's impossible.
and more unfortunate possibility of understanding as disease ?
lunch , luncheon , luncheonette
- - -
banquet , banquette
- - -
buffe , buffet
- - -
- - -
break'fast , . . .
- - -
light meal, executive meal, col (?) . . .
- - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
if this isn't an idiotic work by the lexicographers,
you please tell me, what else it could be .
why this ass'ache for ? and for what fun ?
( am not in doubt, the entire English'world knows this, or so they feel ? )
( be shocked by this meaning - a loin, fillet, or other lean section of meat. )
no doubt, the lexico'grahers - sure are a deranged lot !
-er : a suffix forming personal nouns
what's this stupidic, idiotic ?
now both these similars are attached/fastened/stictched
-er + -er
-erer : this is not listed as suffix in any Dictionary & that's the lexico'graphers quality of work .
fruit-fruit'er / fruit'erer
cat-cat'er / cat'erer
cap-cap'er / cap'erer
clever-clev'er / clev'erer
murder-murd'er / murd'erer
find the odd one out in the above 3 examples please .
also distinguish the below 3 if you can .
fruit - fruit'arian
fruit - fruit'er
fruit - fruit'erer
-arian : a suffix forming personal nouns
eg : library-libr'arian
humanity , humanism , humanitarianism - humanit'arian / humanit'arian'ist
millennium-millen'arian / millen'arian'ist
-ist : a suffix forming personal nouns .
what's this stupidic, idiotic ?
now both these similars are attached/fastened/stiched
-arian + -ist
-arian'ist : this isn't listed as suffix & that's the lexico'graphers ' shameful ommission.
humanity , humanism , humanitarianism - humanit'arian / humanit'arian'ist
millennium-millen'arian / millen'arian'ist
fall - needless to mention, this word is so so familiar .
but, how about this non'sense/stupid'ity
fall'al / fall'er / fall'al'ery
senseless, shocking meaning for - fallal/fallery is this : a bit of finery, a showy dress article .
hall / hall'al / Hall'er / hall'al'ery
unless & until - you wrest total Command - of the - affixes, you will be direction'less, clue'less
line / linger - words so so familiar again .
now, how about this non'sense/stupid'ity
line - line'n - kind of fabric, linen cloth, yarn made of flax yarns.
line'ar/line'r - again - stupid'ic'ly made to mean ! shit !
linen's - bed'sheets, table'cloths, shirts etc table'linen, bed'linen etc
what's the difference between : ward'robe & linen closet ?
linger - linger'ie - underwear, sleep'wear, worn by Women Only ?
how about men, you lexico'graphers ?
unless, the one's who were in charge as lexico'graphers - drunk or deranged ,
this kind of 'ass'burning' stupidity / idiocy doesn't happen .
-ish : an adjectival suffix from nouns :
meaning : (1) - belonging to eg : Eng'ish, Brit'ish, etc
(2) - after the manner, characterisitic of, like, eg : girl'ish,
(3) - inclined to, tending to eg : book'ish,
(4) - near, about : eg : seven'ish, fifty'ish etc
girl - girl'ish
good - good'ish
-ness : an adjectival suffix from abstract nouns :
meaning : (1) - quality & state, instance of being. eg : dark'ness, good'ness, etc
girl - girl'ness
good - good'ness
what's this stupidic, idiotic ?
now both these similars are attached/fastened/stiched
-ish + -ness
-ish'ness : this isn't listed as suffix & that's the lexico'graphers ' shameful ommission.
girl - girl'ish'ness
good - good'ish'ness
to better/best understand
what this -ate
mean in
you may need nearabout 2+ months of time & more crucially only the shakeSpiker
yes, am serious, log on to the Free Access-Word'Forms'Route Button on the WebSite.
and mouse over on the suffix : -ate
English Vocabulary : intolerably head'achy & mind'mauling.
out-and-out nonsense
am sorry !
if we aren't sure on these words, it's sure is insulting ,
but blame the lexicographers , excuse yourself please !
I handed over my clothes to the launder or launderer (?) - for washing .
what's money'laundering/money'launder or money launderer ?
launder/launderer - (?) which word applies here ?
launderess/laundress - a female launder/launderer. Okay.
Sure, haven't got any confusion here .
launderette - (?) is this again a female launder/launderer ?
lexico'graphers or lexico'graphists - doubtlessly deranged lot.
how relaxed are you with English Vocabulary?
re- : a prefix : do again .
lax : careless, lacking care, control, attention .
laxative : a substance that helps a person ease the contents of bowels.
cause-causative - causative agents of the epidemic/pandemic/endemic
calm-calmative - tending to calming, soothing, a sedative medicne.
lax-laxative - logical meaning to be : of,relating to, serving to, tending to carelessness.
a laxative attitude, you can & must say & that's sense.
how can you say a laxative medicine/pill - sense'less'ness.
wow, stupidly the lexicographers chose this. Silly. Humorous.
-ative : a suffix : ability to perform the activity represented by the verb .
relax : to become less active, calm, happy etc.
mid- : a prefix : the middle of.
riff : a melodic phase in a music.
midriff : the middle part of the body, between the Chest & Waist.
blame the lexicographers , excuse yourself please !
high time, a Law is brought in place & a massive restructing of the Vocabulary done .
it's impossible to make sense of this ubiquitous word we live by
( though utterly senseless thing, still try to find the odd'thing in the above words & its forms )
what's this - a'part'ment - and how could the meaning be this idiotic.
hang the lexico'graphers - it's as good as getting away with murder .
am still under Construction . .
allow me a day more please . . . .
this is an head'achy(?)/head'aching(?) business
keep a cool head, if you can, please.
am still under Construction . .
allow me a day more please . . . .
complex - shopping complex, building complex, apartment complex etc
log onto / access
and my promise is well there
that everything on/about this/these
would be pleasurably imprinted for life on your mind
mark my word ' pleasurably ' in the above line please .
am Sorry . English lexico-graphers / lexico-ers you may well be whip-lashed naked by the Public . until you bleed blood & dead . such would be the overpowering of in-tense & im-pass-ion-ed rage & ran-cor . - - - such an incorrigible idiots they have been all through the course of hist-ory . this is Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker and YES . and am on RECORD . ENGLISH - it has rendered the entire History & the World - IDIO ' t ( s ) . am just speech-less on HOW exactly they are all operating with this stupendous scale of stupidity & awe-full ass-in-in-ity . |
calculate calculute ? calculation |
computate ? compute computation |
calcul-able - ( ad-noun ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - determinable by calculation, ascertainable. eg : this map was designed so that distances by road are easily calculable. E M O T I ON (2) - that can be counted on, reliable. eg : a calculabe person when it comes to handling problems. |
comput-able - ( ad-noun ) N I L |
calculator-is-able - ( ad-noun ) N I L |
computer-is-sable - ( ad-noun ) determinable by computer. to equip with or automate by computer. to control, perform, process or store by means of a computer. |
calculate - ( verb ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - to determine / ascertain . by mathematical methods . to compute. eg : to calculate the velocity of light. (2) - to determine by reasoning, common sense or practical experience to estimate, evaluate, to guage. eg : N I L - - - (3) - to think, to guess. (4) - to intend, to plan F u n c t i o n - HAND - figurative (1) - to make suitable or fit for a purpose to adapt eg : his remarks were calculated to inspire our confidence. calculated - ( verb ) E M O T I O N (1) - to rely or to depend on. eg : they calculated on good weather. |
compute - ( verb ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - to determine by calculation, to reckon to calculate. eg : to compute the period of Juipiter's revolution. the outer space that is vast beyond compute. (2) - to determine by using a Computer/Calculator . (3) - to make sense, to add up eg : his reasons for doing that just don't compute. |
calculated - ( ad-noun ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - arrived at or determined by mathematical calculation. ascertained mathematically. ( 2) - carefully thought of/out or planned. eg : a calculated effor. |
computed - ( ad-noun ) N I L |
calculating - ( ad-noun ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - capable of or made for performing calcuations. esp. arithmetical calculations. a calculating machine. E M O T I O N (1) - shrewd, cautious eg : a wise and calculated lawyer. (2) - selfishly scheming eg : a cold and calculating dictator. |
computing - ( ad-noun ) N I L |
calculating - ( N O U N ) N I L |
computing - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - an ACT of calculating or reckoning. F u n c t i o n - H A N D (1) - the USE of a COMPUTER to process - Data or perform - calculations. |
calculation - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - the RESULT or the PRODUCT of calculating. eg : his calculations agree with our. (2) - the ACT or the PROCESS of calcualating. computation. - - - (1) - fore-thought, prior or careful planning. (2) - an ESTIMATE based on the known facts, to forecast eg : her calcuation of the building costs proved quite accurate. E M O T I O N (1) - scheming selfishness. |
computation - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - an ACT or the PROCESS or the METHOD of computing, calculation. (2) - the RESULT of computing. M A T H E M A T I C S ( (3) - the AMOUNT computed. |
calcul-at-or calcul-ut-or |
comp-ut-er comp-ut-ate-er |
calcul-at-or - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who calculates/computes. (2) - a person who operates a Calculating Machine. T H I N G (1) - also Called : Calculating Machine . a small Electronic/Mechanical Device. that performs calculations, requiring manual action for each individual operation. (2) -a Set of Tables that facilitates calculation. |
comp-ut-er - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who computes . T H I N G (1) - also Called : Processor . an electronic Device designed to accept Data , perform prescribed mathematical & logical operations at high speeds. and display the results of these operations. |
N I L | comp-ut-ist |
comp-ut-ist - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who computes . |
N I L | comp-uter-ist |
comp-uter-ist - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who works with computers. esp. a computer hobbyist or a amateur programmer. |
let they be brought to book - these lexico'graphers
who've made such a huge mess of Vocabulary .
what's this ?
a small apple ? you better take a guess ?
it's just impossible, this is all non'sense & sense'less'ness.
both the suffixes : -le & -let are suf'fix'es
app'let : a very small software application, especially a utility program performing one or few simple functions.
it's not who lives at - 10. downing street ?
the question is
what is it called, I mean, the official residence ?
down'home / Down'house
in the manner of - on the lines of
white'home / White'house
English Vocabulary
only ONE on the face of the globe, from hence'forth, YES.
mouse'over on the word'suffixals : -down / -house / -home / -street & be shocked to smithereens
learn large from the massive deCoding cracked clean by the shakeSpiker.
The Pentagon
how strong/sensible is your understanding of this word ?
besides being the world'famous headquarters building of the US Department of Defense,
a metonym for the USA Civilian & Military leadership .
here's your test : can I call this as pentagony , for adjective ?
pentagony ?
eg : this is a pentagony/pentagony order, circular & to be obliged with forthwith.
be prepared to be shocked out of your senses
for all shocking sense'less'ness in the vocabulary
what were the likes of shakespeare doing ?
is my simple & straight question.
this is the shakeSpiker, at long last , on the terra firma ,
for the
rescue & rehabilitation .
penta- : this is a prefix/combining form - meaning - Five , in number.
-gon : a figure/building, having a specified number of angles. eg : pentagon - five angles/corners
-gony : orgination, production, generation, genesis, coming into being. eg : cosmogony, telegony
-y : characterised by, inclined to. eg : juice-juicy, dream-dreamy etc
and now - what is
10. Downing Street, west'minster : mouse'over on the suffix'al : -ster
and if you think you knew your English well, please kindly think afresh the thought.
and you thought you knew your President - Trump well !
Trust me, grammar (grammarly) can't help
the adverb IS : gramm'atically
the word'form : grammarly doesn't exist.
how am I qualified to teach, when am not even aware of this fundamental.
it's all about getting INTENSELY FAMILIAR with
the WORDS & its FORMS
in the first, fundamental, foundational place .
and everything force'follows thereafter.
who are these & where are these idiotic, dim'witted Lexico'Graphers the entire English'Learner Community the world over deserves a decent trial the perpetrators of this nuisance/non'sense be possibly brought to book for the critical dereliction of their duty. |
-strike | -stroke | -struck | -stricken | Def./Des. |
heart'strike | heart'stroke | heart'struck | heart'stricken | heart'strike (1) - to affect at heart, to shock ( ? ) heart'stroke (1) - impact of the apex of the heart against the wall of the chest. heart'struck/ heart'stricken (1) - deeply grieved, broken'hearted |
elect / elect'ic / elect'ical / elect'ive
electr- / electr'ic / electr'ical / electr'ive
electron'ics / elec'tronics / elect'ronics / electr'onics
radion'ics / radio'nics / radi'onics
it's just not possible to make sense of ' benz '
Mercedes - Benz
Mercy - benzene
it's an another thing that you've Karl Benz, German automotive engineer .
what's does the word : merc - mean : a mercenary soldier .
what's this -edes again - is an head'spinning headache - eg : her - her'es-her'edes
stamp - stamp'edes
imp - imp'edes
you've this aedes mosquito , to struggle with , which carries the deadly dengue .
and for once, you are likely to suffer mercedes as a kind of mosquito, possibly a mosquito with mercy ? ha ha ha
as if this isn't enough, you've this name ' Edesia ' USA non'profit renowned ready-to-use Foods Firm
plus other definitions being : (1) a feast (Roman Goddess of Food who presided over banquets)
(2) popular baby girl name.
- - - - - - - -
heave & heave'ho ! thank your Heavens ! ( what's this : heave'n / heave'n's )
you haven't got an another car'manufacturing competitior by name : mercedesia-Benz
- - - - - - - -
-edes + -ia = edesia - is another insensible coinage
what does the suffix -ia mean ? get onto the shakeSpiker deCoder Vocabulary Software Application.
- - - - - - - - - -
benz- / benzo- : a combinign form, used in the names of chemical compounds, in which, benzene is present.
-ene : a suffix - uused to form Names of unsaturated hydro'carbons, esp. those of alkene series.
kindly pick the right one from above, please, before we go forth .
[ have colored maroon - to indicate that both are affixes ]
kindly don't say me that this is a green'coloring pigment of leaves .
the question is : what does the prefix : chloro- & the suffix : -phyll mean ?
the crucial question is : what does ( phyl- ) /phyll-/phyllo- ( phylo- ) mean ?
this is my question ? and thus the idiotic omission by the lexicographers/vocabularians
am again on record . if you can break this, consider yourself the man !
- - - - - - - - - -
how idiotic/stupidic the
lexico'graph'er's/lexico'graph'ist's - or can we also say - the vocabular'ian's
work has been.
- - - - - - - - - -
phyl- / phyll- / phyllo- / phylo-
- - - - - - - - - -
only the shakeSpiker - none else on the planet'Earth.
all others, including the Oxford, Cambridge are simply useless, Yes .
- - - - - - - - - -
get in/log in : www.shakespiker.com .
search'type : ' phyll ' & help evidence the exceptional/enormous enterprise
this is V.Venkatesh. the shakeSpiker
get your head around this , please !
- - - - - - - -
an intriquing & thus for your interesting (?) Understanding (?)
here's the collation for your convenience.
singular | plural | plural | |
usual, normal size | leaf | leaf's | leaves |
small, diminutive | leaf'let | leaf'let's | leaves'let |
doubtlessly, you'd be forcefully familiar on this.
but, what on this, guys ?
this being a very familiar word, how sure are you on this ?
though both suffixes -logy/-ology - approved by the Vocabulary
only ONE is to be the logical - applicable to the word 'radiology'
-ology : any branch of / bodies of / science of - knowledge, information, discourses, writing etc
-logy : ditto above .
is radio'logy - study of radio's then ?
what is radio'diagnosis then ? what is radio'graphy / radio'photo'graphy / radio'gramy ?
you must have to log on to : www.shakespiker.com
and search'type : ' rad '
& lo !
forget about learning, it's all about the revelation with English Vocabulary, no lesss .
the critical omission
by the so'called lexico'graphers !
pre'fix | in'fix | suf'fix |
i- | -i- | -i |
pre'fix | in'fix | suf'fix |
-ii |
for the shocking showing , log on to shakespiker.com
and mouse'over on the suffix ' -i ' & ' -ii '
why English Is an Impossible Language .
am sorry ! it's an insensible/stupdic Vocabulary .
the whole'world led tragically astray by the vocabulary
it's not & can never be
it ought to be
it's only the www.shakeSpiker.com - from hence'forth.
and for the eons to come . am that far beyond the reach of the Competition .
mouse'over on the suffixes : -down & -bound & you will be the blessed .
you sure must be aware of this word
of what's use our Vocabulary, if we aren't aware of
you sure must be aware of the below word
forget about all those tongue'twisting words ,
here's the deceptively simple vocabulary test for you .
pennis ?
Doctors' the world over
am sure you might not have got this logically laid in the head
gastr- / gastro- : gastr'algia / gastr'itis / gastr'ology
my question is
what's this
gastro'cnemi'us - gastro'cnemi'i
gastro'cnem'ius - gastro'cnem'ii
see the suffixal : -i ' in my deCoder Vocabulary appl .
and for once, your understanding of the same would be re'worked/re'vamp'ed more powerfully .
glute'us - glute'i
glute'us maxim'us - glute'i maxim'i
for the very intersting , inspiring & practical Usage of this word in sentences & day'to'day life
access shakeSpiker de'Coder app and mouse'over on the suffix -i .
what are these ?
the trick & the technique - made possible by the deCoder shakeSpiker .
warm welcome aboard.
only the shakeSpiker on the face of the globe - does the deliverance .
sure, we're all suppos'ed'ly thorough with the following words. really !
-itol : a suffix -used in names of alcohols. eg : sorb'itol , pin'itol , inos'itol , mann'itol , etc
-ital : does a suffix exists ? orb-orb'ital , dig-dig'ital . cap-cap'ital - word ' capit ' exists ?
why Engl'ish – is an im’poss’ible language
poss/posse – pronounced differently
shop/shoppe – pronounced same
simple & straight – the -ish in English doesn’t make / hasn’t got any sense at all.
no independent word ‘ engl ' – exists at all, where it actually should .
has the word Engl'ish , got all the Four word'forms, namely, Noun, adnoun, Verb, adverb ?
what about - enlgish’ish’ness, english’ly – english’an, english’ian, english’ic, english’ical ?
what does it mean by an English'er, English’ism/English’ist/English'man/English'woman ,
Engl'land - what's an Eng'land'er/Eng'land'er’ism/Eng’land'er’ist/Eng'land'man/Eng'land'woman ,
aren’t the suffixes : -ish & -ness – one & the same ? plus how about words that end in -er + -ist ?
if it were ‘ Engl’land’ish ’ language instead of ‘ Engl'ish ‘ language – at least some sense.
the game’changer – is in your greatest possible grasp & grip of the affixes .
did you know how tough it is to understand
in generic medicines .
distinguish between these please if you can .
gener'able - general - generate
generate - generation - generative
what is the plural of the word : plural ? is it plural's
which of the following is correct ?
of course, take it easy, English Vocabulary has absolutely no Grammar/Grammer .
the word ' genius ' has two plural - ?
the word ' genius ' has two plural's - ?
genius'es / gen'ii
distinguish between these please if you can .
gen'ius - gen'ii - gen'ie ,
critical omission by the so'called lexico'graph'er's/lexico'graph'ist's/vocabular'ian's
is the overlooking of including -i /-ii - as suffix'al
log onto : www.shakespiker.com & in the Free'Access 2 Buttons
click glossary beneath the Noun & mouse over on -i /-ii
and your understanding of the Vocabulary would be just one word : once & for all .
next time, when you fill fuel in your vehicle
ask yourself , what's this
gall + -on = gallon
gall + -oon = galloon
here's your Vocabulary Test ?
ball + -oon = balloon
buff + -oon = buffoon
mons + -oon = monsoon
( what's mons pubis ? )
it's utter law'less'ness with English Vocabulary & Language .
the shakeSpiker at rescue & possible rehabilitation at last !
what's your
' radial tyre '
it's impossible to make sense from any of the Dictionaries on the globe.
only the
one & only
on the face of the earth, Yes .
everything else is useless .
it would be sheer & shocking revelation beyond your imagination .
type'search : ' rad '
as simple as a word
how sure & strong & sated your understanding is ?
phone/phonet/phon'etics/phone'tics/phon'et'ics ?
phone'mics / phon'emics / phonem'ics ?
phone'esthe'mics ?
phone'tics / phone'et'ics
phone'matics- you've mathe'matics for company/comparision
phonathon - you've marathon for company
phonology - study of phones
phono'tactics - is it about the skill required of call'center jobs ?
phony - slike, characteristic of phones ?
if we don't pull/seize/grab the Vocabulary by its collar
we would be pathetically poor by education , we'd be useless.
break in - for the - break'through - what's this ?
spital ( spit + al )
forget about all the world'wide 'English Vocabulary Tests'
they are all just ineffective/useless, from hence'forth .
this is V.Venkatesh, the shakeSpiker ,
on the terra firma at last, at your rescue, Yes.
meanwhile take this test.
cub'itol (?)
okay, you had your schooling/education .
what's the difference between radius/radii/radian ?
you'd most likely take this alibi, ' I've forgot & don't remember '
this kind of alibi - at once demolishes the dignity, self'respect & improper to call oneself ' educated '
but you must forgive yourself, the culprit is the English & it's Vocabulary .
this wouldn't happen when you learn from the shakeSpiker .
and that's the promise & the proclamation . Yes.
okay, we're all supposed to be the educated around .
but as simple as a word : like radius/radi/radii ?
question is - does the word radi exist ?
or better still as a prefix form radi- ?
you'd most likely take this alibi, ' hmmm . . . am not sure '
if we aren't sure, we aren't safe/secure from possible/certain embarassment .
this wouldn't happen when you learn from the shakeSpiker .
and that's the promise & the proclamation . Yes.
when it is
English Vocabulary
from hence'forth it's only the
V. Venkatesh .
on the existence
all others would've to - exit & extinct
am sorry guys .
( for the un'initiated - the word guys is a common gender, that's the problem with English )
and for the eons to come , it's impossible to match
let alone catch up with me.
am built beyond - impossibly beyond the imagination .
forget about the ' intellect .
( YES, am, V.Venkatesh/shakeSpiker, in my full senses when making this massive statement )
de'coder - yet again the evidence - exponential extent , no less .
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
in the whole English Vocabulary : only this kind here with - cle / - cule / - culum plus this head'ache : - icle / - icule / - iculum and thus am the shakeSpiker, the deCoder & the Law on English Vocabulary . |
( 1 ) | |||
- cle | |||
- cular | - cular'ness | - cular'ly | |
- icle | |||
- icular | - icular'ness | - icular'ly | |
( 2 ) | |||
- cule | |||
- cular | - cular'ness | - cular'ly | |
- icule | |||
- icular | - icular'ness | - icular'ly | |
( 3 ) | |||
- culum | |||
- cular | - cular'ness | - cular'ly | |
- iculum | |||
- icular | - icular'ness | - icular'ly |
words & the suffix'al forms - the eagle'eyed perspective .
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
in the whole English Vocabulary : only this kind here with - cle / - cule / - culum plus this head'ache : - icle / - icule / - iculum and thus am the shakeSpiker, the deCoder & the Law on English Vocabulary . |
( 1 ) | |||
cir'cle | |||
cir'cular | cir'cular'ness | cir'cular'ly | |
cub'icle | |||
cub'icular | cub'icular'ness | cub'icular'ly | |
( 2 ) | |||
mole'cule | |||
mole'cular | mole'cular'ness | mole'cular'ly | |
rid'icule | |||
rid'icular | rid'icular'ness | rid'icular'ly | |
( 3 ) | |||
animal'culum | |||
animal'cular | animal'cular'ness | animal'cular'ly | |
curr'iculum | ( cub'iculum ) | ||
curr'icular | curr'icular'ness | curr'icular'ly |
the mad make of the vocabulary
stich - (1) - Poetry : a verse or line
(2) - the last trick, being of special scoring value in certain games.
stich'aria - (1) - a white tunic of Silk/Linen, worn by Priests, Bishops, Deacons.
stich'eron - (1) - a Hymn/Psalm - particular genre, sung during service in a Church.
sticho- - (1) - sticho'metry : the practice of writing a prose text in lines
often of slightly different lengths.
(2) - sticho'mythia : dramatic dialogue as in Greek Play
characterised by brief exchanges
between two characters,
each of whom usually speaks in one line of verse
during a scene of intense emotion or argument.
S T I T C H - (1) - one complete movement of a threaded needle through a fabric.
(2) - pain - a sudden, sharp
(3) - the least bit of anything
stitchy - (1) - the act of standing still & clenching your buttocks together
in an attempt to prevent defecation until you reach a restroom.
ortho'stitchy - (1) - Botany : a vertical rank/row, an arrangement of leaves at
different heights on an axis so that their meridian planes coincide.
-stichous - (1) - having rows.
the day of deliverance - has dawned .
& am now thus, the shakeSpiker, on a vengeance .
if this isn't idiotic coinage/wordage
what else this could be ?
bat - bateau
( a heavy,thick -stick/club/racket/cudgel ) - ( a small flat'bottom rowboat )
border - bordereau
( the edge, frontier, brink, verge etc ) - ( a detailed memorandum )
shakeSpiker - at long last, for the rescue & rehabilitation .
you light up this everyday - for your biological survival .
stove, burner, cooking'range , furnace, heater
cooker, boiler, kettle, utensil
what's this then ?
grille / coquille
Olympic Torch/Flame
what is this exactly called - in - one word ?
sure, go ahead, do search on the interNet.
or better still, log onto www.shakespiker.com
mouse over on the suffix : -eau
none on the planet'Earth of any help , not even the - Oxford, Cambridge, Webster's , Chambers, shakespeare etc
log onto www.shakespiker.com
( 1 ) mouse'over on the - suf'fix'es : -ical / -icle OR ( 2 ) typeSearch ' rad '
I did felt
lost & ludicrous
when I saw this word on name'boards of electrical Shops
and thus am, on a vengeance
the shakeSpiker today
for/at the rescue & rehabilitation of
the entire 1.5+ billion english'speaking the world over .
Yes, no one on the planet'Earth can dare take this spine'chilling number
except Me , V.Venkatesh. the shakeSpiker
what's these words : luminaria / laminaria
log onto www.shakespiker.com :
& mouse'over on the suffixes : -air / -aire / -aria / -arian / -arious /-arium
and it's - revelation , no less .
line - n - linen
liss - e - lisse
leaf - leaf'let - phyllome
plant - plant'let
root - root'let - pedicel
branch - branch'let - telome
what' this ?
here's my simple vocabulary Test , what is an
aero'dom ?
aero'dome ?
aero'drome ?
aer'ome ?
aero'tome ?
log onto the shakeSpiker deCoder Vocabulary soft'ware application.
and mouse'over on the suffix'al's : -dom / -drome etc
be politely warned by the shakeSpiker,
you'll be shocked to smithereens ! help yourself please .
if this isn't an idiotic coinage/wording
what else is this ?
had a since my shool/colllege days & still have this : massive trouble
adjusting to during my college days
you generally see this on TV or Media / USAGES
biological organism
is it bio'organism
forget about IELTS
what's this stupidic wording , have difficulty understanding
every Tom, Dick, Harry loosely using this : International, International
English Language
Test System / Testing System / Testy System ?
take my Test before, from shakeSpiker vocabulary'metry Screen 6
world/global Language
international Language
multi'nnationl Language
kindly don't tell me - they are synonymous
why this is all blatant stupidic - the world is so ignorant of/and suffering
British Council - what council is this ?
shakeSpiker - has problem accepting this.
what council - it should ideally/logically/meaningfully be British Academy/Education/Culture Council
it's very tough getting your head around this ?
reason - vocabulary is all stupidic, am sorry to say this. But that's the teeming truth.
sure, you think you know this word ?
think again please, am serious .
now, is there any word like this
if I say mathematics is problematics - are we right here ?
forget about all
shakeSpiker - world's toughest English Vocabulary Test
the one & only
on the face of the globe
and for the eons to come, Yes . Built impossibly Beyond .
take it from Me, the shakeSpiker
an out & out Idiots/Stupids - these lexico'graphers were.
Bus'Station/Stand / Cycle'Stand ?
Rail / Rail'Road / Railway / Train'Station ?
Police'Station - Police head'quarters for a particular district/area.
as if the above isn't enough, you have this : it is also called Station'House
Air'Station - an air'field, having facilities for Sheltering/Servicing of air'craft.
what is Hangar then ? dear lexico'graphers ?
Aero'Station - the Science/Art - of operationg aero'stats.
aero'statics : the branch of statics that deals with gases in equilibrium.
the Science of lighter-tha-air air'craft Eg : Hinden'burg aircraft ?
Sea'Station - an Eco-Friendly structure renovated and furnished
following the philosophy of Green Living, or rather the lifestyle
that prefers eco-sustainability.
The materials used are natural, recycled and hypoallergenic.
you've these : air'port - aero'drome - land'station - earth'station - water'station , to struggle & suffer from
English Vocabulary : fundamentally flawed
and thus impossible to lock in with logic . log'in : and mouse'over -station.
some enterprising soul have got this : fuck'station . .. when does a law come in to control these nuisances.
it's just impossible to
crack clean or clear
log on www.shakespiker.com
in the free'trial - mouse'over on the suffix - drome
lexico'graphers - what have they been doing all along ?
English Vocabulary - is - absolutely & hugely sense'less .
forgive me, am sorry , but that's the shocking / stark truth .
hugely stupidic these !
docu'ment'er / 'ar / 'or
docu'ment'arian / 'erian
docu'ment'ary / 'ery
as if this isn't enough, you've this : ' document'writer ' , is this vocabular'ly/-ily correct ?
am sorry if I have crashed & collapsed your confidence beyond construction .
the trick & the technique therefore- is in the irrevocable grasp & grip
of the affixes - suffixes - first,
prefixes next
what's this ?
emoticon ?
emoticon ?
to learn large : log'on ww.shakespiker.com. & mouse'over : -con
what is correct ?
play'wright ?
play'writer ?
log onto shakespiker &
mouse'over on word'suffix'al's -wright & -write .
and you thought the word : serene is
these lexico'graphers wouldnt' let us be
see what the mindless borrowal of words does !
' brutal' bother '
examine these : you wouldn't want to spare the lexico'graphers ' who have got away with as good as murder.
long & lang
long'out & langot
under'wear & inner'wear
bag & bagg'ie
leg & legg'ie
lung & lungi
linger & linger'ie
mouse'over on the -ot & -i in the shakespiker de'Coder vocabulary application
and you shall be the essentially enlightened / essentially educated from hence'forth .
you sure must have heard this .
how about this ?
lo ! now, the tricky, touchy, thorny question is : what's bank'side ?
find the odd one's out , if you can ?
nava - naval - navalry
nave - navel - navelry
cava - caval - cavalry
cave - cavel - cavelry
that's it , please go back & forth again - revamping your education with
the trick & the technique is in the mastery of the affixes .
utterly stupidic vocabulary this !
and impossible to imprint in the mind/memory.
the seller of flowers - is called ?
the grower of flowers - is called ?
flow'er / flower'er-flow'erer / flower'child / flower'girl / flower'head / flower'people .
floor'er / floor'ist-flor'ist / floor'man / floor'worker .
break this bamboozle, if you can please ?
not a soul on the planet - knows English well !
and am on record, YES .
ONLY the shakespiker's has got all the understanding.
as simple as this, you may feel, but you are terribly wrong there.
what is a ' night'shift ' ?
mouse'over on the word'suffixal : -shift & it will be your shift for the shock.
here's the shakespiker's query for you !
ask yourself how strong/sturdy - understanding of this ubiquitous word is ?
query - quer'er
quer'ier / quer'ier'ist
quer'ulous ( one who is always asking quer'ies ? )
what are these ?
food'home / home'food
you sure wouldn't want to forgive these derelicts/derangers called : lexico'graphers.
log on www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word suffixal : -house ,etc
this is English - utterly sense'less'ness, Be On Your Guard.
but how sure & strict is your sense/sanity on this ?
log on : and mouse'over on the suffixal : -ion & -ure
guys the world'over ! you sure are so so familiar with this .
how sure are you on this ?
as if this isn't enough, you have this word : cacha'lot to struggle with .
entree - entry - entre'pot / or better still log on ssdd and mouse'over -pot
an out & out IDIOTS, without a doubt.
these lexico'graphers were .
what is this , if you can dare ?
mouseover on the word suffixal : -garten.
start :
-le :
startle :
differentiate ' if you dare !
it's just impossible for anyone, am certain. only the shakeSpiker. YES.
differentiate this ?
vain / wain
ship'wright / wain'wright / code'wright / play'wright
remember, the Wright Brothers !
only the shakeSpiker. none else !
log on & mouse'over on the word'suffix'al : -wright
you know this well .
what's this ?
ditto with .
if you feel like - hanging the lexico'graphers ,
am sorry, am not the reason/respons'ibler . ( poss'ibler, sens'ibler are there )
when shall this kind of law'less'ness end .
high time, somebody puts a Full'Stop to all this .
have suggested LLB - a Language Legislative Board
to be constitued by the Oxford/Cambridge and bring Order .
- you've this word/phrase in usage, in circulation -
ace boon coon
all the three words have independent meanings
and by stitching together- given this meaning : a close friend
what if somebody attempts this : ass vagina penis
as an intensifier expletive .
this makes the head of the learner spin out of control .
and this kind of a thing be declared a crime.
none shall interfere with the Vocabulary
and first to Stop - borrowing & thus bothering the learner .
differentiate this ?
mas'cot / massi'cot
only the shakeSpiker. none else !
log on & mouse'over on the word'suffix'al : -cot
take this test please ?
botany / botony
botony /botonny
botonee / botonnee
only the shakeSpiker. from hence'forth !
differentiate this ?
es'cot / escort
only the shakeSpiker. none else !
which of the following is/are Correct ?
Vehicle Park Area
Vehicle Parking Area
it's there'fore very very evident & Important ,
a good & great handle on the af'fix'es & word'forms
IS THE - first & thus the fundamental foot'forward
towards a muscular mastery of VOCABULARY
why shakeSpiker advocates this insertion ( ' )
is simple & straight
among the many words, let's take this ,
it's usually like this in Dictionaries / Usages
it ought to be like the following .
it can also be read & understood like this .
and thus you see this insertion ( ' ) through'out in ssdd
suffix : - aster : a small,dimunitive. I would understand this as a small teat/nipple.
but it's for the LLB - a Language Legislative Board - I suggest to be constitued by the powers'that'be & enforce .
English Vocabulary
fundamentally flawed & beyond repair
- - - - - - - - -
astro'nomy - astro'nomer
- astro'nomist
- astro'nom'ist
- - - - - - - - -
eco'nomy - eco'nomer
- eco'nomist
- - - - - - - - -
log on : www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over : -gnomy / -nomy
you see this with stitchers - in Hyderabad .
and you even see this on the InterNet .
it's so sad, blame the lexicographers, excuse yourself .
it isn't - pico'stitch ( not pico'sewing machine )
it is - picot'stitch ( it is : picot'sewing machine )
only the shakeSpiker. none else !
pico- : is a combining form/ prefix : means : one trillionth eg: pico'gram, pico'second
it isn't - pico'falls
it is - picot'fall ( singular, only )
falls ( as noun plural ) , has one meaning Only = a water'fall, cascade, cataract
fall ( among many meanings : (1) a hair'piece, a long tress of hair, often synthetic, used by women.
(2) an opaque veil hanging loose from the back of a women's hat.
(3) a decorative cascade of lace, ruffles, trimmings or the like
on a dress, esp. a woman's dress, usually hanging from the collar
(4) the long soft hair that hangs over the forehead of certain dogs.
rem : Nucleonics : a certain quantity of radiation.
a basic unit - used to measure, the amount of biological damage caused by various radiations.
a dose that produces the same amount of damage in human tissues as one roentgen of x'rays.
-ote : suffix forming singular nouns
that correspond to the plural taxonomic . eg : eu'kary'ote-eu'kary'ota
remote : far apart, far distant, out of the way, seculuded .
if the lexico'graphers - aren't a deranged / drunk lot ,
who could they possibly be ? what's this pathetic patch'work ?
shall we go ahead & call them patch'graphers - instead of - lexico'graphers ?
on to www.shakespiker.com., mouse'over on the suffix'al : -ette
& imprint indelibly on your memory'card once & for all .
are the lexico'graphers doing their job actually ?
or are they drunk/deranged, I seriously suspect ?
what are these ?
both (1) -le & (2) -let - are suf'fix'es
I've made this as & coined as : word'suffixes, these i.e. -land & -let
because, they're independent words with stand'alone meanings .
consider others like these -le & -ic etc as syllable'suffixes . for convenience
the Question for You' lexico'graphers is
which of the above 3 are the dimunitives ?
this illogical/idiotic coinage again : astronomical unit (AU)
are there : biological / Biology units ?
chemical / Chemistry units ?
physical / Physics units ?
medical / Medicine units ?
what are units ? frankly .
a specified Quantity - of - Length/Distance
the distance between Earth & Sun - an astronomical unit . AU
now, what is light'year ? the distance light travels in a year. LY or ( time ? )
Earth'Sun'distance - instead of AU, we could say like ES'd ( d-for-distance )
LY, we could say like this LY'd ( d-for-distance )
additional understanding : light'speed/year - ( Ls/yr ) - similar to - kilometers/hour ( km/hr)
warm welcome to All over the globe - who could make a more sensible : coin'age / word'age / unit'age ( ? ha ha ha )
this is how helps strengthening the grasp & the grip .
this is how to brace up your vocabulary'build
it's another huge headache with - what's propraetor/proprietor .
see how idiotic the lexico'graphers have been ?
and aren't they be held squarely responsible ?
ambulance : a specially equipped motor'vehicle to carry the Sick, Injured, Wounded.
ambulette : a specially equipped motor'vehicle to carry the (1) handicapped (2) convalescent.
logon to www.shakespiker.com .
& mouse'over on the suffixes : -ette & -ance
or better still typeSearch 'ambulance' & you'd be shocked out of your wits .
differentiate this ?
comp'any / comp'ony
only the shakeSpiker. none else !
at your ' rescue & rehabilitation !
again & again , full of, teem'ing with the, non'sens'ical.
what does the word suffix'al - age mean ?
unless & until - you wrest the af'fix'es by their collar ,
you wouldn't be able to Control/Command Vocabulary .
yet again, my simple & straight question ?
( the one who possesses a laptop computer ? )
it's too tough, getting one's head around English Vocabulary.
you may have to log'on to www.shakespiker.com.
and mouse'over on : -top / -topper or
-stop / -stopper
Bill Gates
the above needs no introduction, Okay. but the question is : who/what is the below .
the shakeSpiker - has set foot on the soil . does the deliverance from the desecration of your dome.
mouse'over on the word'suffix'al : -gate & the Truth terrifyingly takes over .
why your computer isn't
too tough, to get your head around. log'on & mouse'over on : -top / -topper
what's these ?
log'on - www.shakespiker.com & help mouse'over -ics ,
for the enlightenment .
it's highly important that you commit these two together to your memory ?
log'on - www.shakespiker.com & help mouse'over -ics ,
for the ready memory .
as am repeatedly been saying, how stupidic the lexico'graphers went with.
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
pregn'able | pregn'able'ness | pregn'ably | |
pregn'ability | |||
pregn'ance | |||
pregn'ancy | |||
pregn'ant | pregn'ant | pregn'ant'ly | |
pregn'ant'ness |
pregn'able - (1) - capable of being captured, taken or won by force, as a fort/fortress etc
(2) - open to attack, assailable, vulnerable
im'pregn'able - (1) - DITTO opposite to the above . No Issue.
(2) - DITTO opposite to the above. No Issue.
N O T E : pregnable-meaning logically ought to be - capable of becoming pregnant, etc
- - - - - - - - - - -
pregn'ance - this noun'al word'form is Absent - so bad, lexico'graphers.
pregn'ancy - the state/condition/quality - of being pregnant.
pregn'ant - (1) - having a child/off'spring - developing in one's uterus/womb in the woman's body.
(2) - filled with, fraught with, teeming with, prolific, productive etc
(3) - of great imporance, momentous, full of meaning, significance etc
(4) - result'ful, fruitful, mentally fertile with, inventive, creative etc
pregn'ate - this verb'al word'form is Absent - so bad, lexico'graphers.
im'pregnate - this word'form is Present - but of meanings, take a look, lexico'graphers.
(1) - to make pregnant, to pregnate
(2) - to fill or saturate, cause to be permeated
(3) - to indoctrinate or imbue with - ideas, feelings, principles etc
if this isn't
nuisance & non'sense
what else it could be ?
and at what cost & what fun for .
one who writes - novels | novel'wright | novel'writer | novel'er | novel'ist |
one who writes - plays | play'wright | play'writer | play'er | play'ist |
one who writes - scripts | script'wright | script'writer | script'er | script'ist |
if you are already feeling like hanging the lexico'graphers until dead
for having unnecessarily messed up your mind , am sorry .
we aren't point'less there .
not surprisingly, the lexico'graphers have so erroneously missed these word'forms for the word: nuisance
nusi'ancy, nuis'ant, nuis'ant'ness , nuis'ant'ly , nuis'ate etc
log on : www.shakespiker.com , am at your rescue & rehabilitation.
this is : V.Venkatesh, the shakeSpiker, a Lawyer, by training & a top Surgeon's son .
both the
Sound & Spelling
an another tricky thing with English Vocabulary
is it
terr'est'ial or terr'estr'ial
what's the word : par'quet ?
what's the word : para'quet/paro'quet ?
par'quet - (1) - FLOOR : , a floor composed of short strips or blocks of wood forming a pattern,
sometimes with in'lays of other woods/or other materials.
(2) - FLOOR : the part of the main floor of a theater, opera house etc -
that is between the musician's area and the parterre or rear division or
especially in the USA, the entire floor space for spectators.
para'quet / paro'quet - BIRD - a parakeet. a kind of a bird, parrot'like. often kept as pets,
noted for its ability to mimic human speech/sounds.
compare : para'quat - Chemistry : a toxic herbicide
what's the word : deck ?
what's the word : dock ?
deck'hand - NAUT : a sailor whose duties are performed on deck.
also COMPARE : deck'head - NAUT : the under'surface of a deck.
dock'hand - a dock'worker, a person who is employed on the docks of a port,
as in loading/unloading the cargo Ships/Vessels. ( NO - dock'head )
face'tious is this word : ' face'book '
like - twitt'er, tweet'er, tik'tok'er, You'Tube'er - is there : face'book'er ?
there is also a : fake'book - to struglle with, do you know this ?
& look ! this word: face'book is into Dictionaries & so stupid this mind'less borrowal by English.
do you know this, they have borrowed lungi from India & gave a place to my much amusement.
what is the resultant confusion to the reader : should I take as : lung-lungi - like fungus-fungi
enough of this idiotic non'sense please, am sorry.
English Vocabulary - a Big'Bother .
simply log'on www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word'suffix'al : -book .
forget about your normal book : there are so many unnecessary books to bounce'bother , babe !
valentine, wow stupidic again !
the trick is the Red/Blue/Black - buttons, I've provisioned on the HomePage of the application.
to Understand what Valentine Is - you must begin with/from the word : vale
vale : (1) - valley
(2) - the World
(3) - the mortal/earthly life
vale'diction : (1) - the act of bidding fare'well or taking leave.
(2) - an occassion/address/utterance/oration or the like - given/delivered in fare'well
if it is vale'diction - it has to be vale'dictionary, why vale'dictory .
vale'dictory : (1) - a Student, usually the one ranking highest academically in a shool graduating class
who delivers the valedictory at the commencement exercises.
vale'dictorian : (1) - a Student, usually the one ranking highest academically in a shool graduating class
who delivers the valedictory at the commencement exercises.
valence : (1) - Chemistry :
(2) - Immunology :
(3) - Ability/Capacity - of Person :
valencia : (1) - Name - Of - Person - Both Male/Female
(2) - Name - Of - Place
(3) - Name - Of - Fruit
valenciennes : (1) - Name - Of - Place
(2) - Textiles : a flat bobbin lace of linen or a cotton imitation of it.
-valent : (1) - a combining form, menaing : having a Valence/Chromosomes/anti'bodies
of the Number specified by the initial element
valentine : (1) - Card / Message /art'work
usually amatory or sentimental, but sometimes satirical/comical
as an expression/token/gift - sent by usually a lover or a person in love.
(2) - Person : a sweet'heart chosen/greeted on this Day.
(3) - Name - Of - Person
valentinian : (1) - Name - Of - Person
valentinite : (1) - Mineralogy : a mineral, anti'mony tri'oxide.
valentino : (1) - Name - Of - Person
valentinus : (1) - Name - Of - Person
among the so many words : get shocked by the senselesslness with word : student.
how the word - stud - metamorphoses into - student
it's another thing - you don't have these word'forms - studence, studency etc
better still : log'on www.shakespiker.com - the Vocabulary Builder/de'Coder app.
and type'search : stud
it's no'joke organising English'Vocabulary in the head, such a massive mess
if you are an alchoholic / drinker ?
alchoholiac (?)
understanding the scotch/Scotch in your whiskey is no'joke dude !
& feels insulting if we aren't able to command comprehension of this word.
what's the 'scotch/Scotch' ?
in Scotch whiskey
NOTE : must learn all or be lost - in the words ( so to speak )
SCOT : scot / Scots /
scotch / Scotch
Scott / Scott'i / Scott'ie,
schotch/Scotch , scot'ia, Scot'ism, Scot'land, scoto-
scot'oma , scot'opia , Scotti'cism, Scott'ish, Scott'y, Scot'us
SCOOT : scoot, scoot'er, scot'er ,
SCUT : scut'a/scut'um,
scut'age ,
scut'ate ,
scoot'er, scot'er ,
am under construction . .
scutum / sput ? sputum
be worried, you've scrotum nearby !
only the shakeSpiker. none else on the face of the globe !
at your resolute ' rescue & rehabilitation !
what's these ?
bosk-bosket / bosquet
when/if it is English Vocabulary,
only the : www.shakespiker.com , from hence'forth .
a friend / a close friend .
a friend to the very end.
what is the ' word ' for this ?
log'on & mouse over on the suffix'al - que .
& the 'world of words' waltz , Yes .
when / if - it is English Vocabulary,
only the : www.shakespiker.com , none else on the planet'Earth .
deceptively simple words for you , just in case .
light'ing / light'n'ing
Doctor's the world over : have you got the clue here ?
English Vocabulary - a massively murky mess - am so sorry , lexico'graphers .
as simple as this, am sure, you'd most likely be not in command of .
second'hand - (1) - previously owned/used .
(2) - not directly known/experienced, obtained from newspapers/magazines etc
(3) - dealing in previously used goods.
Important Notes : observe seperation of second & hand, NO insertion of - ' -
second hand - (1) - the hand in a Clock/Watch - that indicates the seconds.
- (2) - PERSON : an assistant/helper, as to a worker/fore'man
- (3) -at second hand - from or through an intermediate source/means.
an out & out - idiotic coinages these again !
examine these please ! and you're to be shocked to smith'er'eens .
diplo- : this is a prefix : double, in pairs.
mat : you know this very well dude !
mate : this again an independent word, with many meanings.
and lo ! you've
( 1 ) - a Person - appointed by a national (remember not a State ) government -
to conduct, manage - official relations - between/among the countries & itself.
( 2 ) - a Person - who is tactful & skilful - management of people & affairs
( 1 ) - a Person - who has received a Diploma esp. a Doctor, Engineer etc
who has been certified as a specialist by a board
AS you can see in the Degree of Doctors. MS, DNB. (Diplo'mate of National Board )
identify : school'ate/school'mate/scholate/scholiast/scholasticate/collegiate/diplomate/graduate/doctorate
where are you all, dear lexico'graphers - we, the Learners - would like to have you in attendance & possibly for trial.
if you aren't learning like - the shakeSpiker's Scale & the Sweep you'll be simply lost in the woods / words ! |
sheep - sheep'herd ? - sheep'herder ? - shep'herd ? - shep'herder ? |
did this ever struck you or crossed your mind ? what's the difference ? are all the variants are allowed/permitted by the so'called Dictionaries. Critical NOTES there isn't the word : sheep'herd ( NO ), but only the word sheep'herder ( YES ) in Dictionaries, that's the problem & the woefully bad'job by the so'called Lexico'graphers. sheep'herder ( YES ) shep'herd ( YES ) a Person who herds, tends, guards the sheep. but you cannot say : sheep'herd ( NO ) but only sheep'herder ( YES ). also you cannot say : shep'herder ( NO ) but only shep'herd ( YES ). |
log on www.shakespiker.com & help mouse'over on word'suffix'al : -herd / -herder. what's the fun & the fuck ? ( one meaning of fuck is : treating someone, the learner here, with great, unusual maliciousness, unfairness ) |
Trump - trumpet
Jack - jacket
Jill - jillet
the trick & the technique is not in following the words' alphabetically .
but through affixes, so as to fix firmly in your mind .
log on www.shakespiker.com & mouse over on the suffixal -et .
what's these ?
when/if it is English Vocabulary,
only the : www.shakespiker.com , from hence'forth .
bull - metamorphosing to - bull'et
as if this isn't enough
somebody else goes ahead & coins their product as
Gawd ! when does this head'ache stops !
remember, you've bull'et'in - also for company. Both -et & -in - are suf'fix'es
Be on Guard ,
these are not lexico'graphers - they certainly are, let's say : asylum's
hoodlum - is a noun & denotes a person, you know - hoodlum's
the plural of Road - is NOT Roads
the plural of Institute - is NOT Institutes
roads = a partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor.
institutes = an elementary TextBook of LAW designed for Beginners.
you know your name well. Good !
but how well you know the following ?
baptismal'name , be'name , birth'name , by'name , Christian'name , eke'name , family'name ,
file'name , first'name , fore'name , given'name , job'name , last'name , miss'name , nick'name ,
pen'name , re'name , sur'name , user'name , etc
log'on & simply mouse'over on the suf'fix'es, the world of words opens up .
an another struggle with the stupidity of sense
the spelling ought to be this
NO | hole | holism | holistic |
YES | whole | wholism | wholistic |
the world is to be just curious on who these lexico'graphers were ?
am sorry, you've made a mess/melee of my mind & the metier .
what is this ?
timb'er / timb're
English Vocabulary
a mind'spinning unnecessary & avoidable nuisance
take this test, please : pick / pick'et ?
now this : pi'que / pi'quet ?
board on buddy : www.shakespiker.com.
the 'world of words' - waltz in .
what are these ?
what's this : mental'station - dear lexico'graphers ?
who are the idiots/dim-witted responsible for all these.
the reader/learning community deserves an answer.
am sorry , Dollar !
the Dollar - may be the best thing on the monetary market
but the wordage/coinage is a meaningless/stupid thing
simple - here's how
what does the suffix'al : -ar mean : (1) a Person/Agent - of an Action
eg : beg - begg'ar , register-registr'ar etc
(2) like, relating to, nature of
eg : pole-pol'ar, line-line'ar ,
doll-doll'ar ,
the meaning of the word : Dollar - logically TO BE - like, relating to, nature of - a Doll
English Vocabulary - an absolute mess to live with .
Is it the
basic understanding
basical understanding
the trick & the technique is in the muscular mastery of the af'fix'es.
English Vocabulary
you sure must be very familiar with this
if we aren't in command with these, it's incomplete education .
shut'down/shut'in/shut'of/ shut'off/shut'on/shut'out/shut'upon
the trick & the technique is in the muscular mastery of the af'fix'es / word'suffix'als .
why English Vocabulary is simply
man - an adult male person
-ia - (1) names of Diseases. : malaria, pneumonia , cardia , mania ,etc
(2) names of Places : Italia, Rumania , India etc
(3) Plurals : bacterium-bacteria
-iac - (1) Person : the one who suffers from. : maniac, cardiac , etc
card'ia - card'iac - are so stupidly different .
cardia = an opening that connects the Esophagus & the upper part of the Stomach
cardiac = (1) pertaining to the Esophgeal portion of the Stomach
(2) pertaining to the Heart.
(3) a cardiac medicine/remedy
( only the Heart ? or esophageal portion of the Stomach ? ) lexico'graphers ?
(4) a Person suffering from heart diseases/disorders
Thorax, Heart , Vessels/Angiology
now, which is correct : this doctor is a cardiac ? I mean, heart'specialist, not a sufferer .
a cardiac Doctor
a cardio'logist
a cardio'thoracic Surgeon
a cardio'thoracic'vascular Surgeon
again , very very tough to understand this word : zoo
what's the fun & what's this fuck for ?
what are these ?
home'side : a sports team that is playing on it own ground.
home'site : ( 1 ) - plot/area of Land for a Home.
( 2 ) - the Home on such a plot of Land
- - - - - - -
grave'side : the area along'side/be'side a grave.
grave'site : the site of a grave/graves, a burial ground.
English Vocabulary - an Impossibility, it's beyong repair, am sorry.
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word'suffixal : -side / -site .
what's the fun & what's this fuck for ?
as simple as a word : repair
how powerfully informed are you on this ?
what's there & what's not there in the below words ?
repair - repair'able - repair'ation - repair'er/repair'man/repair'person
ir'repair - ir'repair'able
repara - repar'able - repar'ation - repar'er/repar'man/repar'person
ir'repara - ir'repar'able
fuck : one of the meanings is : to treat one, read Learner here, with un'necessary, usually mailicious, harassment.
when it comes to English Vocabulary
why you couldn't be trusting
the Google, Cambridge, Oxford, etc
they are all fundamentally, woefully wrong
type 'septicemia' on your Google - pronounced as septi'cemia
- to be pronounced as : septic'emia
next on the google : type : pico fall
( this is such a wide'spread word, you know & the entire world so tragically wrong )
why it is rain'bow
why not rain'brow
better still sky'brow
you've eye'brow for company here.
what is brow ?
plate - platelet
plasma - blood'plasma
solar plasma
how best to go about English Vocabulary
car-care/scar - scare/
& you thought you knew English well, ask yourself this .
Good Morning
why not
Good Nighting
English Vocabulary - fundamentally flawed .
only the shakeSpiker.com.
gather the great grasp & grip of the affixes. and everything force'follows there'after.
decide whether to : feel sorry or feel superior .
what is pain
what is spasm
what is benefit
distinguish these, if you can , it's just impossible !
an another headache is to compare : Public'Garden & Nursery
only the shakespiker.com. & none else on the globe.
log'on & mouse'over on the suffixal : -garden
pick - pickel
picker - pickerel
only the shakeskiper.com . ( effectively deCoded at last )
nobody helps OR of any Use, not even the Oxford, Cambridge . YES .
that's English Vocabulary -
there isn't any sense governing. am sorry.
must learn to live with, and it's tough on the logic/sense.
English Vocabulary
fundamentally flawed
cult - cult'iv'ate - culture
curve - (?) - curvature
temper - temperate - temperature
temperature : meaning logically ought to be - the State of/Condition of/ - being temper .
log on : www.shakespiker.com - world's most powerful vocabulary builder/deCoder .
mouse'over on noun'al suffix'al : -ature & -ure and your temperature sure would shoot up .
log on : www.shakespiker.com . you've free trial access
world's most powerful vocabulary builder/deCoder .
mouse'over on noun'al suffix'al : -ast / -aster / -ster & the world of words' opens up .
kitchen - kitchen'et
owl - owl'et
& now , what's the below ?
god - godet
is this a small god ? you are wrong. English Vocabulary, a fundamentally flawed one
log on - www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the syllable suffix'al -et
the world of words opens up for your comfort .
year - yearn
paw - pawn
ear - earn
pardon - pardoner
pard - pardner
am so Sorry English ! I have to & I did determinedly . |
it's as good as & like the : Dearth Warrant . this time writ'en NOT by the Judgers but BY a Lawyer. am sorry, there isn't an appeal . this is irrevocably written . |
Venkatesh. V. BA LLB. Lawyer & now possibly the shakeSpiker son/of : late : Dr. Rungiah MS (Gen/Ortho/Neuro) rtd : Chief General Surgeon & Superintendent Government HeadQuarters Hospital , distrix - District of : KHAMMAM , State of : Telangana , Nation of : India . plan - Plan'et of : Ear'th . ( did you Hear'th that ? Thank You. ) gal - gall - Gal'axy of : Milky'Way - by the way . Gal'axy Group of : Gawd ! am Local here fortunately . |
the humanity would have to evolve a brand new One World - One Language . a tight & a taut thing - logically sensibly coded - with absolutely no room for non'sense. log on : shakeSpiker.com - for the copy of judgment . |
leopard - noun
jeopard - verb
jeopardy - noun
what's the confusion with English Vocabulary
English Vocabulary - it's impossible !
let's take the word : brack - this word is woe'fuly absent, WHERE are you all lexico'graphers ?
instead you've these following words & see what they shockingly mean
brack'en - PLANT : a large fern or brake (brake is a Plant name here, a kind of fern )
BUSH : a cluster or thicket of such ferns, an area over'grown with ferns & shrubs
NOTE : brack'en / brak'en is not the past'participle of brake. brak'ed is the word as past participle
brack'et - a SUPPORT support as of Metal / Wood, projecting from a wall or the like
a SHELF so supported
a GROUP so grouped/grouping - based on amount of their income
a CLASSIFICATION so: she travels in a different bracket
brack'et's - MATHEMATICS : a paranthesis - like this ()
brack'ish - slightly salt, having a salty, briny flavor
why this word ( a compound'word )
is fundamentally wrong
instead, ought to be exo'terrestrial , like exo'planets.
at last : shakespiker.com - on the terra firma - at your rescue & rehabilitation
remember : it's all about your great grasp & the grip on affixes & the Truth reveals.
both the pre'fixes extra- & exo- : for your information - mean the same, exo'humanoid would be more relevant ?
pardon me ,
I never undertood this mutton , though've been eating for long .
here's how - the patch'work vocabulary , by the so'called lexico'graphers .
pard - (1) - a leopard, a panther
(2) - a partner, a companion .
mutt - (1) - a stupid, foolish person
(2) - a Cur, a mongrel dog .
-on - (1) - a suffix : used in the names of gases . eg : neon, argon, xenon, etc
(2) -sub'atomic particles . eg : electron, tachyon, proton etc
pard'on - (1) - for'give'ness
(2) - Law : a release from penalty, a remission
(3) - a courteous allowance for, to excuse, eg : pardon me, madam.
mutt'on - (1) - athe flesh of a sheep, used as food.
the critical omission
by the so'called lexico'graphers !
pre'fix | in'fix | suf'fix |
-faction you've -factor to struggle with. |
-fication |
lique'faction - the State/Condtion of having been lique'fyied
lique'fication - the Act/Process of being lique'fying
lique'factor - ?
lique'factory - ?
for the shocking showing , log on to shakespiker.com
and mouse'over on the suffix ' -faction , -fication , -fy
English Vocabulary
insensible / illogical / stupidic
examine these please !
log on : www.shakespiker.com.
and mouse'over : -osis & mark my words
you sure are to get massively mad & possibly deranged !
if you can escape from being deranged, it's your good luck !
your English is never Strong or Sensible .
iso'lation / i'sola'tion
but, how sure are you on this please.
inso'lation / in'sola'tion
these lexico'graphers, doubtlessly an idiotic bunch - log'in www.shakespiker.com for the evidence.
English Vocabulary : it's impossible & a brain'breaking bother.
Person | Condition, Characteristic |
(1) Act, Action (2) Person |
State | |
- ar | - arity | - ary | - ari'ness | |
( ? ) | ( ? ) | ( ? ) | advers'ary | advers'ari'ness |
burgle | burgl'ar | ( ? ) | burgl'ary | |
( ? ) | ( ? ) | ( ? ) | mercen'ary | mercen'ari'ness |
pole | pol'ar | pol'arity | ( ? ) | ( ? ) |
register | registr'ar register'er registr'ant |
regist'ry | ||
( ? ) | secul'ar | secul'arity | ( ? ) | ( ? ) |
what's these ?
co'made /comade
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -ade
and it's a world of words there'in .
one who is fond of Cinema : cine'phile
one who is fond of Photos : photo'phile
Enlgish Vocabulary
an out & out Idiocy, stuipidity
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -philia
what's these ?
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -et / -let
and it's a 'world of words' there'in .
the stupendous stupidity of the lexico'graphers
not to mention what this mean, as everybody is certain to be famoulsy familiar with.
roads / roadstead
a partly sheltered place/ not as enclosed as a harbor
near the area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor .
English Vocabulary - it's a massive mess - made methodical by the shakeSpiker
the world is familiar with this, no issue
but how familiar are you with the following
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -let/-ette
English Vocabulary - it's a massive mess - made methodical by the shakeSpiker
I wouldn't say I made it meaningfull, because - it's an impossible task frankly .
when does the following transforms
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -us
English Vocabulary - this is a mind'mauling madness .
you'are politely being warned - by the shakeSpiker
what's the difference between the following words, just impossible to guess
who are the lexico'graphers please, would like . . hmm . . .
king / king'let
log'on shakespiker.com and mouse'over on the suffix'al : -let/-ette
English Vocabulary - it's a massive mess - made methodical by the shakeSpiker
I wouldn't say meaning'ful - because it's beyond repair frankly .
what's the quarantine building/facility called ?
log'on shakespiker.com &
mouse'over on the suffix'al : -et/-ette/-etta/-etto/-let/-plet/-ium
English Vocabulary - it's a massive mess - made methodical by the shakeSpiker
what's this stupendous stupidity
high time, the so'called Intelligent Humans - resist the stupidity of sentiments & gather over as ONE
and evolve 'One World - One Language' - a brand'new One - a very simple, sensible one.
so that Grasping of so much Information that is generated every day in every field of Study
can be speeded up & before one dies, gets the utmost assimilation of the information available.
take this Vocabulary Test, if you can !
Trump & Biden
this election, it would be respectable if you understand them more than just as Presidential Candidates.
Trump-trump-trump's / trump'er-trump'ery / trump'et-trumpet'ry
bold-bolden, chick-chicken, maid-maiden, bid-bidden/Biden - bid'et ?
- Joseph Robbin'ette Bid'en . ( Good God, it isn't bidet & that's a narrow and a near miss )
log on : www.shakespiker.com.
& mouse'over on the syllable'suffix'al : -en , -et/-ette
or search'type the words ' trump ' or ' bid ' & it's world'of'words' & an exhilarating enlightenment .
sure, we are all supposed to be so familiar with this word, obviously .
how sure are we on this word ?
relax , excuse yourself, blame the Vocabulary - it's fundamentally flawed .
log on : www.shakespiker.com.
& mouse'over on the syllable'suffix'al : -ine & learning/education would have to be over'hauled , afresh.
kindly don't tell me what this means : blah blah blah !
what's this patch'work, dear lexico'graphers ?
ab- : this is a prefix : away from
origin : an independent word : first source/stage of existence.
-ine : this is a suffix : chemistry : brom'ine, chlor'ine, caffe'ine, etc
Person : mar'ine,
nature of , characteristic of : crystal'ine, etc
English Vocabulary - fundamentally flawed & thus impossible to lock logically .
these lexico'graphers were a bunch of
colossal ' IDIOTS
what's the - fuck & fun for / non'sense & nusiance for ?
academ'icals : the ceremonial garb of Students/Faculty in Schools/Colleges/Universities.
arc'tics : warm, water'proof over'shoes.
trop'icals : light'weight clothing, suitable for warm esp. summer weather.
wash'ables : garments that are washable.
salt - saltish : the -ish in Salt , you can understand, am sure .
the -ish in English , you can never understand, am on record !
the word Engl' is missing & absconding, must get hold of this .
log'on www.shakespiker.com & be shocked to the smithereens .
what's this work, dear lexico'graphers ?
English Vocabulary - fundamentally flawed & thus impossible to lock logically .
let's look at this & be worried about the sense'less'ness
- - - -
re'fresh - (1) - to provide vigor/energy - by Rest/Food/Drinks/Sleep/Entertainment/Play etc
(2) - to stimulate memory
(3) - to make fresh again, to reinvigorate, to cheer - a Person, mind, spirits
(4) - to refreshen in Appearance, as by washing etc
(5) - COMPUTERS : to display an Image repeatedly & to read/write the
contents of dynamic storage at intervals in order to avoid loss of data.
re'fresh'er - (1) - to Person / Thing - that refreshes.
(2) - a partial/interim Fee paid to a lawyer during a prolonged case.
(3) - a Study Course - serving as a review of previous education
re'fresh'ment - (1) - somthing - that refreshes, esp. Food / Drink
re'fresh'ment's - (1) - articles/portions of Food / Drink - esp. for a light meal.
what is the difference between
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the suffixal -son .
English Vocabulary : an out'and'out absolute mind'mangling mess.
sure, you know this very well, as you consume it every day .
question is, how sure are you with the following
English'Vocabulary - the game'changer - is with shakeSpiker ONLY
none'else on the face of the globe .
am very curious on who these lexico'graphers are !
oak / od / ode
oakum / odium / odeum
( oidium )
they sure are a drunk/deranged lot, without a doubt.
shakespiker.com : at last, on the face of the globe .
does the deliverance from the delirium .
what's these ?
puerper/a (?)
can you distinguish these - foeticide/puericide/infanticide
forget about Grammar, everything. the first & the fundamental is all about
how intensely are you familiar with words.and the rest force'follows on its own.
only the shakespiker.com & none else on the face of the globe, Yes.
you will be shocked to smithereens, if you the difference
who these lexico'graphers were & are, am so eagar to meet them
only the shakespiker.com & none else on the face of the globe, Yes.
logon & mouse'over on the suffixal : -ess /-esse
who these lexico'graphers were & are
am & the world is really curious to see them .
if it is the : same kind of fish - the plural is fish
if it is the : different kinds of fish - the plural is fishes
wow, for the brain'power , please keep it up & keep rocking !
can you distinguish this ?
only the shakespiker.com, none else comes anywhere near.
you can say : telephone - telephoner - telephonist
can you say : anglophone - anglophoner anglophonist
can you distinguish this ?
only the shakespiker.com, none else comes anywhere near.
can you distinguish this ?
only the shakespiker.com, none else comes anywhere near.
can you distinguish this ?
only the shakespiker.com, none else comes anywhere near.
can you distinguish this ?
only the shakespiker.com, none else on the planet Earth, Yes.
it's just impossible to bring/bestow sense on this.
such is the mess, these lexico'graphers have worked into
only the shakespiker.com, none else on the planet Earth, Yes.
when you mouse'over on any suffixals : be warned -er / -ier /-ierer &
be politely warned, risk of going deranged is Certain,
Have your own method to stay steady & sane .
the White'House
the world may be in awe
but am amused, & I've a point there.
what is : white'home then ?
English Vocabulary - a mind'mauling and a massive mess .
made methodical by the one & only on the face of the globe.
I wouldn't dare say I made it meaningful, becuase it's beyond repair, am sorry for this.
I grew up learning the words : white'discharge, dog'house, whore'house, brothel'house, cat'house etc
and thus has this mental'block connecting. It could've been named more relevantly, is my judgment.
log'in for reality'check : www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over on word'suffixal : -home / -house
English Vocabulary : only the shakespiker.com from hence'forth. YES .
mark my words, NONE ELSE ON THE PLANET EARTH & for the eons to come.
am in full possession of my faculties, when/while making this statement.
this is Venkatesh. V. - the Lawyer & the shakespiker
why English Vocabulary is an impossibility. Simple.
these lexicographers have hugely messed up things.
cosmo'logy / cosmo'gony
poly'gon / poly'gony
log on : shakespiker.com & mouse'over on -gon/-gony/-logy
for the shocking showing of their work .
when it is English Vocabulary
till date - perhaps you'd have (might've ) referred Oxford, Cambridge etc
it will no longer be. they are of no use, yes, am sorry.
ONLY ONE on the face of the globe, from hence'forth
& for the eons to come, yes.
log'in for the exponential evidence.
am, V.Venkatesh, Lawyer, the shakeSpiker, in full possession of my senses, when taking this spine'chilling statement.
mouse'over on the suffix'als : -ette / -gramme / -faction / -gony, etc etc and you couldn't have agreed more.
lexico'gramer-lexico'grammatist / lexico'grapher-lexico'graphist
these are certainly a lunatic bunch, take it from me, the shakeSpiker
what's this ?
they have made a massive mess of our Life / Learning .
log'on : shakespiker.com & simply mouse'over on the suffixal : -esimal / -issimo
what's this & which is Correct ?
Bachelor of Archi'tect'ure
Bachelor of Archi'tect'onics (?)
Archi'tectonics (?)
these lexico'graphers y have made a massive mess of our Life / Learning .
log'on : shakespiker.com & simply mouse'over on affixals : -arch / -archy/ -tectonics etc
arch- / archy-
Doctors the World Over
what's this ?
angio'gram | angio'gramy | angio'gramer | angio'grammatist |
angio'graph | angio'graphy | angio'grapher | angio'graphist |
what's angio'meter or angio'scope ? you've an arterio'gram /aorto'graph- to struggle with.
these lexico'graphers are certainly a lunatic bunch, take it from me,
they have made a massive mess of our Life / Learning .
log'on : shakespiker.com & simply mouse'over on the suffixal : -gram / -graph
supposedly, as simple as the word - audio
English Vocabulary - am on record & on bet,
not a soul on this planet and that includes the Oxford, Cambridge etc
has any logical understanding of this
because it's all a massive mess, made by the so'called lexico'graphers.
examine the following below for evidence :
you never has any Clue on what exactly they mean. am sure & serious.
excuse yourself, blame the lexico'graphers please.
'gram 'gram'ar (?) 'gram'er 'gram'erer (?) 'gram'ist (?) 'gramar'ian (?) 'grammatist |
'gramme | 'graph - - - - - - - 'graphics |
'graphy 'grapher 'graphist |
'logy 'logist |
'meter 'metry 'metrist (?) |
'scope 'scopy 'scoper (?) 'scopist (?) |
audio'gram | audio'graph audio'graphics |
audio'graphy audio'grapher |
audio'logy audio'logist |
audio'metry audio'meter |
audio'scope | |
ana'gram ana'grammatist |
log on : www.shakespiker.com
and mouse'over the suffixal : -gram / -graph & you'd be shocked to smithereens
how your so'called education/learning/understanding - is so fundamentally, essentially been useless.
if it is English Vocabulary
it is only the shakespiker.com
and none'else on the planet Earth
and that includes the Oxford, Cambridge etc
Yes, am on record. this is Venkatesh.V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker .
am sorry ! English Vocabulary
am afraid , what befalls you , but am helpless here.
this is the shakespiker.com
log on : compare this : -logy & -sophy
this is Venkatesh.V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker .at the rescue & rehabilitation
of the entire 1.5 + billion english'speaking people on the globe .
English Vocabulary decoded, [ Yes, DeCoded ] at long last,
by the shakeSpiker, V.Venkatesh, single'handedly.
sure, you may take this, as good as, JamesWatson & Francis Crick decoding the DNA
pun intended, in jest, wiht all the due respect to the greatest of (perseverest ) of human brains.
what are these ?
when you get to know - the meanings
you wouldn't want to spare the lexico'graphers, who have got away with, as good as 'man'slaughter' for this long .
only the shakeSpiker.com - from hence'forth, on the face of the globe.
English Vocabulary - a massively mangled mess
made methodical, I wouldn't dare say meaningful
by the shakeSpiker.com
what are these ?
contact - contactant - contactee - contactor
who/where are all the idiotic lexico'graphers ?
they must be brought to book, for the havoc they wreaked with our mind & education/learning
maiden'head = hymen
maiden'hair = pubic hair ?
man'head = manhood & virility
man'hair = abundance of hair ?
good, it's impossible to guess the meaning, because, these lexico'graphers are bunch of idiots, without a doubt.
what the meaning they assigned is = maiden'hair - is a Fern, a non'flowering Plant .
am sorry English . I have to . only the shakeSpiker.com - from hence'forth.
English - a fundamentally flawed Vocabulary/Language
and thus impossible to imprint on the mind
examine this please ,
phil'ology & philo'sophy
do you think you are intensely familiar with these ?
it's a mindlessly mangled mess, a massive mayhem .
get into the shakespiker.com - vocabulary deCoder
mouse'over on the suffix'al's : -logy or -ology & -sophy
got to struggle : phil- / philo- & phyl- / phyll- / phyllo-
and be prepared to be shocked out of your senses ,
by all the sense'less'ness with the Vocabulary .
both by the sound/syllable
the sound
how this is pronounced you all know
how else is this pronounced - h m m m
adverse / adversary - different meanings
-machy | -mancy |
logo'machy | logo'mancy |
it's just too much OF stupidity to struggle & survive.
man'hood | maid'hood maiden'hood NOT - female'hood |
( 1 ) - the State, Condition,Characteristic of - being a MAN , virility ( is this virus/virile ? ) |
(1) - the State, Condition, Characteristic of - being a VIRGIN , virginity |
( 2 ) - the male genitalia . | N I L |
( 3 ) - men collectively | N I L |
( 4 ) - the State of being HUMAN | N I L |
ONLY the shakeSpiker.com - at your rescue & rehabilitation .
-aholia | -mania | -pathia | -philia | -phobia |
friend - friend'ship
enemy - enm'ity
fiend - fiend'ish
YES ! not a soul on this planet can crack open this
& am on record ! Y E S .
from the meaning of ' trop ' in trop'ical country - TO - lipo'tropy/lipo'suction .
trop /
trop- /
tropic / -tropic
tropism / -tropism
/ -tropous
trope / -trope
/ -tropal
troph- / -troph
/ -trophic
trophi /
tropho- /
trophy / -trophy
tropo- /
troppo /
/ -tropy
This is Venkatesh.V. the Lawyer ,
am the LAW & the LAST' LEXICON on English Vocabulary
mark my word, & that's for the eons to come, Yes. P e r i o d .
it's just impossible any being can break open this .
& that veritably includes the Oxford/Cambridge ! Y E S .
& am on record ! Y E S .
dare this vocabulary test, if you can
what's these ?
This is Venkatesh.V. the Lawyer & the shakeSpiker.
am the ' LAW ' & the 'LAST LEXICON' on English Vocabulary.
am in full possession of my faculties, when taking this spine'chilling statement.
custom -
who these lexico'graphers were, am just cur'ious .
they must be made answerable / accountable .
test | test'er test'or ( ? ) |
test'ee | test'ator test'atrix |
? |
at'test | at'test'er at'test'or |
? | at'test'ator ? |
? |
con'test | con'test'er ? |
? | ? | con'test'ant |
de'test | de'test'er ? |
? | ? | ? |
unless & until / as long as - you don't wrest control on affixes .
your English would never come into your grip .
arm -
arms -
armamentarium -
armoury -
why it isn't like this ?
ONLY ONE WORD in the whole of Dictionary
witness - witness'er
English Vocabulary - fundamentally flawed & thus Impossible .
you'know this familiarly, agreed.
but, how sure are you on this please.
these lexico'graphers, doubtlessly an idiotic bunch - mouse'over on the word'suffixal -strike/-stroke .
what is the difference between
common age
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the suffixal -age .
what is the difference between
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word suffixal -son .
what is this exactly ?
super'speci'ality Hospital
super'speci'alty Hospital
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the suffixal -alty / -ality .
only the shakespiker.com on the face of the Earth, all others are use'less. Yes.
don't consider your English as poor , crucify the lexico'graphers instead , for having made a massive mess of.
what for this fuck & fun ?
am 100 % sure that the lexico'graphers
sure would've been deranged/a drunken lot.
what's this stupidity please ?
common gender = golfer
male/masculine gender = ( ? ) there isn't any word for a male golfer ?
female/feminine gender = proette ( a female golfer )
who is a : dormie / dormy then ?
an utterly stupidic Vocabulary
am 100 % sure that these lexico'graphers
sure would've been deranged/a drunken lot.
what's this idiocy, sense'less'ness please ?
numb + -er = number
what's the suffix'al -er mean : (1) -Persons from the object of their occupation/labor
(2) -Persons from their Place of Origin
(3) -Persons from their special characteristics
and you thought you knew English Well !
frightenting fact is a forceful 'NO'
with all the due respect to your common'sense & intelligence ,
it's just impossible for anyone on the existence .
forgive your'self
blame-blast/book the lexico'graphers, instead
for having made a massive & murky mess of it all
& a fucking fuss (pardon my wording)
& shockingly unnoticed & that includes the shakespeare himself !
masculine | common | feminine | |
s i n g | N I L | singer | N I L |
s o n g | N I L | song'ster | song'ster |
song'stress | |||
s u n g | N I L | N I L | sung'ress |
when it is English Vocabulary , it's only the : www.shakespiker.com, hence'forth.
mouse'over on the suffixals : -ess /-ster /-ress /-stress /-tress
am at your rescue/redemption : the LIBERATION laid lastingly from the labyrinthine logjam .
what the fuck & what the fun is this for ?
what's this non'sense & nuisance for ?
- - -
mouse'over on the word suffix'als : -son
be prepared to be shocked out of your senses, by this maddening mess.
the game'changer is with the affixes . grasp & grip by its collar
and everything force'follows there'after
what's these ?
sea'fare / sea'faring
sea'farious ?
only the shakespiker.com - on the face of the globe, none'else, Yes.
what the fuck & what the fun is this for ?
what's this non'sense & nuisance for ?
mouse'over on the suffix'als : -on / -oon / -salon / -saloon
be prepared to be shocked out of your senses, by this maddening mess.
these lexico'graphers - are a deranged/drunken deviants
how else, would you explain the below idiocy & illogicity .
if it is English Vocabulary : it is only the shakespiker.com - hench'forth.
unless the lexico'graphers - are a bunch of bunglers
this kind of non'sense & nuisance wouldn't have happened .
break this bitch, if you can . it's impossible, am sure.
pardon me : one of the meanings of the word bitch : something which causes dfificulties/problems
if it is English Vocabulary : it is only the shakespiker.com - hench'forth.
what's the difference between this ?
habetation - habetude
habitation - habitude
English Vocabulary - only the shakespiker.com
none else on the planet Earth . Yes .
what's this mind'spinning stupidity ?
shakespiker.com - at your rescue, at last.
sit for / dare the
World's toughest English Vocabulary Test.
find the test site/location at - vocabulary'metry
and it will be a break'through that shall tellingly see you through .
nothing on the face of the globe compares, yes. log'in & espy the exponential evidence.
the problem with the sense'less'ness of the English Vocabulary,
is beyond take & tolerance !
it's absolute non'sense, am sorry.
examine this : com'mission+aire = a uni'formed attendant, as a door'keeper or usher/usherer
com'mission+er = a person commissioned to act officially, a government officer.
com'mis+er+ator = a person who expresses sorrow, sympathy, a sympathiser.
com'miss+ar = (1) the Head of any of the major governmental divisions of the USSR.
(2) the official in any communitst government, whose duties include
political indoctrination, detection of political deviation etc
it's just impossible to understand this !
what is
hard - hardy - hardi'hood
soft - softy are is there in Dictionaries.
but why is the following absent, dear lexico'graphers ?
Ditto with : Live-Lively-Liveli'hood (present) /Liveli'ness (present) :
but the above words & their meanings are so different, disconnected & senseless .
Lone-Lonely-Loneli'hood (present) /Loneli'ness (present)
of course, the meanings of the above are in sync & meaningful .
Love-Lovely-Loveli'hood (ABSENT) /Loveli'ness (present)
EnglishVocabulary ' a mind'macerating mess, made methodical
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word'suffix'al : -hood
look !
what's the below ? English is a mind'mauling mess.
back'out -out'back / come'out -out'come / turn'out - out'turn / wash'out -out'wash etc etc
English Vocabulary : Only the shakespiker.com on the face of the Earth, none'else
entire WORLD' pitiably WRONG
it isn't, it can't be, can'never'be : lock'down !
English Vocabulary is a mind'mauling mess. Impossible.
English Vocabulary : Only the shakespiker.com on the face of the Earth, none'else.
home'bound - could be nearer home . blame the lexico'graphers, for having made a massive mess of .
am sorry to say this, but this has to be said emphatically . and only the shakespiker has the competence . unless if it weren't the IDIOTS in charge as lexico'graphers , this kind of blatant crap couldn't have crept into the Vocabulary making the Life & the Learning - labyrinthine & laborious giving the excruciating pain right there in the ass, am sorry for the wording. I grew up with this kind of pain & thus am now the shakespiker, at long last, at the rescue & rehabilitation of the entire english'speaking people . what's this ? sepsis-septic / septic Tank log'on www.shakespiker.com & help re'work your Vocabulary afresh . |
calling Doctors the world over, including the so'called Dictionaries. get this right it is NOT : septi-cemia it IS : septic-emia good god ! shakespiker.com , at long last, at the rescue . |
what's this stupidic wordage/coinage & difference between ?
you are reading it right ! Yes, am on record !
this is V. Venkatesh. , the shakeSpiker
am the 'Law' & the 'Last Lexicon'
on English Vocabulary
Lo ! mark my words, that's for the eons to come, Yes .
forget the Oxford or Cambridge or anyone on the face of the Earth !
log'in : shakespiker.com - for the exponential evidence .
unless IDIOTS / STUPIDS in charge of
the serious business of lexico'graphy
this kind of shit wouldn't have slithered smacking.
secret'ary | secretar'iat |
commiss'ar | commissar'iat |
commiss'ary | |
collect'or | collector'ate |
commisser'ator | commisser'ate |
know the meanings of the above : how fundamentally wrong with logic/sense
or better still, log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'ove on the suffixal -ial .
what's the difference between
shakespiker.com - mouse'over suffixal -mon & it's stress'free there'after
what's the difference between
person'ality / re'ality
person'alty / re'alty
shakespiker.com - mouse'over suffixal -alty/-ality for the eye'opening .
am sorry if you feel like breaking the heads of lexico'graphers
for having made your life/learning - an excruciating pain
what' are these ?
teach | teacher | teachery |
treach | treacher | treachery |
what's there & what's not there, it's just impossible to guess, as it is all sense'less'ness.
it's all about the grasp & grip of the word'forms & of the affixes in the first place .
GOOD ! your Education has helped you know this very well .
Sad ! it has miserably failed YOU, and am 100% sure on this.
English Vocabulary - Only ONE on the face of the Globe, from hence'forth.
-s : = (1) -
good + s = goods
new + s = news
what is - petrol
what is - petrol'eum
what is - petro'nel
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the suffixal : -eum
am sure you must be aware of this word : hymen . Good. But what is hymen'ium ?
utterly stupidic lexicographers these bunch are, they have made the life/learning hellish .
yes !
Shake'speare - NO'MORE
shake'Spiker - EVER'MORE
am sorry, the bard ! have got trouble accepting you as the greatest
would be happy to settle with the word : quirkiest & yes, am serious .
when it comes to English Vocabulary, it is V.Venkatesh, the shakeSpiker .
for all future time or better still or rather until the end of time .
am that far ahead of the competition . go ahead, catch me or out'run me if anyone can.
mouse'over : af'fix'al's : -ation/-al, -factor, -house, trop-/-trop etc & it shows you up, dear bard.
distinguish these, if you can , it's just impossible !
only the shakespiker.com. & none else on the globe.
log'on & mouse'over on the suffixal : -ee
the blue'shaded word'forms are absent in Dictionaries ! how am I supposed to discharge without ?
am just shocked / clueless on how Shakespeare operated !
an'noun | de'noun | e'noun | pro'noun | re'noun / ( renown ) |
an'nounce | de'nounce | e'nounce | pro'nounce | re'nounce |
an'nounc'er | de'nounc'er | e'nounc'er | pro'nounc'er | re'nounc'er |
an'nounce'ment | de'nounce'ment | e'nounce'ment | pro'nounce'ment | re'nounce'ment |
an'nounce'ment'er | de'nounce'ment'er | e'nounce'ment'er | pro'nounce'ment'er | re'nounce'ment'er |
an'nun'ci'ate | de'nun'ci'ate | e'nun'ci'ate | pro'nun'ci'ate | re'nun'ci'ate |
an'nun'ci'ation | de'nun'ci'ation | e'nun'ci'ation | pro'nun'ci'ation | re'nun'ci'ation |
an'nun'ci'ator | de'nun'ci'atior | e'nun'ci'ator | pro'nun'ci'ator | re'nun'ci'ator |
English Vocabulary - stripped stark'naked by the shakeSpiker. It's all about the affixes FIRST .
learn & lock
only by the shakespiker.com 's method/manner .
mast - mast'er
mist - mist'ress
- - - - -
mouse'over on the suffixals : -ess / -ress / -ss / -stress / -tress
-master / -mistress /
help see how worse the work of the lexico'graphers had been all through, without anyone noticing .
what's these ?
shakespiker.com - at your rescue, at last.
what's this ?
fort / forte
shakespiker.com - at your rescue & redemption .
what is this ?
arbor / harbor
haven / heaven
when it is English Vocabulary : it's only the shakespiker.com
mouse'over on the suffixal : -home or -house
grammat'ically can never help.
take it from ME, the shakeSpiker.
my due apologies to all the one's who get the word'forms wrong.
it isn't their fault, blame the lexico'graphers instead for all the mayhem.
the word'form grammarly ISN'T THERE in DICTIONARIES
am just clueless on how the Shakespear & others operated
with this kind of colossal senselessness/stupidity around & qualified to be the greatest.
there isn't anything sensible with English Vocabulary
where does the Grammar come from ? Grammar is like Law, inviolable.
the ubiquitous word : student - where are the word'forms : studence studency etc ?
am in my full possession of senses when/while making this declaration &
more crucially have got this exacting, exquisite & exponential evidence .
English Vocabulary
just one soul on the planet'Earth has the understanding
and that's the : shakespiker.com
mouse'over on all/any of the af'fix'al's : cosm- / -etic / -home or -house
the game'changer is in/with the great grasp/grip of the affixes.
find the odd ones from out of this stupidity.
it's just impossible
Forest Academy | Forest Academician | Forest Conservatory | Forest Conservator |
Music Academy | Music Academician | Music Conservatory | Music Conservator |
who is a : conservat'oire ? |
log'on : shakespiker.com : get the fundamental grasp & grip on affixes FIRST
AND everything force'follows there'after .
Otherwise, your English would just be use'less, mal'functional, dysfunctional .
uncle - avuncular
not uncle'like ?
you sure must be knowing this : torch
what are these then ?
( who is a miser & who is a miser'ere )
lexico'graphers - unnecessarily asinine .
log'on shakespiker.com & mouse'over on affixals - for the enlightenment & enlargement
-cere / -ere / -fere / -iere / -mere / -sere / -there /-where
unless if it weren't for the IDIOTS & STUPIDS
in charge as lexico'graphers
this kind of colossal crap couldn't have crept in.
what is the meaning of : refund / fundback
an amount of money that is given back to you,
when one is not happy/satisfied with the Product/Service that one has brought.
NOW , how on this, dear lexico'graphers ?
when I approached my Bank for additional money for my project, they have agreed to re'fund the same .
to fund again, shall I take like this, the meaning ?
re- | ( 1 ) | again | eg : re'build, re'marry, re'usable, re'furbish, re'call |
again & again | eg : re'count , | ||
( 2 ) | back or backward return to a previous state. |
eg : re'turn, re'lapse, re'call. NOTE : does the word : re'fund fit in here ? |
what is the meaning of : payback / backpay / repay
(1) ( the period of Time ) required to recoup a capital investment.
(2) the Return on an Investment.
(3) the Retaliation.
you've also these : cash'back/re'cash - money'back/re'money - to struggle with the stupidity.
has your mind already started to spin vertiginously ?
you may well take like this, and am not flustered.
English Vocabulary
it is
the White'home
shakespiker lives here : 6/3, Sahara'States, LBNagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
the White'House
log on : shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the word'suffixal : -home / -house
disClaimer : NO offenses/offences meant to anyone or anything . Just to bring to one's shocking revelation ,
of the massively mangled & murky mess, these lexico'graphers have made of . unnoticed by the Shakespeare even.
am surely not an IDIOT to understand
titanic /tit'an'ic
as the lexico'graphers would want us to.
what is a tit : (1) - a teat, a breast. ( udder, mamma )
(2) - a tit for tat,
a blow for a blow,
an eye for an eye.
(3) - a kind of a Bird
what does suffixal -an : mean :
Place : urb'an ,
Person : Mexico-Mexic'an,
? - orph'an ,
hum -hum'an ,
veg - veg'an ,
tit - tit'an (one who has tits)
what does suffixal -ic : mean :
having to do with : volcano-volcanic ,
poet-poetic ,
Now, one who has tit, is a , titan &
having to do with titan is clearly, sensibly : titanic .
kindly don't look for : palm-palm'ist & ass-ass'ist .
Period . no more discussion.
hymen : ( 1 ) - fold of mucous membrane partly closing the external orifice of the vagina in a virgin.
( 2 ) - ancient Greek God of Marriage.
hymeneal : ( 1 ) - pertaining to marriage
( 2 ) - marriage song
hymie : ( 1 ) - a Jew - ( disparaging & offensive Usage )
unmarried person : bachelor / bachelorette
unmarried woman : (1) - beyond the usual age of marrying : spinster
(2) - a woman who has never married.
you cannot call unmarried as spinsterhood : it has been given virginity.
unmarried woman : virgin
a married'man : benedict.
a married'woman : benedictress.benedictrix (shakeSpiker's Inclusion)
NO Act of sexual abstince : chastity, celibacy, celibate
NO sexual experience - both Gender : virginity, virgin.
dink : either partner of a married couple - having Two Incomes & No Children
English - it's impossibly illogical .
only - shakespiker.com / even the Oxford, Cambridge of No'Use
it is just impossible to understand
because it's a massively'mangled & a murky mess, these so'called lexicographers have made of .
the -ette in
Joseph Robinette Biden
God ! it isn't : bidet like Robinette &
that's a narrow and a near miss . ( with all the due respect to the president'elect Sir.)
when you know what these mean : cigarette & banquette ,
you wouldn't want to forgive the lexico'graphers.
it would be respectable if we understand them more than just as Presidential Candidates.
bold-bolden, chick-chicken, maid-maiden, bid-bidden/BidEn
Trump-trump-trump's / trump'er-trump'ery / trump'et-trumpet'ry
when it comes to : ENGLISH VOCABULARY
ONLY the : www.shakespiker.com.
WARM WELCOME aboard - for the exponential evidence, nothing less.
& mouse'over on the syllable'suffix'als : -en , -et/-ette
or search'type the words ' trump ' or ' bid ' & it's world'of'words' & an exhilarating enlightenment .
I wouldn't hesitate a least bit
in calling these so'called lexico'graphers
colossal IDIOTS
guard | PE R S O N (1) - a Person/Thing - that watches & guards (2) - the Act/Action of a close watch |
guardant | HERALDRY : of an animal, depicted/shown the full'face fully turned toward the observer/onlooker with the body seen from the side. |
guardee | PE R S O N (1) - BRITAIN : a member of any select body of troops traditionally organised to protect the person of the Sovereign. COMPARE : guards'man 3rd Definition Only |
guardian | PE R S O N (1) - GENERAL : a person who guards/protects/preserves. (2) - LAW : a person who is entrusted by the law with the care of the Person/Property of another, as a minor or someone legally incapable of managing his/her own affairs. (3 ) - RELIGION : the superior of a Franciscan Convent. |
guardian ad'litem | PE R S O N (1) - a person appointed by a COURT of LAW as guardinan of an infant or other person to act on his/her behalf in particular action/proceeding. |
guardian angel | PE R S O N (1) - a person who looks after & is concerned with the welfare of another. |
guards'man | PE R S O N (1) - a person who acts as a guard (2) - USA : a member of the US National Guard (3) - for this Definition only : also called Guardee BRITAIN : a member of any select body of troops traditionally organised to protect the person of the Sovereign |
guard'house'lawyer | PE R S O N (1) - a person in military service, esp. an inmate of a guard'house or brig. who is or claims to be an authority on Military Law, Rules, Regulations & Soldiers Rights. |
have got no hesitation - these so'called lexico'graphers ,
colossal IDIOTS
who've made my - learning & life - lacerative
adnoun | NOUN | VERB | adverb |
( ? ) pros'titute pros'titute ( how could this be a noun ) prosti'tutor ( who is this then ? ) gender ? prosti'tutor'ess ( this should have been there ) pros'titution ( tu i tion ) the pronunication is wrong again here. |
constitu'ency constitu'ent constitu'ent ( ? ) ons'titute consti'tuter consti'tutor constitut'ion |
( ? ) ins'titute ins'titute insti'tuter insti'tuter institut'ion institution'al institutional'ism institutional'ist institution'ary institution'ary |
des'titute ( ? ) des'titute destitut'ion |
Just Notice: the serious/senseless SIN ofOmission/Comission
log On : and mouse'over on the -ary / -ery for an eye'opening view.
'ary | 'ery | |
confection'ary | confection'ery | |
CAMBRIDGE | N I L | ( noun ) 1. sweets / chocalates ( small pieces ) ( adjective ) N I L |
RANDOM | ( noun ) 1. a candy,sweet'meat 2. a place where confections are kept or made 3. a confectioner's shop ( adjective ) 1. pertaining to/ of the nature of confections and their production |
( noun ) 1. confections, sweeet'meats, collectively 2. the work or business of a confectioner. 3, a confectioner's shop ( adjective ) N I L |
WEBSTERS | ( noun ) 1. a confectioner's shop, candy store 2. a confection ( adjective ) 1. of like a confection 2. of confectioners or their work |
( noun ) 1. confections or candy, collectively 2. the business or work of a confectioner 3. a confectioner's shop, candy store ( adjective ) N I L |
Just Notice : the serious/senseless SIN ofOmission/Comission
log On : and mouse'over on the -ary / -ery for an eye'opening view.
'ary | 'ery | |
station'ary | station'ery Books aren't included,remember |
CAMBRIDGE | ( noun ) N I L ( adjective ) 1. not moving, not changing |
( noun ) 1. items needed for writing, paper, pen, pencil, envelopes ( adjective ) N I L |
RANDOM | ( noun ) 1. a Person that is stationary 2. a Thing that is stationary ( adjective ) 1. standing still, not moving 2. having a fixed position, not movable 3. estb.in one place, not itinerant/migratory 4. remaining in the same condition/state. eg : The market price has remained stationary. |
( noun ) 1. writing paper, envelopes writing materials - pens,pencils, inks ( adjective ) N I L |
WEBSTERS | ( noun ) 1. a Person - that is stationary 1. a Thing - that is stationary ( adjective ) 1. not moving or not movable, fixed or still. 2. unchanging in Condition/Value etc 3. not migratory or itnierant |
( noun ) 1. writing materials ( adjective ) N I L |
now the question is
which of the following are Correct & InCorrect
Books & Stationary
Books & Stationery
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bakery & Confectionary
Bakery & Confectionery
now the question is
what does this mean ?
the confession by the accused
are the confection of the police.
G O O D ! you had your Education .
what do these mean then ?
divor'ce - a MAN who is divorced ?
divorc'ee - a WOMAN who is divorced.
divorc'er - WHO is this then ?
idiotic, dim'witted - lexico'graphers, without a doubt - am sorry ,
it's utter law'less'ness & a complete break'down of Law & Order
now the question is
what does this mean ?
the confession by the accused
are the confection of the police.
mouse'over on the suffixal : -ar / -ery & it's all laid bare by the shakeSpiker .
what are these ?
are they one & the same
mouse'over on the suffixal : -aid & the aid to the agitation affirmed.
on the OS for mobile devices manufactured by OTHERS - android .
am ready , you can free'down'load from Play'Store .
on the OS for mobile devices manufactured by APPLE - i'OS
allow me 3-4 days more please ,
as the Registration is close to call .
- - - - -
kindly keep checking AppStore at your end, please .
- - - - -
Free down'load : shakespiker vocabulary Builder/deCoder .
this revolutionarily revs up / reBuild's your Reading & Reason .
the place of work of a Collector = Collectorate
'' Administrator = Administrate
'' Doctor = Doctorate
'' Professor = Professorate
( what is = professor'iate then ? )
'' Director = Directorate
'' Dentist = Dentate
'' Military = Militate
'' Navy = Navigate
'' Consultant = Consulate
( what is = consult'ate then ? )
'' Celebrity = Celebrate
unlesss you have the impeccable handle on the affixes
it's just impossible for you to master English Vocabulary .
the game'changer - is in & is with - the affixes .
English Vocabulary - better be prepared for the mind'spinning & mind'mauling effort/endeavor .
with shakeSpiker
setting foot on the terra firma
World Trade'Center
is back in the news for all the enlightening / exhilarating
rescue & rehabilitation, pun un'intented please ,
just to bring to one's shocking revelation of the stupidic state of the Vocabulary
a massively'mangled mess by the so'called lexico'graphers all through the course of history .
the colossal consequence being : a very inefficient / ineffective Education or Understanding .
why it isn't : World Trade Building or World Trade House ?
log'on : www.shakespiker.com & mouse'over on the suffixal : -house
English Vocabulary - only the shakespiker.com on the face of the globe, from hence'forth.
and you wouldn't want to excuse the lexico'graphers
unfortunately : in this part of the globe, presently being referred to as Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA,
we've these : Chicken'Center, Food'Center, Bike'Center , Tiffin'Center , Massage'Center , Fruit'Juice'Center etc
good God, people haven't got with these : Chicken'Tower , Food'Tower, Bike'Tower, Tiffin'Tower, Massage'Tower
WORD TRADE TOWER(S) - would have sounded more royal & realistic.
here's the mess of : trade
trade'home - trade'house
home'trade - house'trade
in'home'trade - in'house'trade
poor guys, these lexico'graphers ! they have missed the following
my education / curriculum - didn't / couldn't equip me effectively
felt useless & self'esteem plummeting, I asked :
ONLY the shakeSpiker |
![]() |
if you thought you knew your English well
try to make sense of -ish - in - British
ENGLISH - Impossible 'cause it's absolute nonsense.
am sorry , but that's the stark truth .
about / of / pertaining - to - Britain ,
it ought to be - Britain'ish
like - Brain - Brain'ish
swain - swain'ish
about the inhabitants : sensibly to be : entertain-entertainer - Britain-Britain'er - train-train'er
how about : -ish + -ism + -ist -? - a stupidic struggle to survive. please mouse'over at -ish .
am just curious to know who these dim'witted lexico'graphers were .
who have made a massive & a murky mess of the Vocabulary.
unless & until - you've the impeccable handle on the affixes, your English would surely be stupidic .
WHY our : Education is USE'LESS
blame the VOCABULARY & excuse your' Self & the School .
take this simple VOCABULARY TEST - for the sample evidence
which of the following are Correct & In'Correct / Not'Correct
Books & Station'ary
Books & Station'ery
- you CAN Call - Books & Station'ery &
- you CAN'NOT Call - Books & Station'ary
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bakery & Confection'ary
Bakery & Confection'ery
- you CAN Call - Bakery & Confection'ary &
- you CAN Call - Bakery & Confection'ery
Hat's off dear lexico'graphers - for the massively brainy, powerful work of yours all through the course of history.
UNLESS & UNTIL - you gather the great GRASP & the GRIP - on the af'fix'es
your ENGLISH & EDUCATION - would inflict you - Embarassment / Humiliation .
these lexico'graphers & the Shakespeare himself
have failed fundamentally & miserably
Let Us NOT .
aren't the following - one & the same ?
M A L E male'ness |
F E M A L E female'ness |
M A N mann'ish man'ish'li' ness ( ? ) mann'ish'ness - - - man'like man'like'li'ness ( ? ) man'like'ness - - - man'li'ness - - - man'ness |
W O M A N woman'ish woman'ish'li' ness ( ? ) woman'ish'ness - - - woman'like woman'like'li'ness ( ? ) woman'like'ness - - - woman'li'ness - - - woman'ness |
M A S C U L ' I N E N I L masculin'ity masculine'li'ness ( ? ) masculine'ness N I L |
F E M I N ' I N E femin'acy femine'ity feminine'li'ness ( ? ) feminine'ness feminin'ity |
ONLY the shakeSpiker.com - at your rescue & rehabilitation .
tit - titer - titter - titterer
teat - teater
tweak - tweaker
tweet - tweeter
twit - twitter - twitterer
the Question is
is it : to twit on twitter
or to tweet on twitterer
you'd be shocked to learn how these idiotic dim'witted lexico'graphers ,
have made a massive mess of the Vocabulary .
shockingly unnoticed even by the likes of Shakespeare.
shakeSpiker - at long last - at the rescue & rehabilitation .
when it comes to English Vocabulary
only the shakeSpiker from hence'forth
not even the Oxford, Cambridge etc, etc . YES, am on record .
given'Name / fore'Name | middle NAME | sur'Name |
name - pre'fix'al | N A M E | name - post'fix'al |
Robbinette - IS BOTH : a Name'Prefixal & a Name'Post'fixal and also BOTH : Male & Female |
John | Josiah | Robbinette |
Robbinette | Broad'Head | |
Joe / Joseph ( Hebrew : increaser ) |
Biden |
Robinette ( Germanic : glory & bright ) |
to understand what White'House is you must start from White'Home positively |
the shakespiker.com - Venkatesh.V. - lives here - in his White'Home. in this part of the Globe, presently being referred to as Hyderabad, State of Telangan. INDIA. |
Open To : any one on the face of the Globe.
here's the half-a-million'US dollar QUIZ.
auto'mobile / auto'motive - loco'mobile / loco'motive
auto'mat - auto'mate
aut'archist - auto'arch / aut'arky - auto'ark'ist
aut'eur - auto'eur'ist
simple : record your explanation .
and send it to : shakespiker.com
Open Until the end of this Year 2021 .
decision / discretion of : Venkatesh.V. the shakeSpiker - F I N A L .
Be Remembered
You/your Voice must be in : Clear, Comprehensive, step-by-step, Slow, Sonorous, Sensible Detail .
you can also employ : Video Animation / NO record'time Duration Limit .
must go over the whole/entire hog, so to speak , hope you understand what I / this exactly means.
make sure, there should absolutely be NO GAPS - in reasoning/relating , be politely warned please.
a single gap, would squarely eliminate you.
English Vocabulary
only the shakespiker.com
on the face of the Globe, from hence'forth.
and that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of time. Y E S .
all others are use'less , am sorry & serious ,
and that includes the Oxford, Cambridge, Google etc
and am on record. YES.
am ready on the micro'computers ( mini'computers ? ) & on the android ,
warm welcome, espy the exponential evidence .
get shocked at the massive monkey mess - these so'called lexico'graphers have made of.
eg : dress'chicken - dressed'chicken
duke - duchess - duchesse ,
WhiteHouse - white'home
pico'fall or picot'fall (search on the Google : how does it appear ? )
septic'emia ( search on the Google : how is it pronounced ? )
ON THE PLURAL's ! Gawd, the less said the better .
they have made my Life/Learning a lacerative logjam & am here at last to show them all the EXIT.
have gone through - H E L L - all along my Education & have come out alive, sensible & sensational.
( march ) - marchese - marchesi VERSUS marchesa - marchese
it weren't for the idiots in charge as lexico'graphers - this wouldn't have come to this sorry state.
it's just NOT POSSIBLE - to gain command on English Vocabulary SIMPLE : these so'called Lexico'graphers have made a monkey mess. |
andro'gen | |
B I O - C H E M I S T R Y ( 1 ) - any SUBSTANCE - as Testo'sterone / Andro'sterone that promotes Male characteristics. |
andro'gyne | andro'gyne |
P L A N T ( 1 ) - an androgynous Plant . |
P E R S O N ( 1 ) - an androgynous PERSON, as one who chooses unisex Clothing. ( 2 ) - a female pseudo'herma'phrodite. ( 3 ) - a Being of ambiguous sexual Identitiy, one that combines major aspects of both Male & the Female. |
take a studied & detailed LOOK at the below & if this isn't monkey mess, what else this could be . |
amdro- a combining form - meaning (1) - male |
-gen a suffixal form meaning (1) - that which produces origin, development |
andro'gen andro'geny andro'genic andro'genous |
B I O - C H E M I S T R Y ( 1 ) - any SUBSTANCE - as Testo'sterone or Andro'sterone that promotes Male characteristics. |
-gyne a suffixal form meaning (1) - of Women (2) - of Females (3) - of pistils (4) - of analogous organs |
andro'gyne anndro'gyny andro'gynic (?) anndro'gynous |
P L A N T ( 1 ) - an androgynous Plant . P E R S O N ( 1 ) - an androgynous PERSON, as one who chooses unisex Clothing. ( 2 ) - a female pseudo'herma'phrodite. ( 3 ) - a Being of ambiguous sexual Identitiy, one that combines major aspects of both Male & the Female. |
hydro'gen | |
C H E M I S T R Y ( 1 ) - a Color'less, odor'less, flamable GAS - that combines chemically with oxygen to form Water, the lightest of the known elements. |
hydro'gyn |
of VERY SERIOUS CONCERN - by the shakeSpiker. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS - When you don't have a LAW in place to govern Vocabulary. everybody coins whimsically. Lo, you straight'away have wikipedia on this - hydro'gyn |
Hydrogyn is an American indie hard rock band from Ashland, Kentucky. The band was formed in 2004 by Guitarists - Jeff Westlake and Jeff Boggs & Vocalist - Julie Westlake. Achieving success with their second album Bombshell, they have released 6 full-length albums. |
making sense of THE LATEST MODEL OF this Car - Hyundai Palisade .
pali'sade | |
R O O F ' e d ( 1 ) - a FENCE of pales/stakes iron/wooden railings set firmly in the ground as for Enclosure/Defense . R E A L T Y ( 1 ) - a line of high Cliffs. Cliffs = a steep, high face of a Rock. |
the mess made beyond mend by the Lexico'graphers . - - - - - what's the resultant Confusion - with the Readers/Learners you have all the exotic/eccentric NAMES - for the Products/Services. Excuse the Hyundai or anyone - blame squarely the lexico'graphers - for having made a massive mangle . am certain, they just didn't work , Yes, am serious here . - - - - - if this soul, Venkatesh. V, this inconsequential speck of life , in this part of the Globe, presently being referred to as Hyderabad, State of Telangana, India could make it single'handedly - what of the so'called world'class Institutions - with so much of Funding, Public/TaxPayers Money ? did they just pass time or what ? when all the Sectors are coming up with world'class sophistication - like Cars, Rockets, etc why couldn't this lexico'graphers wake up ? - - - - - Hyundai - Amaze Hyundai - Palisade - - - - what if these names come in - Hyundai - Dazed Hyundai - Habitue Hyundai - Ha ha Hyundai - Hadn't Hyundai - Haemoglobin Fiat-Faculty Fiat-Fart Fiat-fiasco sometimes, struggling to orient to these Names , it has my stomach'churning & feel a vomiting sensation . am sorry, this is what is happening to Me , yes am serious . also Names like Bill Gates, Blue Tooth, Pink Penis, Velvet Vagina, what's this non'sense & nuisance & what for this fun/fuck for ? - - - - - - - - - - an anus - must only be understood as anus , dear lovable lexico'graphers . - - - - - - - - - - high time, the civilisation MUST COME UP with ONE - Language - a World Language a brand new one - so that Life/Learning - to be made intelligent/not idiotic. and the Humans have the privilege - to speak to any of his brethren human in any part of the Globe. we are all Humans First & Fundamental & let the sense/sensibility surpass, supersede/supercede . let's work & wait for that wondrous waltz . |
English Vocabulary
just one soul on the planet'Earth has got all the understanding.
i.e., the shakeSpiker - Venkatesh. V.
not even the Shakespear , Oxford , Cambridge , Google etc etc
Yes, am on record . Kindly prove me wrong please .
hang me dead, if I am wrong . am ready & raring !
any soul out there on this planet Earth
got this understanding ?
What are these : andro'gen - andro'gyny
hydrogen - hydrogyn
NEXT : how is this pronounced ?
check on the Google or Oxford, Cambridge etc .
it ought to be pronounced as
NEXT : Is it : pico'fall - pico'falls / picot'fall - picot'falls ?
and you thought you knew your English well
let's get down straight to
what an idiotic mangled mess,
these so'called lexico'graphers have made of
our unsuspecting, innocent part of our body
they have made this TOUGH for our . . .
to the World
Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, Shakespeare etc
may be the awe'inspiring .
it will no longer be. am sorry for them
they will not only Exit, but Extinct and that's for sure.
they are useless.
they clearly didn't work, didn't do their job .
instead, they made a massive & a monkey mess - of the Vocabulary.
let's take as simple as the word : SCHOOL
schooler / schoolie-schoolies / scholar / scholarch /scholast (?) / scholiast etc
shakeSpiker - has arrived & all alone & all on his own.
it took me life'time & the dogged chase : to deCode the non'sense , to undress to its utter naked'ness,
in the process , have gone through Hell & nearly deranged but emerged as sane/sensible & walking .
am ready on PC ( view on 19 inch. ) & ANDROID - free'download & espy the exponential evidence.
take this simple TEST
am sure not a soul on the planet would clear this , YES, and am on RECORD .
school | school'er |
college | colleg'ian |
dear lovable lexico'graphers - when we have allege - alleger cortege - corteger (?) privilege - privileg'er protege - protege'er (?) why didn't this college - colleger - occur to you guys ? - - - - you've made my learning / life - a lacerative logjam. but have emerged unscathed, sane & sensible & walking & am thus shakeSpiker TODAY When it is English Vocabulary, it is ONLY : Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker. and that's : until the end of Time . Yes, am on record. |
univers'ity | universit'aran (?) |
dear lovable lexico'graphers - when we have barabarity - barbarian humanity - humanitarian majority - majoritarian minority - minoritarian (?) |
learn | learn'er |
stud'y | stud'ent |
for the more detailed : log on the mobile app. on ANDROID
in a short time on IOS also.
with 55 years beneath/underneath my ass ,
If I ask myself, what I know of English
where have things gone terribly wrong .
next time, when your travels (?) / tours (?) by
President - Air'Force'One
President - Aero'Force'One
ask yourself this OR rather confront the lexico'graphers ( if this is possible )
for the massively mangled mess made beyond mend .
to the World : Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, Shakespeare etc
may be the awe'inspiring .
it will no longer be. am sorry for them
they will not only Exit, but will Extinct and that's for sure.
they are useless , they clearly didn't do their work, didn't do their job .
shakeSpiker - has arrived & all alone & all on his own.
it took me my life'time & a dogged chase : to deCode the non'sense , undress to its utter naked'ness,
in the process , have gone through Hell & Holocaust & nearly insane but emerged as sane/sensible & walking .
am ready on PC ( view on 19 inch. ) & ANDROID - free'download & espy the exponential evidence.
C O M P E T I T I O N - am impossible for you , am eons ahead OR rather Until The End of Time . Yes, am record.
what are these ?
are there ? play'day - playing'day - play'a'day
in making sense of your twitter
only the shakeSpiker helps, all others are UseLess, yes, am serious.
titer / titre ? titter / titterer ?
twitter ? twitterer ?
tweeter ? tweeterer ?
at long last, good God ! shakeSpiker at the rescue & rehabilitation of the
entire 1.5 + billion English'speaking or rather English'sufferiing populace.
an out & out and an utterly - I D I O T I C - One |
the entire World so sheep'instinctly following suit shakeSpiker at long last & at the rescue & rehabilitation . |
the Word : anti'bio'TIC - an idiotically careless neo'logisation . |
why you couldn't be trusting anone including the Oxford, Cambridge, Google etc |
they are all fundamentally, woefull wrong . |
who is an ENT doctor ? - Ear Nose Throat . oto'laryng'ologist - W R O N G this ought to be : oto'rhino'laryng-0logist . |
when it comes to English Vocabulary . it is Venkatesh. V. ONLY from hence'forth . shakeSpiker at long last & at the rescue & rehabilitation . |
what is dance rain ?
what is rain dance ?
take it from me, Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker.
these so'called lexico'graphers - were an out & out Idiots/Stupids.
who have made a massive monkey mess, beyond mend - of the English Vocabulary .
am here on the terra firma at long last, at your rescue & rehabilitation .
have come all alone & all on my own.
rain'dance - rain'make
rain'dancing - rain'making
rain'dancer - rain'maker
you'd be shocked to smithereens at the stupendous stupidity, senselessness
& possibly not a soul , and that includes the so'called greatest Shakespeare.
is aware of & this stupidity allowed a free run , to such great lengths of Time/History.
did you ever ask yourself this .
what does your President do ?
preside | presider ( who is this ? please . ) |
president ( who is your Precedent ?) |
de - deci - de'cide |
decider | decident dissident |
dei'cide | dei'cider | dei'cident |
sui'cide | sui'cider | suicident |
& where does your President reside ?
To Understand what exactly is White'House
( Presidium ? )
you must invariably start from the White'Home
where the shakeSpiker is settled .
download : shakespiker Vocabulary deCoder / Builder from the AppStore (android )
and you wouldn't want to excuse anyone, that includes the Oxford, Cambridge, Google etc etc
mouse'over on the Word'suffixal : -home or -house & you would be shocked to the smithereens .
distinguish this
if you dare can ? it's just impossible
all of the following indicate Persons - who are these ?
chef / chef de cuisine
cook / Cook / Cooke / cookie / cooker
cuisinier / cuisiniere ( -iere, an idiotic mistake again )
when there are : cuisinier / cusiniere : atleast to be as : chef de cuisinier / cuisiniere
of course all of the : Chef / Cuisinier / Cuisiniere - INDICATE - Persons.
don't tell me 'Head of kitchen' - Chef de cuisine ( Cuisine as Kitchen is an archaic meaning as listed in all. )
do we have chef de Banquet'Hall / Lawn , lexico'graphers ? ( cooking, is it always in the Kitchen ? )
who are theese then - Genelia D' Souza / Sebastian de Souza - dear lexico'graphers ?
English Vocabulary - a monkey mess - made beyond mend, am sorry - calls for a massive surgical intervention.
while struggling for sense all through my so-called Education , forgive me for the following wording ,
this kind of a strong feeling used to over'power me , fuck these Idiots/Stupids - until they bleed blood.
for having made a murky, massive mess of the Vocabulary .
am just dumb'founded on how exactly these dim'witted lexico'graphers brains have worked . all through the course of History / Time . |
and am shocked to smithereens & absolutely clues'less on how exactly the so'called greatest Shakespeare operated with this kind of stupedous stupidity, colossal crap, stinking shit. |
shakeSpiker - present & pertinent Shakespeare - past & passe |
flux ef'flux |
flu | in'flu'en'za in'flu'en'zal |
flu'e / flu'te | ||
fly / fl'ew | ||
ef'flu'ence | flu'ency | in'flu'ence in'fluenc'es in'fluenc'ing in'fluenc'ed |
ef'flu'ent | flu'ent flu'ent'ness flu'ent'ly |
in'flu'ent |
N I L | N I L | in'flu'ent'ial in'flu'ent'ially |
N I L | N I L | in'fluenc'able |
N I L | N I L | in'fluenc'er |
English Vocabulary
impossibly idiotic, am sorry though.
am just forcing the fact .
English Vocabulary - the One & Only - from hence'forth .
search'type the Word : cru - in my application
curd - crud / seamen - semen
and the enlightenment envelops your entity
Why NO ONE can ever/never grasp the English Vocabulary - it's been made by the I D I O T S . am sorry to say like this , but this is the truth & must be said stoically . Just take a leisured look & how much of a monkey mess, these so'called lexico'graphers have made of. what for the Cambridge, Oxford etc . I have just have no respect for them, am sorry. |
regarding so'called greatest Shakespeare , God, am just clue'less on how exactly he operated with this kind of non'sense. |
N O U N 'a l word'forms | ||
N I L | revel's | N I L |
ravell'ing | N I L | reveal'ing'ness |
ravel'ment |
revel'ment revel'ation |
reveal'ment |
N I L | revel'ry | N I L |
ravell'er |
revell'er revel'ation'ist revel'ator |
reveal'er |
(1) - to dis'en'tangle the threads (2) - to confuse, to perplex. (3) - to make clear . |
(1) - to take great pleasure/delight (2) - to make merry |
(1) - to make known, to disclose, divulge |
revel'ation = (1) - the Act of revealing. (2) - God's disclosure of himself to Devotee. reveal'ment = (1) - the Act of revealing. |
revel'er = (1) - a person who parties/merry'maker. revel'ation'ist = (1) - a person who believes in divine revelation revel'ator = (1) - a person who makes a revelation, disclosure. |
English Vocabulary - Venkatesh. V. - the shakeSpiker. the First & the Farthest & the One & the Only - from hence'forth . |
Doct'or's / Doct'ress'es
the world over, Yes. how sure are you on this ?
circum'ise / circum'cise ? ( who is a circum'ciser then ? )
circum'in'cise ?
circum'ex'cise ?
hymen'cision ?
hymen'ectomy ?
hymen'o'tomy ? hymen'otomy ?
hymen'o'stomy ? hymen'ostomy ?
clitori'd'ectomy ?
prepuc'ectomy ?
labia'ectomy ?
labio'tomy ?
am, Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker & a top Surgeon's Son - here
to help rework your understanding afresh.
English Vocabulary - the One & the Only - on the Face of the Globe - from hence'forth.
yes, not even the Oxford, the Cambridge, the Google, the Websters etc etc . Yes
and that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of Time . Yes, am on record .
the game'changer is the greater grasp & grip of the affixes FIRST & FUNDAMENTAL
doc = (1) - doctor
(2) - a casual, impersonal term of adddress used to a Man.
doc'tor = foe-foe'tor , cap-cap'tor , rectum-rec'tor , rap-rap'tor , via-via'tor , abet-abet'tor , ever-ever'tor ,
doc'tor'ress = a female doctor ?
doct'ress = a woman in some cultures who is believed to have magic powers and to be able to cure illness.
- - - - - - - - - -
circum - = a prefix : meaning : round about, to encompass, to surround, to go around .
- cise = a possible suffixal : meaning : to cut, to remove,
- - - - - - - - - -
in'cision = (1) - cutting into, for surgical purposes.
(2) - keen'nness of mind.
ex'cision = (1) - the surgical removal of a foreign body or of tissue.
(2) - the Act of removal of anything. figuratively.
- - - - - - - - - -
hymn = (1) - a song or ode - in praise of God / hymn'er = (1) - a person who sings hymn's
- - - - - - - - - -
hym'en = (1) - a Fold of Mucous Membrane partly closing the external orifice of the Vagina.
bid-bid'en , bold-bold'en , deepd-deep'en , sunk-sunk'en , weak-weak'en , hyphema-hyph'en ,
- - - - - - - - - -
- ectomy = a combining form : meaning : excision of the part specified.
- - - - - - - - - -
- otomy = a combining form : meaning : a cutting operation
- - - - - - - - - -
- tomy = a combining form : meaning : cutting, incision of an Organ. excision of an object specified.
- - - - - - - - - -
- stomy = establisment of an artificial opening into/between the part/parts specified - by Surgery.
I wouldn't keep any hesitation in calling all these lexico'graphers - an out & out IDIOTS for making the Language / learning - a lacerative logjam . |
arthr - arthro - |
orth - ortho - |
ost - oste - osteo - |
( 1 ) - ( Joints ) |
( 1 ) - Correction of, Straightening of, eg : ortho'pedics ( WHAT straightening, dear lexico'graphers ? ) ( you mean Bones or Joints or Ligaments ? ) |
( 1 ) - ( Bone ) |
N I L | ( 2 ) - upright, right eg : ortho'doxy |
N I L |
N I L | ( 3 ) - CHEMISTRY In the Name of Acid (a) - that contains the most water. eg : ortho'boric acid (b) - salts of this Acids eg : potassium ortho'anti'mon'ite |
N I L |
N I L |
ortho CHEMISTRY pertaining to / occupying - two adjacent positions in the benzene ring. |
N I L |
arthro'pathy arthro'pathist arthro'path DISEASES of the Joints |
N I L |
osteo'pathy osteo'pathist osteo'path the Therapeutic System based upon the premise manipulation of Muscles & Bones to promote structural integrity could restore/preserve Health. |
N I L |
ortho'pedics ortho'pedic/ ortho'pedist the Speciality / Study concerned with Correction of Deformities / Functional Im'pairments of the SKELETAL System esp. the EXTREMITIES & the SPINE and associated structures - as Muscles/Ligaments. |
N I L |
N I L | N I L | osteo'logy osteo'log'ist the Study of / Branch of ANATOMY dealing wtih the SKELETON |
arthro'path arthro'path'ist one practices arthro'pathy |
N I L | osteo'path osteo'path'ist one practices osteo'pathy |
arthro'pod any invertebrate of the Phylum Arthopoda INSECTS , spiders arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods |
ortho'pod Slang : an orthopedist |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'pteran an ortho'pterous INSECT ORTHO'PTERA an Order of INSECTS including : Cockroaches, Mantids, Walking Stics, Crickets, grass'hoppers, Katydids characterised by : leathery fore'wings, membranous hind wings chewing mouth'parts |
N I L |
arthr'algia arthr'algic PAIN - in a joint |
N I L | N I L |
N I L | N I L | osteo'cope severe PAIN - in the Bones esp. in syphilitic persons |
arthr'itis arthr'itic IN'FLAMMATION of a joint |
N I L | oste'itis oste'itic IN'FLAMMATION of the substanc of bone |
osteo'arthritis the most common form of arthritis usually occuring after Middle Age marked by chronic break'down of Cartilage in the Joints leading to Pain, Stiffness, Swelling. |
arthr'osis |
orth'osis the CORRECTION of ortho'pedic mal'adjustments. orth'otics a Branch of Medicine dealing with the MAKING / FITTING of orthotic devices. orth'otic a DEVICE / SUPPORT esp. for the FOOT, used to relieve/correct an ortho'pedic problem orth'otist a Person who specialises in Ortho'tics |
osteo'osis the Formation of Bony Tissue usually infiltrating connective Tissue. osteo'arthr'osis chronic, non'inflammatory arthritis . |
N I L | N I L | osteo'chond'itis INFLAMMATION Of Bone & Cartilage |
N I L | N I L | osteo'chond'osis a DISEASE of Bone & Cartilage growth centers in Children that begins as a necrosis followed by regeneration/renewed calcification |
N I L | N I L | osteo'malacia a Condition characterised by Softening of the Bones due to inadequate deposition of Calcium & Vitamin D |
N I L | N I L | osteo'myel'itis INFLAMMATION of the BONE & BONE MARROW usually caused by bacterial infection |
N I L | N I L | oste'oma a benign Tumour composed of osseous tissue |
N I L | N I L | oste'petr'osis hereditary DISEASE characterised by increased BONE DENSITY |
N I L | N I L | osteo'phyte a Small osseous EXCRESENCE or Out Growth on Bone |
N I L | ortho'pnea BREATHING - difficulty, painful breathing except in Sitting/Standing position. |
N I L |
N I L | N I L | osteo'porosis a DIS'ORDER in the Bone characterised by porous, brittle owing to loss of Calcium common in Older, post'menstrual women. |
N I L | N I L | osteo'sarc'oma a TUMOUR of the Bone |
N I L | N I L | osteo'scler'osis abnormal hardening / increase in DENSITY of Bone. |
N I L | ortho'center Mathematics - Geometry the point of inter'section of the Three Altitudes of a Triangle |
N I L |
arthro'gram an X-Ray PHOTO'GRAPH produced by arthro'graphy |
N I L | N I L |
arthro'graphy an X-Ray EXAMINATION of a Joint |
ortho'graphy the Art / Study of Letter/Words/Spelling correctly , according to accepted usage . ortho'grapher ortho'graphist a Person - who spells correctly. |
N I L |
N I L | N I L | osteo'metry the anthropo'metric measurement of Bones |
arthro'scopy the USE of an arthro'scope to Diagnose an INJURY to / DISEASE of a Joint or to perform MINOR SURGERY on a Joint. arthro'scope a tube'like Instrument utilising Fibre Optics to EXAMINE / TREAT (?) inside of a Joint |
ortho'scopy OPHTHALMOLOGY the Use of an ortho'scope ortho'scope OPHTHALMOLOGY an Instrument for examining the Internal Structures of the EYE through a layer of water that neutralises the refraction of the Cornea. |
N I L |
arthro'desis permanent Surgical Im'mobilisation of a Joint. |
N I L | N I L |
arthr'ectomy excision ( the act of surgical remoivng ) of a joint |
N I L | ost'ectomy excision ( the act of surgical removing ) a part or all of a Bone |
N I L | ortho'praxy / ortho'praxia the Correction of - deformities ortho'pedics |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'pedics / ortho'pedist N O T E : is not exactly about treatment of BUT Study of / Speciality of Medicine Correction of Deformites etc |
N I L |
COMPARE : Ortho-pedist Ortho-praxist |
N I L | |
arthro'plasty the Surgical Repair of a Joint . |
N I L | osteo'plasty S U R G E R Y the Surgical Repair on a bone for any Defect/Loss P H Y S I O L O G Y pertaining to Bone Formation |
N I L | ortho'molecular Being/Pertaining - to the TREATMENT of disease by Increasing/Decreasing/Controlling intake of natural substances, esp. Vitamins |
N I L |
N I L | N I L | osteo'tome S U R G E R Y a double'edged chisel'like INSTRUMENT for Cutting/Dividing Bone. |
N I L | N I L | osteo'tomy S U R G E R Y a dividing / excision of Bone or part of Bone osteo'tom'ist a person/Doctor who practices this |
J A W | ||
N I L | ortho'gnathy ortho'gnathism ortho'gnathic / ortho'gnathous the Surgical CORRECTION of Deformities / mal'postiions of the Jaw. |
N I L |
T E E T H | ||
N I L | ortho'dontia/ortho'donture TREATMENT for the Correction of irregualary aligned Teeth usually involving Braces / Oral Surgery . |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'dontics/ortho'dontist STUDY Branch of Dentistry dealing with the Prevention of & Correction of Irregular Teeth, as by means of Braces |
N I L |
B I O L O G Y | ||
N I L | ortho'genesis ortho'genetic Evolution of a Species proceeding by continous structural changes in a single lineage without presenting a branching pattern of descent. |
osteo'gen'esis ortho'gen'etic ortho'gen'ous ortho'gen'ic the Formation of Bone |
ortho'selection Ortho'genesis |
N I L | |
ortho'stichy BOTANY a Vertical Rank / Row an arrangement of members as Leaves at different heights on an axis so that their median planes coincide. |
N I L | |
ortho'tropism ortho'tropic BOTANY noting / pertaining to / exhibiting a mode of Vertical Growth |
N I L | |
S O C I O L O G Y | ||
N I L | ortho'genesis ortho'genetic a Hypothetical Parallelism between the Stages through which every culture necessarily passes in spite of secondary conditioning factors. |
N I L |
M I N D P S Y C H O |
N I L | ortho'genic of / concerned with / providing Corrective TREATMENT for Mentally Retarded Seriously Disturbed Children. |
N I L |
N I L |
ortho'psychiatry |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'keratology a Technique for Correction of Refractive Errors in Vision by changing the shape of the Cornea with the temporary use of progressively flatter hard contact lenses . |
N I L |
N I L | orth'optics a Method of exercising the Eye & its Muscles in order to Cure strabismus or improve Vision. orth'optic pertaining to / producing Normal - bin'ocular Vision |
N I L |
L A N G U A G E | ||
N I L | ortho'epy / ortho'epist the STUDYof Correct Pronunciation. |
N I L |
P H Y S I C S & C H E M I S T R Y | ||
N I L | ortho'cephaly Cephalo'metry = the Science of measuring the Human Head, used esp. in Plastic Surgery and Ortho'dontics. ortho'cephaly = having a medium/intermediate relation between the Height of the Skull and the Breadth/Length. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'chromatic PHOTOGRAPHY representing correctly the relations of Colors as found in a Subject. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'clase a common white/pink MINERAL of the feldspar group. used in the manufacture of porcelain. |
N I L |
N I L | N I L | ortho'clasis PHYSIOLOGY the breaking down absorption of ossesous tissue SURGERY the fracturing of a bone to correct deformity |
N I L | N I L | ortho'clast CELL BIOLOGY one of the large multi'cellular cells in growing bone concerned with the absorption of ossesous tissue as in the formation of Canals. SURGERY an Instrument for effecting osteo'classis |
N I L | ortho'clast'ic CRYSTALLOGRAPHY of a Crystal : having cleavages at right angles to each other. |
ortho'clast'ic CELL BIOLOGY one of the large multi'cellular cells in growing bone concerned with the absorption of ossesous tissue as in the formation of Canals. SURGERY an Instrument for effecting osteo'classis |
N I L | ortho'cousin also called : parallel'cousin a cousin who is the Child either of one's Mother's Sister or Father's Brother cross'cousin a cousin who is the Child either of one's Mother's Brother or Father's Sister |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'Di-Chloro-Benzene abc |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'form'ate an Ester of Ortho'Form'ic Acid a hypothetical Acid known only in the form of its esters. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'hydrogen the form of molecular hydrogen in which the nuclei of the two hydrogen atoms contained in the molecule have spins in the - SAME DIRECTION . para'hydrogen the form of molecular hydrogen in which the nuclei of the two hydrogen atoms contained in the molecule have spins in the - OPPOSITE DIRECTION . |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'nitro'phenol ( yellow ) meta'nitro'phenol ( pale-yellow ) para'nitro'phenol ( yellowish ) water-soluble, crystallne Isomers/Solids of yellow, pale-yellow color used chiefly as intermediates in organic synthesis and as indicators |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'phospate a Salt / Ester of ortho'phosphoric Acid a white to yellowish, crystalline, hygro'scopic water'soluble SOLID used chiefly in synthesis of phosphites |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'phyric PETROLOGY of / pertaining to a Texture in which the ground'mass is characterised by closely'packed short, quadri'lateral Crystals of feldspar larger than those in a trachytic ground'mass. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'rhombic CRYSTTALOGRAPHY Noting / Pertaining to a Sytem of Crystallisation characterised by 3 unequal axes intersecting at right angles |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'toluid'ine a light'yellow, very slightly water'soluble LIQUID used in the maufacture of Dyes, Saccharin and in Textile Printing Processes. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'xylene a Clear, Colorless, Poisonous, Flammable LIQUID |
N I L |
Right / UpRight | ||
N I L | ortho'dox / ortho'doxy (1) - of/pertaining to, conforming to the approved form of any Doctrine, Phiolosophy, Ideology etc Attitudes, Beliefs, Modes of Conduct (2) - Customary or Conventional as a means or method established. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'dox sleep PHYSIOLOGY Dream'less Sleep characterised by a slow alpha rhythm of brain waves and no marked physiological changes. |
N I L |
A R C H I T E C T U R E | ||
N I L | ortho'stat ARCHITECTURE in a Classical Temple any of a number of large Stone Slabs revetting the lower part of the Cella. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'style ARCHITECTURE of Columns erected in a Straight Row. |
N I L |
M E D I C A L | ||
N I L | ortho'stat'ic relating to / caused by Erect Posture |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'stat'ic hypo'tension also called : postural hypo'tension MEDICAL a Fall in Blood Pressure associated with an upright position usually occuring as a result of Standing Still for a long time or rising from a prolonged Stay in Bed and often causing Faintness, Dizziness, Vison blur. |
N I L |
M A T H E M A T I C S | ||
N I L | ortho'center Mathematics - Geometry the point of inter'section of the Three Altitudes of a Triangle |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'gonal'ity MATHEMATICS having to do with Right Angles perpendicular, rectangular. |
N I L |
N I L | ortho'normal ( 1 ) - of a system of Functions Normal, Normalised . ( 2 ) - Of a Set of Vectors having the properties that any two vectors are perpendicular and that each vector has a length of one unit. |
N I L |
Orthros = Greek Orthodox Church the Morning Office, corresponding to matins . matin / matins = the first of the seven canonical hours. |
I wouldn't keep any hesitation in calling all these lexico'graphers - an out & out IDIOTS for making the Language / learning - a lacerative logjam . |
accede / accedence acceder |
amble ambler |
(1) - to give consent, approval, to agree, to assent. (2) - to attain /assume/succeed an Office/Dignity (3) - INTERNATIONAL LAW : to become party to an agreement, treaty by way of accession. |
(1) - to go at a slow pace, to stroll, to saunter a slow, easy walk, gentle pace. (2) - of a Horse, go at a slow pace with the legs moving in lateral pairs usually having a four'beat rhythm. |
accidence | ambulance |
(1) - the rudiments/essentials of a subject . (2) - the Study of Inflection - as a gramatical Device . |
(1) - a specially'equipped motor'vehicle an auto'mobile, air'plane, ship etc for Carry the Sick, Wounded, Injured to a hospital . |
accident accid'ent'al/accid'ent'ality |
ambulant ambulate/ambulation ambulator/ambulatory |
accident (1) - an undesirable, unfortunate happening tha occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, loss (2) - any Event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan/cause. (3) - chance, luck, fortune (4) - a fortuitous circumstance, quality, characteristic PHILOSOPHY : any entity, event contingent upon the existence of something else. GEOLOGY : a surface irregularity, usually on a small scale the reason for which is not apparent. accid'ent'al accid'ent'ality (1) - happening by chance/accident, not planned. un'expected. (2) - non'essential, incidental, subsidiary MUSIC : (a) - relating to, indicating Sharps, Flats, Naturals (b) - a sign placed before a Note indicating a chromatic alteration of its pitch. |
ambulant (1) - to walk/move from place to place. an itinerant . eg : an ambulatory tribe. ambulate / ambulator (1) - to walk/move from place to place. an itinerant . eg : an ambulatory tribe. ambulatory (1) - to walk/move from place to place. an itinerant . eg : an ambulatory tribe. M E D I C A L (1) - not confined to bed, able/strong enough to walk eg : an ambulatory patient. (2) - serving patients, who are able to walk eg : an ambulatory care center. L A W (1) - not fixed, alterable, revocable. eg : an ambulatory Will A R C H I T E C T U R E (1) - an aisle surrounding the end of a choir or chancel of a church. (2) - the covered walk of a cloister |
accid'ent'al'ism accid'ent'al'ist |
ambulante |
M E D I C I N E (1) - a System of MEDICINE based on the Symptoms of a Disease. dis'regarding its Origin, Cause. Compare : Allo'pathy & Homeopathy P H I L O S O P H Y (1) - any theory holding that some events have no causees . |
(1) - a portable tea-table. used in the 18th century France. |
acci'die | ambulette |
(1) - sloth, laziness, habitual disinclinationto exertion (2) - laziness, indifference to religious matters |
(1) - a specially equipped motor'vehicle for transporting convalescing or handicaped people |
these so'called lexico'graphers, have | ||
the Butch'es butchered |
the bunglers bungled |
the botchers botched |
the entire Vocabulary making our learning a lacerative logjam |
G O L D Gold'er gold'ry gold'smith gold'works |
J E W E L jewell'er jewell'ry jewel'smith jewel'works |
S I L V E R silver'er silver'ry silver'smith silver'works |
Gold (1) - a metal - YELLOW, precious |
Jewel (1) - a stone - Colors, precious ( what are gems, diamonds ? ) |
Siver (1) - a metal - WHITE, precious |
jewell'ry : articles of Gold Silver Stones |
Gold = Thomas Gold : US astronomer. Gold'a = a female given name. Gold'er = a male given name. Gold'i = Tungusic people, Manchuria, China. Golding = William Gerald Golding : British Novelist/Nobel Prize. Gold'berg = Joseph Gold'berg : US Jurist, states'man Gold'berger = J oseph Gold'berger : US Physician. Gold'man = Emma Goldman : US anarchist. Gold'mark = Karl Goldmark : Hungarian Composer Gold'oni = Carlo Gold'oni : Italian Dramatist. Gold'smith = Oliver Gold'smith : Irish Poet, Playwright. Gold'water = Barry Morris Goldwater : US Politician Gold'wyn = Samuel Gold'wyn : US Movie Producer |
Jewel = a female given name. |
Silver = a male given name Silver'ius = Saint Siverius a pope. |
the so'called Oxford , Cambridge etc etc what are they / what have they been doing exactly ? am not & will never be able to understand . |
we , the learners - M U S T : break this non'sense . Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker : at the rescue & the rehabilitation . |
Equ'ability = (1) free from many Changes/Variations, Uniform. eg : an equable climate is what suits best for the humans. he has got an equable temperament and is rarely given to tantrums. (2) - uniform in Operation/Effect as laws. Equ'able / Equ'able'ness/ Equ'ably ( worry about : equit'able ) in'Equ'ability = NO definition given, though the word'form mentioned. un'Equ'ability = NO definition given, though the word'form mentioned. |
Equ'animity = (1) - having showing even'temperament. mental/emotional stability/composure/calmness. esp. under tension/strain Equ'anim' ous/ Equ'anim' ously / equ'anim'ous' ness |
Equ'ant = (1) - CRYSTALLOGRAPHY : of a Crystal , having all axes of the same length (opposed to anisometric.) |
Equit'ant = (1) - BOTANY : straddling/over'lapping, as leaves whose bases overlap the leaves above or with them |
Equit'ation = the Act/Art - of riding on horse'back . | |||
Equ'ity = (1) - the quality of being Fair, Impartial . (2) - something that is fair & just. (3) - LAW : general Principles of Fairness/Justice. whenever existing Law/Laws falls inadequate. principles of Natural Justice. common'sense. (4) - VALUE of PROPERTY 1. the monetary value of property/business beyond any amounts owed on it in Mortgages/Claims/Liens etc (5) - OWNERSHIP of PROPERTY/BUSINESS ownership, esp. when considered as the right to share in future profits/appreciation in Value of property/business. (6) - ACCOUNTING/ FINANCE : 1. assests/liabilities, Net Worth. Capital 2. that portion of a Company's Net Worth belonging to its owners or share'holders. eg : share'holders equity Equ'ities = (1) - mounted military units, Cavalry (2) - members of a specially privileged class. (3) - ACCOUNTING/ FINANCE : shares of stock eg : Bonds & Equities equit'able / equit'able'ness / equit'ably ( worry about : equa'ble ) (1) - characterised by Equity , Fairness, Just & Right, Fair & Reasonable. eg : equitable treatment of all citizens. (2) - LAW : ( a ) - pertaining to or Valid in Equity ( b ) - pertaining to the System of Equity, as distinguished from the Common Law. in'Equ'ity = (1) - lack of justice, unfairness in'Equ'ities = (1) - an instance of this. in Equ'ity = (1) - rightfully in'equit'able/ in'equit'able'ness / in'equit'ably un'Equ'ity = this WORD'FORM is MISSING - dear lexico'graphers . though the below are mentioned. un'equit'able / un'equit'able'ness / un'equit'ably |
( Equ'al ) - ( In'Equ'al ) - ( Un'Equ'al ) | |||
EQUAL = (1) - like, alike - in Quantity, Degree, Value, Ability, Rank, Merit etc eg : is not equal in quantity with what I have given to you. all the students are of equal brilliance and hard'work. (2) - evenly porportioned, balanced. eg : an equal contest . (3) - uniform in Operation/Effec eg : equal laws, rules, regulations. (4) - adequate or sufficient in Quantity/Degree eg : the supply is equal to the demand. (5) - having adequate Powers/Ability/Means. eg : The employee proved equal to the assignment. (6) - tranquil, cool, collected, undisturbed. eg : to confront the situation with an equal mind. - - - - - in'EQUAL = (1) -the quality of being unequal un'EQUAL = (1) - not equal - - - - - dis'EQUAL = Did this not occur to you dear lovable lexico'graphers ? af'EQUAL = prefix af- means : towards : how did you miss this, dear dafts. towards equality, go with this? |
ad'noun | N O U N | V e r b | ad'verb |
equal |
equal un'equal |
equal |
equal'ly un'equal'ly |
un'equal'ness | |||
equal's | |||
equall'ing | equall'ing | equall'ing'ly | |
equall'ing'ness | |||
equall'ed |
equall'ed'ness |
equall'ed un'equal'ed |
equall'ed'ly |
equalit'arian equalit'arian'ism |
you've got the this in between or as a company to the Word : equalitarian to struggle with . |
egal'it'arian'ism / egal'it'arian = (1) - asserting/resulting from/characterised by , Belief in the Equality of People esp. in Political , Economic , Social LIFE . egal'it'arian'ist = - IS also a possibility . But our lovable lexico'graphers have chosen egal'it'arian |
equal'ity in'equal'ity |
equal'ise un'equal'ise |
equal'is'es un'equalis'es |
equal'is'ing |
equal'is'ing un'equalis'ing |
equal'is'ing'ly |
equal'is'ing'ness | |||
equal'is'ed |
equal'is'ed'ness |
equal'is'ed un'equalis'ed |
equal'is'ed'ly |
equal'is'ation | |||
equal'is'ation'al | equal'is'ation'al | equal'is'ation'ally | |
equal'is'er | |||
equ'ate | |||
equ'at'es | |||
equ'at'ing | equ'at'ing | equ'at'ing'ly | |
equ'at'ing'ness | |||
equ'at'ed |
equ'at'ed'ness |
equ'at'ed un'equat'ed |
equ'at'ed'ly |
equat'able |
equat'able equat'able'ness equat'ability |
equat'ably |
equat'ation | |||
equation'al | equation'al | equation'ally | |
equ'ator | |||
equat'orial un'equat'orial |
equat'orial |
equat'orially |
equi - |
angular = (1) - having all the angles equal. |
the entire Vocabulary - by the I D I O T S , doubtlessly . have made/mangled our learning into a lacerative logjam . |
forget about grammar , English has none, am serious & don't worry . the word'form : grammar'ly - isn't there in any Dictionary . gramm'atic'al'ly - is only there. how am I supposed to teach grammar , when am not even aware of this basic . |
see the ' law'less'ness ' with the below word'forms . God ! am really shocked at/on how exactly Shakespeare & his ilk operated with this stupendous stupidity . |
di'stinct / dis'tinct | ex'tinct | in'stinct | tinct |
di'stinct / dis'tinct di'stinct'ly / dis'tinct'ly di'stinct'ness / dis'tinct'ness |
N I L N I L N I L |
N I L N I L N I L |
N I L N I L N I L |
di'stinct'ion / dis'tinct'ion di'stinct'ion'less / dis'tinct'ion'less |
ex'tinct'ion N I L |
N I L N I L |
N I L N I L |
N I L | N I L | N I L | tinct'ure |
di'stinct'ive / dis'tinct'ive di'stinct'ively / dis'tinct'ively di'stinct'ive'ness / dis'tinct'ive'ness |
ex'tinct'ive N I L N I L |
in'stinct'ive in'stinct'ively N I L |
N I L N I L N I L |
N I L N I L |
N I L N I L |
in'stinct'ual in'stinct'ually |
N I L N I L |
N I L N I L |
N I L N I L |
tinct'orial tinct'orially |
forget about the Shakespeare . when it comes to the English & the Vocabulary , the one & only on the face of the Globe from hence'forth and that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of time . Venkatesh. V. - the lawyer & the shakeSpiker , has finally set foot on the terra firma . the Oxford , Cambridge - haven't been doing their work . and it's a waste of public money on them . Y E S - am on record . |
at long last in the History salvation - from - stupendous & stupefying stupidity S E C U R E D |
take a leisured & a learned look at the below . better be prepared to be shocked to smithereens . |
con'ceive | de'ceive | per'ceive | re'ceive |
con'ceit |
de'ceit |
N I L | re'ceipt ( re'ceipt's ) |
N I L | N I L | N I L | re'ceipt'or |
N I L | de'ceit'ful de'ceit'ful'ness de'ceit'ful'ly |
N I L | N I L |
con'ceive con'ceiv'ed con'ceiv'ing |
de'ceive de'ceiv'ed de'ceiv'ing de'ceiv'ing'ly |
per'ceive per'ceiv'ed per'ceiv'ing |
re'ceive re'ceiv'ed re'ceiv'ing |
con'ceiv'er |
de'ceiv'er |
per'ceiv'er |
re'ceiv'er re'ceiv'er'ship |
con'ceiv'able |
de'ceiv'able de'ceiv'ability de'ceive'able'ness de'ceive'ably |
per'ceive'able per'ceive'ability per'ceive'able'ness per'ceive'ably |
re'ceive'able ( re'ceive'ables ) re'ceive'ability re'ceive'able'ness |
con'cept | N I L | per'cept | re'cept |
con'cept'ion con'cept'ion'al |
de'cept'ion |
per'cept'ion per'cept'ion'al |
re'cept'ion re'cept'ion'ism |
N I L | N I L | N I L | re'cept'ion'ist |
con'cept'or | N I L | N I L | re'cept'or |
N I L | N I L | pre'cept'ress | N I L |
con'cept'acle con'cept'acular |
N I L | N I L | re'cept'acle |
N I L | N I L | per'cept'ible per'cept'ibility per'cept'ible'ness per'cept'ibly |
re'cept'ible re'cept'ibility |
con'cept'ive |
de'cept'ive |
per'cept'ive per'cept'ive'ly per'cept'ive'ity per'cept'ive'ness |
re'cept'ive re'cept'ive'ly re'cept'ive'ity re'cept'ive'ness |
con'cept'ual conr'cept'ual'ity con'cept'ual'ly con'cept'ual'ism |
N I L | per'cept'ual per'cept'ual'ly |
re'cept'ual re'cept'ual'ly |
con'cept'ual'ist | N I L | N I L | N I L |
con'cept'ual'istic con'cept'ual'ist'ically con'cept'ual'ise con'cept'ual'isation |
con'cept'ual'iser | N I L | N I L | N I L |
Roger Federer
Margaret Thatcher
am sure , not a soul on the face of the Globe . Past & Present . Yes, am on record . and that includes the Shakespeare . |
as simple as this please run the check with / on this . D A R E pick the right thing.
when they have / are fundamentally failed Us . |
when it is : English Vocabulary . Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker.com , the One & Only on the face of the Globe from hence'forth . & that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of time . and Yes, am on record . forget about : Shakespeare , Oxford , Cambridge etc - they are all U S E L E S S & am serious . |
Y E S , am addressing the Entire World , INCLUDING the so'called : Oxford , Cambridge etc |
except : Venkatesh. V - the Lawyer & the shakeSpiker not a soul on the face of the Globe . in the Past &/or in the Present . Yes, am on record . and that includes the Shakespeare . Y E S . am ready & raring for the trial . |
meanwhile , till date , you thought this as simple . please run the check with / on this . D A R E : re'examine the education you've had . |
Judiciary or Judicature ? - the World Over what are the following ? |
law / Law / Lawes / Lawson / lawyer law'abider / law'breaker / law'giver / law'maker law'hand / law'head ( ? ) / law'man / law'merchant - - - - - Judge / Judges / Judge's/ Judg'er Just'ice OR Just'icer Judge'ment''er judic'ator OR judific'ator Just'ifier |
of what Use is the Education these Schools / Colleges / Universities - the world over , when they have fundamentally failed Us . |
you can FORGIVE them all , it's the lexico'graphers - who have monkey'messed up the entire Vocabulary . |
when it is : English Vocabulary . Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker.com , the One & Only on the face of the Globe from hence'forth . & that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of time . and Yes, am on record . forget about : Shakespeare , Oxford , Cambridge etc - they are all U S E L E S S & am serious . |
just ONE SOUL - on the planet Earth both in the past & the present & or rather until the end of Time, Yes . has got the undisputed Understanding of the English Vocabulary . and am on record . Y E S . am ready & raring for the Trial . |
the deCoding - single'handedly by - Venkatesh. V. - the shakeSpiker the One & Only on the face of the Globe . - - - mean'while , what are these ? - - - ap'ply - ap'plic'ation re'ply - re'plic'ation - - - in'stall - in'stall'ation - in'stall'ment in'still - in'still'ation - in'still'ment - - - |
the massively mangled monkey mess, these lexico'graphers are responsible for . Gawd ! why wasn't this un'noticed for such great lengths of Time & History and more crucially & critically, how did the so'called Greatest - the Shakespeare operate with this scale of stupendous stupidity. am just dumb'founded . |
V e r b - ate |
N O U N - ation |
N O U N - ment |
ad'vert'ise | ad'vert''ise'ation ( ? ) | ad'vert'ise'ment |
ag'grade ag'grand'ise ag'grave'ate |
ag'grade'ation ag'grand''ise'ation ( ? ) ag'grave'ation |
ag'grade''ment ( ? ) ag'grand'ise'ment ag'grave''ment ( ? ) |
ap'point | ap'point'ation ( ? ) | ap'point'ment |
ap'ply re'ply re'plic'ate |
ap'plic'ation re'ply re'plic'ation |
ap'ply'ment (?) re'ply'ment (?) |
duplic'ate | du'plic'ation | |
de'ploy em'bay em'ploy em'joy pay |
de'ploy'ment em'bay'ment em'ploy'ment en'joy'ment pay'ment |
base basi'ate |
basia'ation |
base'ment |
deter'min'ate | deter'min'ation | NOT : deter'min'ment ( ? ) deter'ment |
docu'ment docu'ment'ate ( ? ) |
docu'ment'ation | docu'ment |
elimin'ate | elimin'ation | N I L |
com'mand com'mend |
commend'ation |
command'ment |
condone condole |
condon'ance condon'ation |
condole'ence condole'ment |
im'prove im'prov'ise |
im'provise'ation |
im'prove'ment |
in'stall install'ate ( ? ) |
in'stall'ation | in'stall'ment |
in'vest'ig'ate in'vest |
in'vest'ig'ation |
in'vest'ment |
pre'sent pre'sent'ate ( ? ) |
pre'sent'ation |
pre'sent'ment |
re'concile re'concili'ate |
re'concile'ation |
re'concile'ment |
in'stru'ment in''stru'ment'ate ( ? ) |
in'stru'ment'ation |
in'stru'ment |
eli'min'ate | eli'min'ation | N I L |
and the Competition to the shakeSpiker - stands - ELIMINATED - once & for all . & that's for the eons to come or rather until the end of Time . Y E S . forget about the I N T E L L E C T , even your I M A G I N A T I O N wouldn't reach Me . |
when it comes to : E N G L I S H |
Yes . : Venkatesh. V. the brain bravura & the shakeSpiker |
has set foot on the terra firma it took me my life'time , having been initiated to this nonsense & the nuisance when I was in VIII Std Schooling in the Year : 1980, St.Joseph's Convent High School, Adilabad, Telangana, India . |
and have since then - slowly, steadily, surely, stealthily - reached thus . |
the Supreme & of the God'status . |
pardon me for the egoistic sounding of the wordage . disClaimer : I stead'fast'ly or stead'fast'ed'ly stick to & subsist by the sensible & & I don't succumb to OR am I Sick & Suffering - from this injurious integer called EGO . |
when it comes to : E N G L I S H the question NOW is Funda'ment'al & Fin'al either it could be Me - who is the Idio't or the Entire World & Hist'ory / Histo'ry am sorry if I have hurt the sentiments BUT haven't got an option here please. what the stupendously stupidic patch'work this English Vocabulary is ! hist- / histo- = a pre'fix'al : Tissue - ory = a suf'fix'al : Place/Receptacles . - ry = a suf'fix'al : variatn of - ery : Occupation, Business, Place/Establishment etc |
the EQUATION is adequate addressed & undressed ad- = a pre'fix'al : towards . if the prefixal : ad- is doing its half'job in the Word : adequate = towards (?) sufficiency ( equal ? ) what on/with the Word : address ? my MIND & its SPIN - simply gets jammed with this . |
my Mind spins in reverse - with this English Vocabulary |
Hindi & Telugu = are no better. simple word for example paatah shaala = Lesson House paatya bodhana shalla = Lesson Teaching House vidya shaala = Education House vidya bodhanaa shaala = Education Teaching House this MUST be Stopped & Scrapped . |
pardon me for the egoistic sounding of the wordage . disClaimer : I stead'fast'ly or stead'fast'ed'ly stick to & subsist by the sensible & & I don't succumb to OR am I Sick & Suffering - from this injurious integer called EGO . |
when it comes to : E N G L I S H |
Yes . : Venkatesh. V. the brain bravura & the shakeSpiker |
& am possibly the : Law - Law'yer & Lexico - lexico'er / lexico'ist |
on English from hence'forth . Yes , am serious & on record down'load shakespiker & espy the exponential evidence , no less . |
it took me my life'time , having been initiated to this nonsense & the nuisance when I was in VIII Std Schooling in the Year : 1980, St.Joseph's Convent High School, Adilabad, Telangana, India . - - - - - and have since then - slow'ly, stead'ily, sure'ly ( and / or ) rather stealth'ily - reached thus . |
the Supreme & nothing but of the ' GOD ' status . |
pardon me for the egoistic sounding of the wordage . disClaimer : I stead'fast'ly or stead'fast'ed'ly stick to & subsist by the sensible & & I don't succumb to OR am I Sick & Suffering - from this injurious integer called EGO . |
am Sorry ! E N G L I S H |
I , Venkatesh. V. |
the brain bravura & the shake'Spik'er |
have set foot on the terra firma , long through the lacerative log'jam - called : English in ONE - piece of mind - peace of mind |
the TIME has now come for the World & the History to take a serious & a solemn - rethink - on the so'called greatest the Shake'spear'e |
wake up USA ! |
what are you exactly ? |
United States of America ? Union of States of America ? |
English Vocabulary - FUNDAMENT'ally flawed . Education / Curriculum has been & is no better either . the de'tail'ing of suffixal : -ent - eg : ubiquitous word . student - is the darned de'privation . re'Visit all of it to un'Learn & to re'learn afresh over & over again remember. the game'changer - is in the greatest grasp & grip of the affixes . |
shakespiker.com - the one & only on the face of the Globe from hence'forth . and that's for the eons to come or rather Unitl The End of Time . Yes . am on record . |
wake up Great Britain ! |
what are you exactly ? |
Great Britain ? Greater Britain ? |
English Vocabulary - FUNDAMENT'ally flawed . Education / Curriculum has been & is no better either . the de'tail'ing of suffixal : -ent - eg : ubiquitous word . student - is the darned de'privation . re'Visit all of it to un'Learn & to re'learn afresh over & over again the game'changer - is in the ( greater ? ) ( greatest ? ) grasp & grip of the affixes . |
shakespiker.com - from Greater Hyderabad . the one & only on the face of the Globe -hence'forth . and that's for the eons to come or rather Unitl The End of Time . Yes . am on record . |
a a |
a a |
a |
a |
wake up America ! |
who are you exactly ? |
an Amer'ic'an ? or an Amer'ican'er ? or an Amer'ican'ist ? nothing on the face of the Globe helps . not Even the - so-called , Ox-ford - or- Bull-ford , Cam-bridge - or - foot-bridge , Web-ster - or - shy-ster , Random-House or Regular-House, Google or Gaggle wit-wit'ness English in all its harsh / horror'ic ? horr'ific nak'ed'ness , un'dressed to its utter naked'ness by the One & Only - Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker On the Face of the Globe & History . log'on : shakespiker.com. |
am so Sorry ! English ! |
a / a- / -a / ah e / e- / -e / eh o / o- / -o / oh |
mark my words : it is a certain ha-ha , he-he , ho-ho from hence'forth Chambers, Oxford, Cambridge, Random-House, Websters with whom I grew up with. & at a gruelling grind . YOU - ALL - couldn't have made my life easier , and hence have come this far - all alone & all on my own . log'on : shakespiker.com. DARE - take the Teasers & the Tangles . and it would your turn - for the terrifyingly terrible TRUTH . |
are you going to the mark - market ? mall- mallet ? mar - mart ? man - manor ? |
to chase & purchase veg or vegs or veg'et'able or veg'et'ables nonveg or non-vegs or non-veg'et'ables |
a Nobel Prize in English Literature , a firm & a final & an utmost affirmation/confirmation for being the greatest of the IDIO-T . |
if you are speaking English - Consider your'self an IDIOT please. or rather you have been rendered an IDIOT. without you actually being aware of. shockingly un'noticed & un'arrested all through the Course of History . |
am Sorry ! No Prizes for guessing . on how the so-called the Greatest Shakespeare. operated with this scale of stupendous stupidity . |
rob - Robinette ? who ? Is he the Presider or the President of the USA ? |
if you can sensibly understand who exactly he is a robber or a rober or a Robe'son or a Robe'spierre , Robert - Roberts or Roberta or a Robe'son , Robbia or Rungiah or Messiah Robin or Robbins ? or a Robin'son , |
consider yourself the greatest of the IDIO-T . - - - an intellect OR an intellect'ive or an intellect'ual OR an intellect'ual'ist or an intellig'enc'er OR an intellig'ent - - - you can never ever be . ( & that effectively includes Venkatesh V. the shakeSpiker ) |
am Sorry on this. but am just forcing the full'some fact . |
E N G L I S H nothing BUT an historic cur-CURSE on the hum-human- humanity |
wake up ! the English World . |
the -ish in Child-ish - okay. it makes sense . the -ish in Fool-ish - good. it does its duty BUT the -ish - in ENGLISH - is - foolish & childish . dare make sense of - ( Brit - britt - British Britisher - Briton Britonish - Britain Britainish ) unless you - Be. Become. Behave - idiotish . |
Venkatesh. V. the shakeSpiker has finally arrived to rive your jive . have been through the - Hell & the Holocaust . and am here at long last. all in one P I E C E of mind & P E A C E of mind . mark my words. am here / hime - to enforce - YOU BEHAVE . |
what is your ail-ment - ail-ness ill-ness - ill-ment sick-ness - sick-ment fit-ment - fit-ness odd-ment - odd-ness |
H O W - trag-ic ? trag-ical ? trag-ical-ly ? & torment-ing ? torment-ous ? torment-al ? you have made the LIVES & the LEARNING of your LEARNERS . shockingly unnoticed & unarrested all through the Course of History . |
it has taken Watson & Crick ( double-header ? ) to crack open the DNA thereby & thus knocking right on the doors of the God . |
it NOW has taken Venkatesh. V. ( single-hander ? ) the shakeSpiker . to crack clean the crackity ? crackery ? of the English-Speeching World strip - stripp'ing / stripe - striping stark naked . of all its / it's - stupendous stupidity Cracks & Crack-Brains lexico'ers ? - nothing but quacks & their work quackery |
YOU ' ve rendered the entire History & the World , the IDIOTS . absolute IDIO't's. |
am so Sorry . you may well have to probably EXIT & possibly EXTINCT . am on record. you've been monkey messed up beyond mend - by your idiotic lexico'graphers . |
E N G L - I S H it has rendered the Entire HISTORY & the WORLD idiot-ic & idiot-ish & idio-ts . am Sorry . am being Fair & Factual . Good for the so-called Greatest : the SHAKE-SPEAR-E who could operate with this stupendous scale of stupidity & stupefying sense-less-ness & stinking shit & awe-full ass-in-in-ity . Venkatesh. V. - the SHAKE-SPIKER has the huge & humongous hesitation on this . |
if we aren't calling these so-called lexico-graphers absolute, incorrigible IDIOTS. what else they should be referred to . it a Crime let loose on the un-suspecting World / History . how on earth. is it possible to lock in one's loaf logically or sensibly. IT IS just impossible. what's the Fun & the Fuck is this all non-sense & the nuisanc for . is my Straight & Simple Question . |
N E U T E R - Nouns refers - to - T H I N G S - that have - N O GENDER rock, table, pencil, EMOTION etc |
C O M M O N - Nouns refers - to - M E M B E R S of - a species - & DONT-T specify the G E N D E R parent, friend, client, student, etc |
M A L E gender |
N E U T E R & C O M M O N gender |
F E - M A L E gender |
M A N | M A N | M A N |
N I L | N I L | W O - M A N |
an adult MALE person. as distinguished from a Boy or a Woman |
N I L | an adult FE-MALE person. |
N I L | a Member of a Species Homo Sapiens or all of the members of this species C O L L E C T I V E L Y without regard to sex. eg : pre-historic man. |
N I L | the Human Individual . as representing the species . without reference to sex the Human Race the Human-Kind eg : Man hopes for peace. but prepares for war. |
N I L |
N I L | a Human Being , a person. eg : - to give a man a chance. eg : when the audience smelled the smoke, it was every man for himself. |
a FE-MALE human being . as distinguished from a Man. |
a MALE . having qualities considered typical of Men or appropriately Masculine. eg : be a man. the army will make a man of you. |
N I L | a FEMALE . nature, characteristics feelings often attributed to women. woman-li-ness |
M A L E gender |
C O M M O N gender |
M A L E gender |
a familiar term of address to a Man . eg : Hey man. take it easy. |
a familiar term of address to a Man or Woman . a Human Being or a Person ? eg : Hey man. take it easy. |
a familiar term of address to a Woman . eg : Hey man. take it easy. |
M A L E gender |
N E U T E R gender |
F E - M A L E gender |
N I L | an EXPRESSION of EMOTION Surprise, Enthusiasm, Dismay or other Strong Feeling. eg : Man, what a ball game ! |
N I L |
a Husband . |
N I L | a Wife . |
a male Lover , a Sweet-Heart . |
N I L | a sweet-heart , a paramour , a mistress . |
aren't the 4 - i.e., ( 1 ) - lover, ( 2 ) sweet-heart, ( 3 ) - paramour, ( 4 ) - mistress - different , dear lovable lexico-graphers ? how idiotic you could get & are . am Sorry . |
a male Friend , eg : you are my important man . |
N I L | N I L |
a male Follower . eg : the heroine's men. |
N I L | N I L |
M A L E gender |
N E U T E R gender |
F E - M A L E gender |
N I L | an Enthusiast . eg : I am essentially a Jazz man. |
N I L |
N I L | - a Devotee/Fan . eg : all of the heroine's men whistled at her performance |
N I L |
a Male Sub-Ordinate . eg : he's the boss's number one man. |
N I L | N I L |
a male Employee . esp. of a company/agency eg : a Secret Service man. |
N I L | a female Employee . |
a male Representative . esp. of a company/agency eg : a man from the phone comapny. |
N I L | a female Representative |
below : who exactly is an ( 1 ) - attendant . ( 2 ) - servant ( 3 ) - valent SYNONYMS - MUST - GO . and for the same Reason. You wouldn't Find the provision for them in my deCoder when am DONE with shake-E-Spiker . would pave for - ONE WORLD - ONE HUMANS - ONE LANGUAGE . a no-non-sense Language . Until Then . Keep Assured . |
N I L | N I L | a female Attendant . |
a male Servant . | N I L | a female Servant . who cleans House, cooks etc a house-keeper. eg : the woman didn't come today and the house is all dirty & untidy |
a male Valet . - - - - valet 1. who attends to the personal needs of his employer. 2. who attends to Cleaning / Pressing / Laundering etc of a Hotel, Ship etc 3 . an attendant who Parks cars for patrons of a Hotel, Restaurant etc |
N I L | N I L |
who is S H A K E - S P E A R - E ? the greatest of all the I D I O - t - S |
am shocked beyond speech & to the smithereens - on how ex-act-ly he operated this stupendous scale of stupidity of English . ( the - ish is impossible to make sense of ) & awefull ass-in-in-ity of English-ness / English-hood / English-ment / English-ry / English-ism |
am so sorry on this . am just forcing the fulsome ? fearsome ? fiercesome ? FACT . this is : Venkatesh. V. - Lawyer . and the SHAKE-SPIKER and YES am on record . - - - for all the exponential evidence & the terr-ify-ing-ly terr-ible true-truth take : Teasers & Tangles : on the : shakespiker.com . and you wouldn't want to excuse the World of English . & for all the crass & criminal carelessness - so callously committed / piti-ably , piti-ly , piti-fying-ly . pit-eous-ly . piti-less-ly, piti-ful-ly - PERPETRATED . |
that ONE is thorough & famously familiar
with the entire Word-Forms : of the Word :
GAME / SPORT - and all of its MEANINGS .
also esp. of the non-sense/nuisance coinages like :
game ( indicates PERSON ) versus gamer ( indicates PERSON ) .
Sports & Games or
Games & Sports .
G A M E G A M E S |
game - ( noun ) - - game - ( verb ) game-ed - ( verb ) game-ing - ( verb ) - - game-er - ( ad-noun ) game-est - ( ad-noun ) game-er - ( noun ) game-ly - ( ad-verb ) |
in-game be worried on this game-in ( ? ) |
have just copied from MACMILLAN & CAMBRIDGE : AM not responsible for the stupidity/non-sense. M A C M I L L A N - D i c t i o n a r y in-game E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - done while a game is going on. SENTENCES : you can make friends & bitter rivals from your country or anywhere in the world using in the in-game chat or the forums. the expansion can be accessed through an in-game purchase once you have up-dated the game. the screen-cap function can be used anywherer in-game except the loading screens and when you are in free play mode C A M B R I D G E - D i c t i o n a r y in-game E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - done or happening when someone is playing a Computer/Video game. eg : in-game Advertising or Marketing. |
gam-in - ( noun ) gam-ine - ( noun ) |
gam-in - ( noun ) - ( MALE Gender ) P E R S O N (1) - a neglected BOY left to run about the streets, a street urchin. gam-ine - ( noun ) - ( FEMALE Gender ) P E R S O N (1) - a neglected GIRL who is left to run about the streets (2) - a dimunitive or very slender girl esp. one who is pert, impudent or playfully mischievous . |
S P O R T S P O R T S |
sports - ( ad-noun ) sport - ( noun ) - - - sporter - ( noun ) sporting-lady - ( noun ) sports-man - ( noun ) sports-woman - ( noun ) - - - sports-ster - ( noun ) - - - sports-writer - ( noun ) |
sports - ( adjective ) (THIS is not a plural remember ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - of or pertaining to a Sport/Sports. esp. of the open-air or athletic kind. eg : a sports festival. F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (2) - of Garments/Equipment etc suitable for use in open-air sports or for out-door or informal use. sport - ( noun ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - an ATHLETIC activity requiring skill or physical prowess. and often of a competitive nature, as - Racing . Base-Ball . Tennis . Golf . Bowling . Wrestling . Boxing . Hunting . Fishing etc of/pertaining to/ used in sports or a particular sport. (2) - a particular form of this. esp. in the out of doors. suitable for out-door or informal wear to engage in some open-air or atheltic pasttime, sport. eg : sport clothes. (3) - diversion/recreation/pleasant past-time. to amuse one-self with some pleasant pasttime or recreation. F u n c t i o n - M O U T H (1) - jest, fun, mirth, pleasantry. eg : what he said in sport was taken seriously. (2) - mockery, ridicule, derision. to mock, scoff, or tease. eg : they made sport of him. to sport at sub-urban life. F u n c t i o n - H A N D - figurative (1) - to spend or sqander lightly, recklessly. eg : to sport away valuable time . P E R S O N (1) - any Object of derision, laughing stock. eg : N I L (2) - someone subject to to the whims or vicissitudes of Fate/Circumstances etc eg : N I L (3) - a sports-man . (4) - a person who behaves in a sports-man-like, fair or admirable manner an accomodating person. eg : he was a sport and took his defeat well. (5) - a person who is interested in sports as an occasion for gambling. a gambler. (6) - a flashy person. one who wears showy clothes, affects smart manners, pursues pleasurable past-times or the like a bon vivant. E M O T I O N (1) - to trifle or treat lightly. eg : to sport with another's emotions. - - - T H I N G (1) - something treated lightly or tossed about like a play-thing. (2) - some-thing subject to to the whims or vicissitudes of Fate/Circumstances etc eg : N I L B I O L O G Y (1) - an ORGANISM or part that shows an un-usual or singular deviation from the normal or parent type. mutation . sporter - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person that sports, as a participant in a sport. sporting lady - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a prostitute . sports-man - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a MAN who engages in Sports. esp. in some open-air sport, as Hunting/Fishing/Racing et (2) - a person who exhibits qualities especially esteemed in those who engage in Sports, as fair-ness, courtesy, good temper etc sports-woman - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a WOMAN who engages in Sports. sports-ster - ( noun ) F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a Sports Car. sports-writer - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a journalist who reports on Sports/Sporting Events. |
sportive - ( adjective ) sportable - ( adjective ) - - - sport-ive-ness - ( NOUN ) COMPARE sport-i-ness - ( NOUN ) |
sportive - ( adjective ) E M O T I O N (1) - play-ful or frolic-some, jesting, jacoose or merry. eg : a sportive person. (2) - done in sport, rather than in earnest. eg : a sportive show of affection. E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - pertaining to / or of the nature of a Sport/Sports. B I O L O G Y (1) - mutative. |
sport-y - ( ad-NOUN ) sport-ily - ( ad-VERB ) - - - sport-i-ness - ( NOUN ) COMPARE sport-ive-ness - ( NOUN ) |
sport-y - ( ad-NOUN ) sport-ily - ( ad-VERB ) sport-ness ? - ( NOUN ) be worried & warned on this word-form . sport-i-ness - ( NOUN ) sport-ive-ness - ( NOUN ) F u n c t i o n - E Y E (1) - flashy, showy. (2) - smart in Dress/Behaviour etc E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - like or befitting a sportsman. (2) - designed for or suitable for Sport . F u n c t i o n - L E G (4) - dissipated, fast. eg : a sporty crowd. |
sport car / sports car F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a SMALL, high-powered auto-mobile with long, low lines usually seating 2 persons. - - - sports-cast E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Radio / TV (1) - a Radio / Television program consisting of Sports News or of a running Description of a Sports Event sports-casting (1) - the Reporting of a Sports Event by Radio/Television broad-cast. (2) - the Occupation/Job of a sports-caster . sports-caster P E R S O N (1) - a person who does sports-casting. - - - sporting chance E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Events/Sports/Games (1) - an EVENT of fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning a game of chance or in any kind of contest. eg : they gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts . sporting dog A N I M A L S (1) - one of any of several breeds of usually large dogs especially suited by size and training for hunting by pointing, flushing & retrieving Game and including the pointers, settlers, retrievers & spaniels. sports-dom R O O F ' e d - figurative (1) - the WORLD of professional & amateur competitive sports. - - - sport fish F O O D & B E V E R A G E S (1) - a Type of Fish that is prized for the sport it gives the angler in its capture than for its value as food. sport fishing E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - Fishing with a Rod & Reel for SPORT esp. for salt-water sport fish from a motor-boat. sport-fisher-man F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a MOTOR-BOAT fitted out for sport-fishing. - - - sporting house R O O F ' e d (1) - a Brothel. (2) - an Establishment, as a Tavern, Inn or the like catering to gamblers/sportsmen. sports-jacket F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - a jacket. often textured wool or colorful pattern with a collar, lapels, long sleeves and buttons in the front, cut somewhat fuller than the jacket of a business suit, worn with slacks for informal occasions. sports-medicine M E D I C I N E - branches (1) - a FIELD of MEDICINE concerned with the functioning of the Human Body during physical activity and with the prevention/treatment of athletic Injuries. sport one's oak R E A M British English of a University Student (1) - to indicate that one is not at home to visitors by closing the outer door of one's lodgings . sport-shirt / sports-shirt F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - a long or short sleeved Soft SHIRT for informal wear by men having a squared-off shirt-tail that may be left out-side the trousers, usually worn without a tie. sports-wear F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - Clothing designed for wear while playing Golf / Tennis / Hiking / BiCycling / Jogging etc active-wear. (2) - Men's & Women's Clothing consisting of separate peices, as Jackets/Trousers/Sweaters/Skirts/Shirts that are casually styled and can be worn singly or in various combinations for Business and informal activity. |
N O T E S : by your shakeSpiker ,
be prepared to shocked out of your senses .
and to the smithereens .
G A M E G A M E S |
S P O R T S P O R T S |
NOW - if you don't see these side by side : you would never get the Idea of Idio-cy / Idio-try/ Idio-ity . here is what . |
N I L |
sports - ( A D-N O U N or AD-JECT-IVE ) (THIS is not a - P L U R A L - remember ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - of or pertaining to a Sport/Sports. esp. of the open-air or athletic kind. eg : a sports festival. F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (2) - of Garments/Equipment etc suitable for use in open-air sports or for out-door or informal use. |
games - ( P L U R A L ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports The noun game can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be game. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be games example - in reference to various types of games or a collection of games. |
sports - ( P L U R A L )
game - ( N O U N ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - an amusement or past-time. eg : children's games. |
sport - ( N O U N ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - diversion/recreation/pleasant past-time. to amuse one-self with some pleasant pasttime or recreation. |
N I L |
sport - ( N O U N ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - an ATHLETIC activity requiring skill or physical prowess. and often of a competitive nature, as - Racing . Base-Ball . Tennis . Golf . Bowling . Wrestling . Boxing . Hunting . Fishing etc of/pertaining to/ used in sports or a particular sport. |
game - ( N O U N ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - the number of points required to win a game. eg : N I L |
N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Games/Sports (1) - a particular form of this. esp. in the out of doors. suitable for out-door or informal wear to engage in some open-air or atheltic pasttime, sport. eg : sport clothes. |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - H A N D (1) - a competitive activity involving skill, chance or endurance on the part of 2 or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usualy for their own amusement or for that of spectators. eg : N I L |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - H A N D (2) - a single occasion of such an activity, or a definte portion of one. eg : the final game of the season, a rubber of three games at bridge. |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - H A N D (3) - any Object of pursuit, attack, etc. eg : the rhinoceros have become the latest game for poachers for their valued skin & scent. |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - H A N D (4) - a Business / a Profession. eg : he is in the real-estate game. |
N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - H A N D - figurative (1) - to spend or sqander lightly, recklessly. eg : to sport away valuable time . |
game - ( N O U N ) R E S E M B L A N C E (5) - anything resembling a game. as in requiring skill, endurance or adherence to rules. eg : the game of diplomancy . |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (3) - any Object of (a) - pursuit , (b) - attack , (c) - abuse . (remember this is abuse/not amuse) etc . ( what are these etc. dear lexico-graphers ? ) eg : the new boy at school seemd to be fair game for practical jokes. the new student was a game when it came to make fun at. |
N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (1) - any Object of (a) - derision or mockery or laughing stock . eg : N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (2) - someone subject to to the whims or vicissitudes of Fate/Circumstances etc eg : N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (3) - a sports-man . |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (4) - a person who behaves in a sports-man-like, fair or admirable manner an accomodating person. eg : he was a sport and took his defeat well. |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (5) - a person who is interested in sports as an occasion for gambling. a gambler. |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) P E R S O N (6) - a flashy person. one who wears showy clothes, affects smart manners, pursues pleasurable past-times or the like a bon vivant. |
game-er - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who plays games. |
sporter - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person that sports, as a participant in a sport. |
N I L | - - - sports-cast E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Radio / TV (1) - a Radio / Television program consisting of Sports News or of a running Description of a Sports Event sports-casting (1) - the Reporting of a Sports Event by Radio/Television broad-cast. (2) - the Occupation/Job of a sports-caster . sports-caster P E R S O N (1) - a person who does sports-casting. - - - |
gam-in - ( noun ) ( MALE Gender ) P E R S O N (1) - a neglected BOY left to run about the streets, a street urchin. gam-ine - ( noun ) ( FEMALE Gender ) P E R S O N (1) - a neglected GIRL who is left to run about the streets (2) - a dimunitive or very slender girl esp. one who is pert, impudent or Playfully mischievous . |
N I L |
game-keeper - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person employed as on an Estate/Game Reserve to prevent poaching and to provide a natural environment conducive to the propagation of game, as by thinning brush, scattering food after a snow-storm, and the like |
N I L |
N I L | sporting lady - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a prostitute . |
Game-Master - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who controls a role-playing game. ( what is this, dear lexico-graphers ?) role-playing : (1) - a Method of Instruction or psycho-therapy aimed at changing Attitudes/Behaviour in which participants act out designated roles relevant to real-life situation. (2) - the modifying of a person's behaviour to accord with a desired personal image, as to impress others or conform to a particular environment. |
N I L |
games-man - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a person who is skilled at manipulating events and circumstances to gain or maintain personal advantage. esp. in Business/Politics. (2) - a person who enjoys playing games of skill . |
sports-man - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a MAN who engages in Sports. esp. in some open-air sport, as Hunting/Fishing/Racing et (2) - a person who exhibits qualities especially esteemed in those who engage in Sports, as fair-ness, courtesy, good temper etc |
N I L | - - - sport fish F O O D & B E V E R A G E S (1) - a Type of Fish that is prized for the sport it gives the angler in its capture than for its value as food. sport fishing E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - Fishing with a Rod & Reel for SPORT esp. for salt-water sport fish from a motor-boat. sport-fisher-man F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a MOTOR-BOAT fitted out for sport-fishing. - - - sports-ster - ( noun ) F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a Sports Car. sport car / sports car F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a SMALL, high-powered auto-mobile with long, low lines usually seating 2 persons. |
N I L | sports-woman - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a WOMAN who engages in Sports. |
game-ster - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a gambler. ( be Worried Here : it is a gambler here.) to play a game of chance - FOR - money or other stakes. |
sport-ster - ( noun ) F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a Sports Car. ( be worried here : it is a Car here.) THAT's the stupendous STUPIDITY & the nauseating non-sense of the lexico-graphers. |
N I L |
sport-fisher-man F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a MOTOR-BOAT fitted out for sport-fishing. sport car / sports car F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a SMALL, high-powered auto-mobile with long, low lines usually seating 2 persons. |
game-warden - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a Public Official who enforces game laws. |
N I L |
N I L | sports-writer - ( noun ) P E R S O N (1) - a journalist who reports on Sports/Sporting Events. |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M I N D (1) - a trick or strategy. eg : to see through someone's game. |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M O U T H (1) - fun, sport of any kind, joke. eg : that's about enough of your games. |
sport - ( N O U N ) F u n c t i o n - M O U T H (1) - jest, fun, mirth, pleasantry. eg : what he said in sport was taken seriously. (2) - mockery, ridicule, derision. to mock, scoff, or tease. eg : they made sport of him. to sport at sub-urban life. |
game - ( N O U N ) E M O T I O N (1) -required Spirit/Courage/Will having a fighting spirit. plucky. eg : who's game for a hike through the woods ? |
N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) E M O T I O N (1) - to trifle or treat lightly. eg : to sport with another's emotions. |
game - ( N O U N ) F O O D & B E V E R A G E S (1) - Wild Animals, including Birds/Fishes such as are hunted for food or taken for sport or profit. (2) - the FLESH of such wild animals or other game, used as food. eg : a dish of game. |
N I L |
game - ( N O U N ) T H I N G (2) - the MATERIAL or EQUIPMENT used in playing certain games. eg : a store selling toys & games. |
N I L |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) T H I N G (1) - something treated lightly or tossed about like a play-thing. |
N I L | sport - ( N O U N ) T H I N G (2) - some-thing subject to to the whims or vicissitudes of Fate/Circumstances etc eg : N I L |
game - ( noun ) M E D I C I N E - dis-ability (1) - lame . crippled or physically disabled esp. in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty. |
N I L |
N I L |
sport - ( noun ) |
N I L | sport car / sports car F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a SMALL, high-powered auto-mobile with long, low lines usually seating 2 persons. |
N I L | sporting chance E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Events/Sports/Games (1) - an EVENT of fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning a game of chance or in any kind of contest. eg : they gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts . |
N I L | sporting dog A N I M A L S (1) - one of any of several breeds of usually large dogs especially suited by size and training for hunting by pointing, flushing & retrieving Game and including the pointers, settlers, retrievers & spaniels. |
N I L | sports-dom R O O F ' e d - figurative (1) - the WORLD of professional & amateur competitive sports. |
N I L | - - - sport fish F O O D & B E V E R A G E S (1) - a Type of Fish that is prized for the sport it gives the angler in its capture than for its value as food. sport fishing E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - Fishing with a Rod & Reel for SPORT esp. for salt-water sport fish from a motor-boat. sport-fisher-man F u n c t i o n - L E G - locos (1) - a MOTOR-BOAT fitted out for sport-fishing. - - - |
N I L | sporting house R O O F ' e d (1) - a Brothel. (2) - an Establishment, as a Tavern, Inn or the like catering to gamblers/sportsmen. |
N I L | sports-jacket F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - a jacket. often textured wool or colorful pattern with a collar, lapels, long sleeves and buttons in the front, cut somewhat fuller than the jacket of a business suit, worn with slacks for informal occasions. |
N I L | sports-medicine M E D I C I N E - branches (1) - a FIELD of MEDICINE concerned with the functioning of the Human Body during physical activity and with the prevention/treatment of athletic Injuries. |
N I L | sport one's oak R E A M British English of a University Student (1) - to indicate that one is not at home to visitors by closing the outer door of one's lodgings . |
N I L | sport-shirt / sports-shirt F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - a long or short sleeved Soft SHIRT for informal wear by men having a squared-off shirt-tail that may be left out-side the trousers, usually worn without a tie. |
N I L | sports-wear F u n c t i o n - B O D Y - wear (1) - Clothing designed for wear while playing Golf / Tennis / Hiking / BiCycling / Jogging etc active-wear. (2) - Men's & Women's Clothing consisting of separate peices, as Jackets/Trousers/ Sweaters/Skirts/Shirts that are casually styled and can be worn singly or in various combinations for Business and informal activity. |
( ad-VERB ) g a m e - l y |
( ad-VERB ) s p o r t - i l y N O T s p o r t - l y |
N I L | sport-y - ( ad-NOUN ) sport-ily - ( ad-VERB ) sport-ness ? - ( NOUN ) be worried & warned on this word-form . sport-i-ness - ( NOUN ) sport-ive-ness - ( NOUN ) |
N I L |
sport-ily - ( adjective ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - like or befitting a sportsman. (2) - designed for or suitable for Sport . sportive - ( adjective ) E N T E R T A I N M E N T - Sports/Games (1) - pertaining to / or of the nature of a Sport/Sports. |
N I L | sport-ily - ( adjective ) F u n c t i o n - E Y E (1) - flashy, showy. (2) - smart in Dress/Behaviour etc |
N I L | sport-ily - ( adjective ) F u n c t i o n - L E G (4) - dissipated, fast. eg : a sporty crowd. |
game-ly - ( ad-verb ) E M O T I O N (1) - in a game or plucky manner. eg : they struggled through the difficult times gamely. |
N I L |
N I L | sportive - ( adjective ) E M O T I O N (1) - play-ful or frolic-some, jesting, jacoose or merry. eg : a sportive person. |
N I L | sportive - ( adjective ) E M O T I O N (2) - done in sport, rather than in earnest. eg : a sportive show of affection. |
N I L | sportive - ( adjective ) B I O L O G Y (1) - mutative. |
who / what are these O X F O R D C A M B R I D GE et al. - ( what is this word-form ? ) et cetera - ( ad-verb etcetera - ( noun ) etceteras - ( plural ) how on this - lovable lexico-ers etceterae : you have flora florae for company . |
they are all : U S E - L E S S instead all of them : were just : sitting on their ass'es . ( gland-glands ) sitting on their hand'es . ( glans-glandes ) DOING NOTHING - all through the course of history . |
the entire History & the World been rendered IDIOTIC by the ENGLISH . |
this is Venkatesh. V. - Lawyer & the shakeSpiker . and YES. am on record . |
if we aren't calling these lexico-graphers and the very evolution of English - IDIOTIC what else this should be referred to. |
eternity - ( noun ) |
infinity - ( noun ) |
M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - infinite TIME , infinite DURATION , without Begininig or End. endless or seemingly endless Period of TIME . |
M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - the QUALITY or STATE of being infinite. (2) - SOMETHING that is infinite. (3) - infinite SPACE , TIME , QUANTITY . (4) -infinite DISTANCE or an infintely DISTANT part of SPACE . (5) - an infinite EXTENT , AMOUNT , NUMBER . (6) - an infinitely great AMOUNT or NUMBER . M A T H S : the assumed LIMIT of a SEQUENCE, SERIES etc |
E X I S T E N C E (2) - the Eternal EXISTENCE as contrasted with Mortal Life . |
N I L |
T H E O L O G Y (3) - the time-less STATE into which the SOUL passes at a person's death. |
N I L |
eternities - ( noun plural ) |
infinities - ( noun plural ) |
E X I S T E N C E (1) - the TRUTH or REALITIES of LIFE & THOUGHT that are regarded as Time-less or Eternal. |
M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - an infinity of combinations. |
eternality - ( noun ) - - - - - eternal - ( noun ) - ( adnoun ) |
intfinite-ness - ( noun ) - - - - - infinite - ( noun ) - ( adnoun ) fin-ite-ness - ( noun ) fin-ite - ( noun ) - ( adnoun ) |
eternal M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - without Beginning or End . (2) - lasting for-ever , always existing . opposed to temporal eg : eternal life. (3) - perpetual , ceaseless , endless . eg : eternal quarelling. eternal chatter. (4) - enduring , immutable . eg : eternal principles. |
infinite |
M E T A P H Y S I C S (5) - existing outside all relations of time. not subject to change. |
N I L |
N I L | in-fin-it-ive - ( noun ) - ( adnoun ) in-fin-it-ive-al - ( adnoun ) |
N I L | in-fin-it-ive - ( noun ) F u n c t i o n - M O U T H - languages G R A M M A R (1) - a VERB form found in many languages that FUNCTIONS as a NOUN or is used with auxillary verbs and that names the Action / State without specifying the subject. as French venir : to come Latin esse : to be fuisse : to have been . (2) - In English . the simple or basic form of the VERB as COME, TAKE, EAT, BE used after auxillary VERBS as in : I didn't come . He must be . or this Simple Form preceded by a function word as to in I want to eat . in-fin-it-ive-al - ( adnoun ) G R A M M A R of or pertaining to the infinitive. |
the eternal - ( noun ) |
the infinite - ( noun ) the infinite being - ( noun ) |
T H E O L O G Y (5) - the God . |
T H E O L O G Y (1) - the God . |
eternisation - ( noun ) eternise - ( verb ) |
in-fin-it-isation - ( noun ) in-fin-it-ise - ( verb ) |
M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - to make eternal. to perpetuate. (2) - to immortalise . |
F u n c t i o n - H A N D - figurative (1) - to free from Limitations of Space Time Circumstances etc |
N I L | in-fin-ite-sim-al - ( noun ) - ( ad-noun ) in-fin-ite-sim-al-ity - ( noun ) in-fin-ite-sim-al-ness - ( noun ) |
N I L | M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - indefinitely or exceedinlgy SMALL . MINUTE . eg : infinitesimal vessels in the circulatory system. (2) - immeasurably SMALL . less than an assignable quantity. eg : to an infinitesimal degree. (3) - an infinitesimal QUANTITY . |
N I L | in-fin-it-ude - ( noun ) fin-it-ude - ( noun ) |
N I L | in-fin-it-ude - ( noun ) M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - infinity eg : divine infinitude. (2) - an infinite EXTENT, AMOUNT or NUMBER . fin-it-ude - ( noun ) M A T H E M A T I C S (1) - the QUALITY or STATE of being finite. |
am So Sorry ENGLISH . |
YOU may well ( we'll ) have to or YOU must . E X I T & E X T I N C T |
This is : Venkatesh. V . BA ( Eng. Lit. ) , LL.B. lawyer & the shakeSpiker . and a top Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rung-iah. MS ( Gen ) ( ortho ) ( neuro ) ( mess-iah ? ) ( mash-giah ? ) - Run-giah . |
and YES - am on RECORD . |
Engl-ISH - am So Sorry . you've made my LIFE & the EDUCATION h e l l - i s h am Venkatesh. V. the lawyer & the shakeSpiker . and a top-Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rung-iah MS ( Gen ) ( Ortho ) ( Cranio ) after a long & a lacerative last . am - H E R E & YOU there - right in the - H E L L |
the WORLD will see a New Sensible Order. damn with the - DEMO-CRACY . am Venkatesh. V. the lawyer & the shakeSpiker . and a top-Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rung-iah MS ( Gen ) ( Ortho ) ( Cranio ) |
if Y O U are speech-ing Engl-ISH am So Sorry - ( ad-noun-al ? ) Worried - ( ad-noun-al ? ) : lore - lory ? - lorry ? - Lorr-ie ? c o n - S I D E - e r your-self an abSOLUTE-ed ? idio-t . excuse / exonerate yourself. ex-probate & ex-ecute these lexico-ers. lexicos ? ( medicos ) for having rendered the en-tire History & the World - in-corrig-ibly idio-tic. am : Venkatesh. V. ( Lorr-ie . Laur-ie . laurence . Lawrence ) Lawyer & the shakeSpiker . and a top Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rung-iah . operater ? surgerist ? MS ( Gen ) ( Ortho ) ( Cranio- ? ) am on reCaRD . ( & rare-ing for the rigours ) what are these : morn-ing - morning(s) noon-ing - nooning(s) ? even-ing - evening(s) the WORLD would well whip-lash these idiot lexicoers naked. and ain't amn't SORRied or WORRied for them. |
with the : Engl-ISH - - - - - you NEVER ( ever ewer newer ) KNOW WHICH . WHERE exactly the MOUTH is. WHICH . WHERE exactly the ANUS is. - - - - - con-SEQUENT-ly from where exactly are we EATing from . is eating ALSO = ( increment ? increta ? ) and from exactly are we : exCRETing . ( excrement ? excreta ? ) ENGLish : Y U C K ! it's LIKE doing BOTH things from BOTH ends. dare take this test : con-sieve - concept . ( pregnancy ? ) concept - concept . ( pregnancy ? ) con-ceive - conception . ( pregnancy ? ) contra-conception ? contra-ception ? contra-ceptive ? contra-conceptive ? - - - break this non-sense if you can - - - experts pooled their talents to CONCEIVE the new car . experts pooled their talent to CONCEPT the new car . the WORLD would Certainly whip-lash these idiot lexicoers naked. and ain't amn't SORRied or WORRied for them. YOU AREN'T supposed to be this IDIO-tic . Care-Less. Mind-Less. |
the British or UK or UK's P M - Mr. Rishi Sunak. the i d i o t . am Sorry on this. BUT this if the FACT . |
in his first ? address as UK's Prime ( primal ? chief ? ) Minster. he read : right now ? our Country ( Nation ? ) if facing ( under-going ? ) a profound ? economic CRISIS. refer : shakespiker.com . for the in-TIMID-ating evidence. |
either - ether- ither the enTYRE History & the World . the ab-SOLUTE-ed ( idiot-ised ) - I D I O - t s . or - are - r it is me. VENKATESH. V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker and a top Surgeon's Son . Dr. Rangiah. MS ( Gen. ) ( ortho- ) ( cranio- ) the effect-ive/-ual & a pathological ? ee-d-yet ( per-/per . peri-/peri ) p e e ' r e ' e d ! ( per-iod - per eye ode ) ( peri-od - peri-odd ) |
am Sorry English. enough of your non-sense . am here to SHOW & SEND you : EXIT . EXITANCE. & EXTINCTION. log on . shakespiker.com for all the exponential evidence marshalled single-handedly by : Venkatesh. V . Lawyer . AND YES . am very much on record . |
who the IDIOT it was WASH-ing-ton D.C . ( District ) BATHE-ing-ghat G.C . ( Ghetto ) 10. SIDE-ing-Street . if ONLY you reduce ( red-use ) your-self to an effective & an ab-SOLUTE-ed i d i o t . can you be able to Reed. Reasun. Remember ENGLish . |
either - ether- ither the enTYRE History & the World . the ab-SOLUTE-ed ( idiot-ised ) - I D I O - t s . OR it is me. VENKATESH. V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker and a top Surgeon's Son . Dr. Rangiah. MS ( Gen. ) ( ortho- ) ( cranio- ) the effect-ive/-ual & a pathological ? ee-d-yet ( per-/per . peri-/peri ) p e e ' r e ' e d ! ( per-iod - per eye ode ) ( peri-od - peri-odd ) |
am Sorry English. enough of your non-sense . am here to SHOW & SEND you : EXIT . EXITANCE. & EXTINCTION. log on . shakespiker.com for all the exponential evidence marshalled single-handedly by : Venkatesh. V . Lawyer . AND YES . am very much on record . |
if YOU are speak-ISH Engl-ISH . you NEVER Know. from Where you are Eating & Excreting . What & Where exactly the Mouth is & the Anus is. yuck ! it's like doing BOTH things from BOTH ends. am Sorry. BUT this is the REAL-ITY / real-TY ? . |
ad-Noun |
N O U N inter-jection |
V e r b |
ad-Verb |
- ly lovely |
- ly lovely |
sup-ly ? | - ly lovely |
- ish eg : engl-ish angu-ish - e d |
- ish eg : Engl-ish angu-ish |
- ish eg : engl-ish angu-ish |
- ish & - ish-ly eg : sharp-ish sharp-ly sharp-ish-ly ? |
( inter-jection ) eg : pish ! |
ALL of the following are Nouns & indicate PERSONS . |
enough of the non-sense. am Sorry English. am here to show & send you the EXIT & EXTINCTION. |
for the FIRST & the FINAL time ( see - sea & son - season - season-al ) vagin-al pen-al pen-ial pen-ile pens-ile ? in the HISTORY of the ENGLISH-speech-ing World |
either - ether- ither the enTYRE History & the World . the ab-SOLUTE-ed ( idiot-ised ) - I D I O - t s . or - are - r it is me. VENKATESH. V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker and a top Surgeon's Son . Dr. Rangiah. MS ( Gen. ) ( ortho- ) ( cranio- ) the effect-ive/-ual & a pathological ? ee-d-yet ( per-/per . peri-/peri ) p e e ' r e ' e d ! ( per-iod - per eye ode ) ( peri-od - peri-odd ) |
am Sorry English. enough of your non-sense . am here to SHOW & SEND you : EXIT . EXITANCE. & EXTINCTION. log on . shakespiker.com for all the exponential evidence marshalled single-handedly by : Venkatesh. V . Lawyer . AND YES . am very much on record . |
am so Sorried ENGLISH . I have to . - - - - - with Venkatesh . V . BA ( Eng.Litt. ) LL.B. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker. and a top Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rungaiah . MS ( Gen. ) ( Ortho- ) ( Cranio- ) Civil Surgeon. Surgical Specialist . after having been through the Hell & the Holocaust . setting foot & afoot on the terra firma . at the rescue & re-habilit-MENT of the entire 1-5 + billion . English-Speech-ing populace / population on the Globe . ( popul-ar. popul-ate ? celib-ate ? magn-ate ? popul-er. popul-erist . populist populister ) ( popul-ation ? popul-ment ? popul-mentation ? manage-ation . manage-ment ) YOU've rendered the entire History & the World. ab-SOLUTE-ed idiots . just ONE SOUL which stub-BORN-ly refused to be. am Venkatesh. V. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker. & am very much on record. on what the PUBLICK would easily be upto . am Sorry. am damn sure there . happy ha-ha . |
ENGLISH - the idiots if only YOU ( one ) reDUCEes ( one(r)-self ) YOUR-self to an ab-SOLUTE-ed idio-cy / idot-ry . can YOU be able to - Read. Reason. reMEMBER the same . |
NOT JUST the idiots. ( Edea . idea ) in-CORRIG-ible idiots in-CORRECT-able / im-CORRECT-ible . im-PAIR-ed beYOND re-PAIR & des-PAIR-ing . am Sorry. am JUST forcing the ful-some FACT . ( Aman / a-woman ? ) Amen. ( See-Men. Sea-Men. Semen. Siemen ) |
just ONE SOUL - in the hist-ory / histo-ry . which stub-BORN-ly re-FUSE-ed to be THE ee-d-at. |
( eSQUIRE & fourSQUARE ) am Esqr. Venkatesh . V . BA ( Eng.Litt. ) LL.B. Lawyer & the shakeSpiker. and a top Surgeon's Son : Dr. Rungaiah . MS ( Gen. ) ( Ortho- ) ( Cranio- ) Civil Surgeon. Surgical Specialist . |
AM on reCORD. VERY MUCH on reCARD. |
this be kindly viewed on Screen'Sizes : from 14 inches or onwards
BEFORE we are done with the CODE that allows the sitting in of this on all ScreenSizes.
allow Us a fortnight to a month more for this Code'Construction please.
Dear Subscriber !
this Vocabulary'Application - titled ssdd' ( shakeSpiker Dad & Daughters ) - upto a crucial/critical point, brought to stage/ brought on stage - for your Usage.
Not Complete in the conventional sense, i.e., A -to- Z words completion - but largely done on the affixes which would keep you Occupied for a year or two.
give YOURSELF the first & thus the fundamental & therefore foundational, I repeat, foundational - 6+ months of TIME
in getting intensely FAMILIAR with WORDS - by - their affixes - i.e., suffix'es - first , prefix'es - next - and the rest force'follows on its own
you've a very powerful provisioning of convenience ( asserts the massive intellectual capacity of the shakeSpiker Dad ) in this ssdd application.
the crucial anchorage is thus endowed which enables you to RECOGNISE every & any ' W O R D ' well & truly.
words that you should start with-
( 1 ) academy ( 2 ) institute ( 3 ) pen
( 4 ) school ( 5 ) college ( 6 ) book
( 7 ) university ( 8 ) education
( 9 ) science ( 10 ) engineering
( 11 ) technology ( 12 ) test
( 13 ) history ( 14 ) confidence
( 15 ) bus ( 16 ) syn ( 17 ) spur
( 18 ) bur ( 19 ) cur ( 20 ) fur
( 21 ) cow / coward ( 22 ) character
( 23 ) bomb / bombard ( 24 ) commo
( 25 ) corona ( 26 ) novel ( 27 ) Trump
( 28 ) ambulance ( 29 ) emergency
- - - - - - - -
r e c o m m e n d e d
PC & Inter'Net'speed
for LapTops, prefer external mouse.
except for 25% , work on A F' F I X E S almost over, this should keep you critcally occupied for a year or two .
I would square this, the remaining 25%, possibly by Oct'End .
as mastering the Suffixes/Prefixes/Infixes is the first & thus the fundamental foot'forward ,
be prepared for the long haul though, please. This is English , absolute sense'less'ness.
there is nothing absolutely like 'Rapid Vocabulary Builder' 'Instant Vocabulary Builder' PainLess Vocabulary Builder', etc etc
IT'S all a blatant Lie . Learning English is a very painful Business , pain right there in the ass. am sorry for the choice of word. But that's the Truth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I already have everything worked & fed into my Personal Computer - on MS'Word, since April-1998, when I purchased my PC.
before the purchase of PC, & since my IX school standard, it was all on papers, which ran into an whopping 300,000+ pages .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
do see the DEMO VIDEO on the web'site frequently, as I would be bringing it up to date.
but before that : how you should be understanding the word'series concept - in Red / Blue / Black colors.
both these Red & Blue listed words - are a trouble'some, insensible area to struggle with, effectively throwing you out of gear & dis'oriented
open the word : Pen or Test & take a studied look - Pen+es (a plural ending) Test+es-(a plural ending) takes you off the tangent - and lands you at a funny place.
also the word : syn - syn+drome - wow, how could the likes of shakespeare even/ever not notice this & put an effective brake/halt to all this . . . . .
on SYNONYMS : you wouldn't find them anywhere now. keep your fingers crossed, by a brilliant stroke of innovation, intelligence, they shall take their place.
educ-ATE-ing - the - EDUC-ATION
the very es-SENSE . es-SENT-ial of .
this is the -World's Most Power-FULL
educ-ation-AL ? - en-SEMBLE-er .
educ-ation-ER ? - en-SEMBLE-er .
( F R O M - 5th Standard - to - Ph. D )
in-SPIRE-ed by
Q-News MD .
Ch. Venkatesh Sir
to help en-DOW the under-privy-LEG-ED ( privi-ledged )
ALL a-LONG the en-tyre Leng-th & Bread-th of
the STATE of Telangana
SOLE ( ఏకైక ) Media Part-ner UN-TILL - 2 0 3 1 .
dis-COUNT-ed Price : Rs : 25.000 &
it's for : 5 years - ( & YES. it's trans-fer-able )
( Origin-AL P R I C E : Rs : 75.000 x 1 year )
G R A B - This Be-fore it - G O E S .
G R A B - This Be-fore its - G O N E .
- - - - -
THIS price isn't LEG-al-ly ob-LIG-atory on US .
MAY in-CREASE three-fold or four-fold .
- - - - -
a month-back 100 copies @ Rs: 10.000 for 5 years.
were sold out in just about half-an-hour .
BE Worry-ied ( sorry-ied ? ) & Warn-ed - ABOUT
allow us - 48 hrs - after the payment to en-able your ac-cess .